Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 724: Create the world again!

"The resentful spirits I have seen are a hundred times more than the sand in your desert. Among them are arrogant tyrants and top-notch powerful men who are unwilling to do anything."

Kalon's ghostly figure slowly emerged from the gray mist. He was an old man with no face. His face under the gray linen hood was a whirlpool of darkness, deep enough to attract people's souls.

"Eternal life was born after being rejected by the underworld, huh... Every apostle is rejected by the underworld. Held is just a carrier of the power of the beginning, but she is very ideal and unique."

The black long sword was lightly swiped in front of his eyes, and a bright star river appeared in front of his eyes like a silk ribbon. Countless stars were surrounding the river, but stars could often be seen exploding, flashing out flames that disappeared in the blink of an eye.

At the end of the galaxy, all the bright spots are dark and empty.

Cuaron did not go directly to the end of time to watch the ending of the universe like Memet, the ruler of time and space, took the creator Xiao Dou Ding. Instead, he used another method to explain the other ending he saw.

"Either you try to change the ending of this destruction..."

Before Vicissitudes's words fell, the end of the dim galaxy suddenly shone, as if it had been connected, and the stars shone again, spreading to an "unknown" and a "future".

"Otherwise, you must have enough strength to transcend and leave this galaxy, like Memet, like the realm of nothingness. This is eternal life, not an inferior undead creature rejected by the underworld."

Mysterious bright spots are dotted outside the stars, symbolizing the realm of nothingness, the underworld, and the sacred zone...

The old man's figure suddenly disappeared, leaving only the old and hoarse voice lingering in his ears. The majestic Gate of the Underworld was also out of reach in an instant.

An existence that is clearly within sight, but absolutely untouchable.

After a moment of silence, Naiyali, who was still riding on his shoulders, stretched out her hand to pinch his nose and muttered: "I thought that old man would drag you to the underworld to be devoured by all ghosts and torture you for a few months, and then I, my lord, would I’ll rescue you when I feel better.”

"Hey, how could it be possible? I have many connections to be so bold. Otherwise, you would think I was stupid enough to approach Rosenberg so stupidly."

After smiling disdainfully, he reached out and touched the pocket of his clothes. There was a black skull inside. It was something Mavis gave him. It was the Usil token found in the king's ruins and contained a hint of Hades' aura.

After the Gate of the Underworld was far away, the entire space area fell into a strange and silent silence. It was empty, not a grain of sand or the sound of an ant crawling. He seemed to be exiled to the land of death by the will of the universe. .

He reached out to lift Naiyali off his shoulders, and then hugged her gently in his arms, as if he was afraid that the only support in the darkness would suddenly disappear.

It would be easy for Naiyali to break free, but she did not do so for the time being, because this beast just hugged it very simply, looking for spiritual comfort without any dirty tricks.

He is still a little scared...

He tilted his head and teased, teasing the atmosphere: "Are you ready to go to prison? Go back and ask Skadi to get it for three years."

"Shh~ don't talk. Feel the atmosphere around you carefully..."

He closed his eyes and slowly stretched out his right hand with a solemn expression.

In Naiyali's surprised sight, a darker energy slowly gathered in his palm, condensing into a seemingly ordinary ball of nothingness.

The connection point between reality and the underworld, only one door between life and death, the boundary line of dimensions, the unique dark environment in front of us, the attributes are exactly opposite to those of the sacred zone of the transcendent.

The darkest element was just a term he used when playing around with Naiyali.

Just like ordinary elemental magic, compared to Holy Spirit runes, the latter is undoubtedly more mysterious.

What he wanted to understand more deeply now was the elements beyond the Holy Spirit rune level.

Since ancient times, the stars of Terra have captured the elements in the universe and briefly created the glorious Biana. The power of ordinary elements cannot support the birth of Biana.

He wants that kind of elemental power!

Pure black is a very vague concept, but Ye Lin already has a vague impression in his mind. In the palm of his outstretched right hand, a miniature dark element black hole collapsed.


The great will emerged from the face of nothingness and shouted out its name. The light of the beginning illuminated every corner, and all things in the universe were born.

If you want to complete a micro-creation, you must first have the deepest darkness instead of the light that can make all souls rejoice.

Darkness is the most important source.


The black hole disillusioned like a bubble. He tried to recreate the darkness before Caroso appeared in this mysterious connection, but failed without any accident.

"Girl, I have the first plant in Taichu, and now my understanding of dark elements has improved to a higher level. What do you think I have left before the creation of the world? A ray of light? Vast divine power?"

"What's missing is a brain that doesn't brag."

After being scorned by Wu Qing, he could only touch his nose in embarrassment. He could now make green plants grow in a deserted land, rain and snow at will, or dispel icy storms, but he was obviously still far from the power of creation.

And Naiyali later explained to him that if he caused an explosion of elements in this universe to create a new universe, the consequence would be that he would be mercilessly annihilated by the ruler of time and space.

When one universe collides with another, the consequences are naturally extremely terrifying.

There are curved horns on both sides of Naiyali's head, and a bunch of standing hairs on the top of her head. Put her chin on the top of her head, stuck between the horns, and the body in her arms is soft and delicate.

"What are you doing, guy?" She took out a small whip in her hand and wondered if this guy really wanted to go to jail.

Although she knew that she was as old as ancient times, her mental maturity was not very high. Later, when she was weak, she was pampered like a younger sister by Celia and the others.

"Shh~ give me a little more time."

Half a minute later, on the ground in front of the two of them, a mysterious seed suddenly sprouted, with lush green leaves protruding, growing rapidly, and forming a pink flower.


An extremely terrifying aura burst out at the Gate of Underworld, and Caron, who was holding the sword, was furious. He had already made some concessions and let the guy go back, so why did he still plant Wuxuan!

"Naiyali, go!"

The figures of the two people were like ripples on the water, and they disappeared from this mysterious dimensional angle area, returning to Arad who was in a state of shock.

"Human, you are seeking death!"

A sword cut through the connection point between the two worlds, and black sword light shot out from the earth into the sky. The Gate of the Underworld, studded with numerous bones, emerged in the void, about to unleash the strongest power of the underworld.

Just when everyone in Cantwein was stunned and had not reacted, the door and sword light in the world suddenly disappeared again, as if they had never appeared.

The wind was light and the clouds were calm, as if it was a momentary illusion.

The deathly black beam of light summoned by Rosenberg also shattered like a mirror in an instant. When Yelin and Niyari appeared in the real world, Rosenberg was no longer in this world.

He stepped into the underworld and walked smoothly.

entrance to underworld

Caron, who looked like an old man, was holding a sword, frowning and staring at the delicate blooming flower at his feet.

This is definitely not Wuxuan. Wuxuan looks like a tall holy tree and will not bloom from the plant state.

Palm-sized flowers, the petals wither and bear fruit, the leaves shine, the stems and leaves dry up, and the fallen seeds give birth to a new green seedling...


After crushing the vigorous plants with a strong kick, Caron suddenly looked up to the sky and laughed, feeling a little relieved.

One flower, one world, does that mean that human beings are telling themselves that they suddenly realize that the underworld is also a complete world?

A complete world cannot exist with only a single dark element. The underworld naturally also has light, fire, water, etc.

Although the guy failed to step into the gate of the underworld in the end, he almost got what he wanted.

"Unless everything returns to nothingness and the light of the beginning returns to the darkness of the abyss, it is no longer possible to carry out great creation in this universe, because the great will is the supreme and only one. However, once anyone can continue that at the end of time, Duan Xinghe is like rebirth from the ashes, a new creation."

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