Chapter 735: Hurt the City

"Someone wants to go to the ancient ruins. Saya has come to my doorstep. She is such a pitiful weak woman."

There is still a lazy atmosphere in the manor's living room. The days of hard work opening stores and starting businesses are gone forever. They have transformed into evil capital bosses, squeezing him, the only designated employee, and seizing large sums of private funds.

Celia squeezed Shaqima happily, blinked, stood up, took out a video recorder from the drawer, and pushed it on the kotatsu table.

The meaning was self-evident. She didn't really want to go, but she wanted to see it.

If it's recorded well, it might even be played as a movie.

"You keep eating, you must be fat again~"

He stretched out his hand to lift his clothes and rubbed Celia's belly. There was no obvious fat, and it was smooth and soft.

"I'm not fat. Two ounces is not considered fat. I probably drank half a glass of water."

Her cheeks were slightly red and she made some quibbles, then secretly pushed another plate of pastries towards Tana.

Not so with Sophie, she likes to eat meat.

"Snacks should be limited, but you can eat more fruits..." Ye Lin said as he walked into the kitchen. A few minutes later, he placed a plate of cut pineapple on the table between Tana and Celia.

Tana rolled her eyes at him hard and pushed the plate to Celia, who usually sat on his face.


It's midwinter and the still water freezes.

He-Man was wrapped like a rice dumpling, wearing thick underwear, a small cotton-padded jacket and a coat, with his twin tails in his pockets and his little pet Colin nestled in his hood.

Feng Ying calmed down and slashed through the camouflage arrangement she had made to hide the entrance with a sword of Shuang Han.

An air combat machine floats steadily in the air, projecting light while also recording ancient ruins and buildings.

"By the way, you have to be careful." Feng Ying remembered something and reminded: "Although this place is not fatal to our strength, it is still quite weird."

The entrance to the ancient ruins is a deep hole, like a deep patio. This hole is not natural. It was blasted out by Jige more than 400 years ago.

He-Man was weak, so he jumped in after being held up by the curator's arm, and howled a high note in shock.

In the dark underground space, ancient buildings are vaguely visible, dilapidated and full of traces of vicissitudes and time.

Yuena lit up the holy light and wanted to use an emotional rather than material purification technique, but Ye Lin shook his head to stop her.

As soon as the team landed, a very sad atmosphere filled the air, as if someone was sobbing quietly, but there was definitely no sound of crying.

The emotional contagion was acceptable to the team members, and at most they started to talk less. However, the weaker ones like Seaman and Rennie soon burst into tears.

They didn't know why they were crying, but they just felt sad and sad.

Feng Ying couldn't help lowering her voice and whispered: "I've been here twice, but I can't read. No, I don't know the characters here."

There was silence, except for the stampede of the team as they advanced, echoing softly in this dark and deep environment.

Everyone was in a low mood, except Gu Yu, whose eyes were as bright as an owl preparing to hunt at night.

After traveling about two hundred meters, the air gradually became dull and smelled of decay. A building that looked like a city gate stood quietly on the path that the team must pass.

The city gate has long been rotted away after thousands of years, but the city wall made of stones still barely retains its former appearance.

If it weren't for Saya's desperate curse, the entire underground space would have turned into dust in more than a thousand rooms.

The curator found a decayed stone tablet nearby. The other fuzzy characters were no longer legible, except for a column of mysterious characters symbolizing the name of the country.

He touched the almost smoothed dent with his fingers and said softly: "Nashay..."

"Hey, boss, it's not the Calamity Coast Kingdom. Did we go to the wrong place?" Mo Mei spoke very softly, as if telling a hidden secret, not daring to use force.

The curator smiled slightly, stood up and slowly explained: "Nashay is a name in ancient writing. In our current term, it is the Kingdom of Calamity, just like our Belmaer, in the elven writing. It means, a country of good people.”

This was indeed the capital of the Calamity Shore Kingdom, but it was a sad city filled with unspeakable negative emotions.

