Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 689: Tauren Lotus

"Master, you probably don't know that the apostle Anton is a forced symbiosis. The Tartan leader Matega can even affect Anton's thinking."

Ye Lin then told Sodros about the incident in Cloncula, which made this legendary sword spirit who was used to big winds and waves and obsessed with swordsmanship couldn't help but marvel.

Furman, is this a counterattack that Andersen has endured for thousands of years?

The people in the Celestial Realm, including the Tartans who had just escaped, were all stunned, staring at the two giant beasts in the ocean fighting each other, or in other words, beating each other one-sidedly.

Although the size of Apostle Lotus is not that of Anton's, after having been cultivated and recovered in the ocean for a long time, its body has already taken the prototype of its heyday. One tentacle spreads and stretches, and it seems to be able to reach the sky and capture the clouds.

The fire accumulated in Anton's mouth slowly dimmed and extinguished. The giant beast standing in the ocean allowed the other apostle to beat him without any resistance.

Matega stared blankly at those strange blue eyes in the eddies of the ocean with his demented eyes. Just a glance seemed to tear away the soul.

Of course he knew who this was, the overlord of the ocean, the king of Solaris, the second apostle sent to Arad by Held, the one with the most spiritual power, the eighth apostle Lotus Longlegs.

It's not dead!

In a daze, a ray of memory suddenly entered his soul.

From the memory of Furman, the Grundy Power Station, the memory of Lotus that it spied on when facing the night forest.

He finally understood why Furman took the initiative to guard the heart after he came back, and only told him about the appearance of the Trial Blade, but did not tell him about the apostle Lotus.

"Antuen, when you came to heaven, you actually set up a back-up plan and used the Trial Blade to get rid of me?"

A feeling called "betrayal and alienation" instantly hit all parts of Matega's body. With a strong sense of disbelief, Matega fell to his knees on the black volcano as if he had been hit hard.

This stupid guy who only knows how to eat has actually learned to use tactics!

"We...we were originally working together, but you invaded my mind and affected my actions...and you even tried to use me to complete evolution."

No one else could hear Anton's voice, which resounded directly to the bottom of Matga's heart, making him feel numb and coughing blood from the corner of his mouth.

There was deep unwillingness and sadness in his eyes. Yes, Andern was not wrong.

For a long time, the Tartan tribe has relied on the protection of "Odin" to be majestic in Cloncura. The body that was originally unable to withstand poisonous gas and flames has gradually evolved to be extremely tough.

However, looking upstream in the long river of time, a long time ago, the "Odin" and "Tartan" races were hostile to each other.

Tartan mastered the method of hunting Odin, but failed in the final battle, so Tartan began to treat Odin like a god.

Odin's body protects the Tartans from other threats, while Tartan explores places rich in energy. The wonderful relationship between the two presents a perfect form of complementarity.

Until, the Tartan clan achieved an ability similar to a "contract", which allowed them to sense and integrate their spirit with the Odin clan.

At this stage, the two races are in peace with each other.

But then, Cronkula was annihilated due to exhaustion of energy, and Matega finally discovered the special nature of Anton as an apostle in the demon world.


Matega suddenly covered his head and howled in pain. The spiritual network closely connected between him and Anton was suddenly invaded by a vast and infinite spiritual power, and a third party interfered.

Like a piece of chewing gum stuck to the hair, it is torn apart little by little, but the residue will inevitably be left behind.

He is the one who was torn apart!

Lotus, who was famous for his spiritual power, was tearing his soul away from Andern, and he got the active cooperation of Andern.

Matega's seven orifices were bleeding, and he unleashed a terrifying energy attack unconsciously. In the sky, in the ocean, and in Anton's thick back, the last withering brilliance bloomed.


There was a sound that no one else could hear, something that was completely torn apart.

After being hit hard, Matega's body froze, like a fish knocked unconscious by a punch. He lay straight on the ground, not knowing whether he was alive or dead.

The Almighty Matega, he had expected that he might lose to the Trial Blade and be killed on the spot, with blood splattering in the sky.

However, among the countless speculations he deduced, he never expected that he would be separated from Andersen's consciousness. The little Furman had a trick and made a bias with incomplete information.

What's more, he didn't expect that Lotus, the eighth apostle with the most powerful spiritual power, had been hiding around him and gave him a fatal blow.