"Why don't you come with me..."

The voice of resentment came from nowhere, making Heman's hair straight up and hugging Siatt's arm without letting go. His face turned pale. Let alone writing poems and composing music, he deserves praise for being able to reach the end safely.

Guyu was already far away in a few jumps. He came back half a minute later and shook his head, indicating that he had not traced the source of the sound.

Ye Lin made a silent gesture, "Shh, that's Saya's voice. I heard it the night before."


A wooden dagger stabbed his thigh hard, and Gu Yu's cheeks puffed up and he couldn't breathe. Since this beast knew who the voice belonged to, he still pretended to wait until he came back to explain.

Time passes, dynasties change, and I don’t know how many years have passed, but Saya’s resentment has not dissipated.

The few words she said before her death turned into a demonic sound that echoed forever.

Only ten meters after stepping into the city gate, the road forked in the destroyed building. One was blazing with flames, the other was bone-chilling, separated on the left and right sides, very far apart.

"Which way should we go?" Siatt cast a questioning look. Normally, when a choice like this was needed, it would be left to him.

"This one..." Ye Lin pointed to the frost-covered right hand side and sighed softly: "It's the road Princess Saya took all the way into the palace after breaking the city gate, and the other one is the people from Calamity Bank, Let’s go to the right.”

While slowly walking along the same road that he took in Saya more than a thousand years ago, something strange suddenly appeared in Ye Lin's mind.

Generally speaking from a military perspective, if you want to conquer a city, you have to pay several times the price of the defender. Especially for the capital of a country, which is impregnable, it is not surprising that the cost is ten times.

But the capital of the Kingdom of Calamity was still shattered by Saya. Could this be the power of a woman's anger?

After thinking of this, he had not deliberately stopped the overwhelming sadness before, so his eyes were as gentle as water, and the look he looked at them contained deep love.

"Boss, your eyes are so disgusting and a bit girly."

When Mo Mei's words broke the atmosphere, Ye Lin instantly felt unhappy and said, "This is my love, my love for you as rich and mellow as milk."

"That glance in your eyes, love? I think you want to go to jail!"

Siatt raised her brows and looked around, her eyes suddenly a little subtle, not including the underage Mai Lu, but also Feng Ying Gu Yu and the temporary arrival of He Man.

The rest is useless.


Seaman timidly raised her hand. Her eyes were filled with emotion and she spoke without thinking: "I'm an adult. I'm one year older than Aska."

"I haven't..." Mailu lowered her head silently, unable to see her toes. Due to the will of the God of Wisdom, she was almost unaffected by the abnormal state.

"Mai Lu, where is your birthday..."

Before he could finish his question, Siatt covered his mouth and dragged him aside, beating him with a hammer.

"I just want to give Mailu a good coming-of-age ceremony..."

His eyes were blue and his speech was a bit slurred, but Siatt wasn't much better either. He received a slap in the face, and the clear crisp sound was particularly harsh in the silent underground space, and there was even a little echo~

Saya's frost and Jon's flames faintly divided the entire royal capital, with fire and lava on one side and biting frost on the other.

But as Saya was dragged into hell, the power of the frost gradually weakened. If there hadn't been another frost spirit, this last land of ice would have disappeared.

Easily dealing with several ancient souls, the group stepped on the thin ice and saw a woman wearing frost cloth sleeping in an ice coffin among the ruins.

She no longer has a complete body, and what remains here is only the soul cursed by Saya.

Ye Lin used the Holy Spirit Crystal to wake her up, and pushed the ice coffin open with his slender snow-like hands. In an instant, the wind and snow started to blow, and the temperature dropped sharply.

"Stop, we are not enemies."

He casually swatted away the seemingly terrifying attack, and asked Mo Mei to hold up the mental energy shield and wait for the opponent to go crazy.

Xuli, Saya's maid, if she retains her memory, she should have a clearer understanding of the incident that year.

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