His soul and Anton are indistinguishable from each other. If he dies, Anton will also be severely damaged. In a dying state, he will definitely not be able to escape the next battle.

That's why he used Anton's energy wantonly because he didn't want to die!

However, now the souls of the two have been torn apart by the intervention of a tough third party, Lotus. From then on, the two have nothing to do with each other.

Yelin shrugged to Soderos and said that he didn't know the specific situation there.

His intention was to let Mr. Luo stop Anton from breathing fire, but there seemed to be some accident that he didn't know about on the apostle's battlefield.

For example, after Mr. Luo slowly sank and hid in the ocean, Anton stood on the ocean with four legs and did not make any more waves. He was quiet. But, what about Matega?

Was he beaten to death by Mr. Luo?

"Master, do you want to go up and take a look?" Ye Lin pointed at the mountain-like Andern. The invisible protective barrier had been shattered by Lotus.

Soderos, who shook his head silently, focused his attention on Beyaro, who was not far away, and tightened his grip on the sword slightly.

Although I have been satisfied with the harvest of this trip, if I don't do something, I always feel that it is embarrassing to come here.

In the distance, the Eaton Line

The sudden change of state left the soldiers of the heavenly realm confused, unaware that there was a chill in their chests accumulating for the aftermath of the disaster.

The ups and downs of the situation made people break out in a cold sweat.

One moment, the general was defeated and fell to the ground, coughing blood into the sky. The next moment, Matega panicked as if he had seen a ghost and fled back to Anton's back.

Before they could breathe a sigh of relief, a full-strength attack at the apostle level made everyone's hearts pick up in their throats again, and an extremely desperate atmosphere enveloped Eaton.

But in the blink of an eye, a huge octopus hit the turtle a few times, and the flames became mute. Only a wisp of white smoke came out from the corner of its mouth, which looked a bit like boiling water in its mouth.

Moreover, the deputy leaders of the Tartan clan looked frightened and frightened. When the apostles were charging up their strength, they all ran faster than rabbits.

So much so that Jackett is now confused as to what the situation is over there and whether Heaven Realm has won or lost.

Should we continue fighting this battle?

Can we blow the trumpet of victory?

Probably due to the intuition of a strong man, Siatt was so frightened that he broke into a cold sweat. He patted his chest and complained: "This is too scary. I feel that that blow can destroy the entire Eton continent."

"That's right, Matega must be crazy. That blow will hurt Mr. Anton's original flame." Agnes nodded vigorously in agreement.

Matega's crazy behavior just now clearly didn't care about their lives, and wanted to collapse the entire continent in one blow.



The two people who unconsciously exchanged a few words were stunned for a moment, and then immediately looked solemn and faced each other with swords. Our war may not be over yet.

Lena turned her revolver and stared at the sixth bullet in the wheel, a special bullet that seemed to be as bright as obsidian.

She was wondering whether this sixth cursed bullet could still hurt Ye Lin now.

If not, how should I deal with that guy talking nonsense in front of me in the future?

"Louis, if you don't want that woman to talk nonsense in your mind, find him." Ouli raised her chin slightly and gestured to Ye Lin, who was standing with Soderos, indicating that he had a way to deprive him of seven points. An apostolic soul.

As Andern changed his position and no longer blocked the sea surface airflow, Eaton was attacked repeatedly by bombs and energy, drying out the moisture in the air, and the temperature had already become unseasonably hot.

Nowadays, the cooler, fresher, and more humid sea breeze began to gradually flow into the inland, blowing away waves of cool breeze and blowing away a trace of gunpowder smoke on the battlefield.


In the entire vast battlefield, there was no sign of battle anymore, not even the roar of a Greni or the sound of a gunshot.

Some soldiers, covered in mud and with dirty faces, put down their guns as if obsessed with it, and opened their arms to welcome the fresh sea breeze.

The wind that I found boring before, mixed with the salty smell of the ocean, is actually so lovely and intoxicating now.

The smell of peace.

Aizela's fingers were like jade, and she gently lifted a strand of hair covering her eyes. Her eyes were gentle, and she looked at the old man and the young man in the distance quietly.

The ideal goal she pursues is to try her best to protect the apostles and fight against Herder's prophecies and conspiracies without harming the indigenous people.

Of course, she was not referring to Anton, who had not yet atoned for his sins, but the octopus that came and went, a rather carefree and unrestrained overlord of the ocean.

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