Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 680 Just the flow of blood

"Who...who is going to crystallize with him! It must be you, the curator."

Yuena's neck was strangled, and the pink clouds still hit her face. With everyone watching, she stepped on Ye Lin hard as if in a panic, and immediately took the innocent Mo Mei to a corner to fish.

Tianjie has been in turmoil in recent years and the economy has been in a downturn, which has led to a decline in business at Glenn Shipyard. Employees have been forced to "take a vacation" or find another way to make a living and simply join the military.

Except for Nospes, where the nobles gather, life is very difficult for everyone.

However, Kallet was defeated across the board and Alijie ascended the throne, allowing the people to finally see a glimmer of hope.

But a hearty victory is still needed to inspire people and set off the starting point for the revival of the heavenly world.

Gina set up a temporary laboratory and continued research on her topic.

In the corner, Mia is playing with the robot she picked up. The repair progress is a bit slow, and the fault of MV002 is very serious.

Gina grabbed a bag of shrimp crackers, opened the mouth, and turned on the communicator brought by Mia. She skillfully contacted the front line and asked: "Dr. Nairn, how is the situation over there?"

The Elytra of the Seven Gods, Nairn Sigg, is extremely talented in energy research. He is currently a consultant to the military and is deeply trusted by Jackett.

However, although she was born into a noble family like Lindsay, the treatment she received was completely different, like clouds and silt.

Lindsay is the only daughter of the Rosen family. The family culture is erudite and elegant, advocating nature. Although Lindsay's hobby of studying technology is inconsistent with the family's traditional culture, her parents also expressed support and gave her a relaxed environment.

Now, Lindsay, who has become the Elytra of the Seven Gods, is the proud daughter of the Rosen family.

However, Nairn Sigg's parents were extremely short-sighted. Nairn was also talented, but her parents treated Nairn as a kind of "goods" to cultivate her.

All the knowledge she had learned was just to add a bargaining chip for future marriage exchanges. Strict and cruel family rules, and even merciless beatings and scoldings, made Nairn develop an extremely fearful character.

She didn't dare to talk to strangers. If there were more than two strangers, she might be so nervous that she wouldn't even dare to breathe, and could suffocate herself to death.

And due to domestic violence in his childhood, Nairn still has an unsolved mental illness to this day.

When she was under great stress, her head and heart would hurt. After being checked by the hospital, there was nothing wrong with her. It seemed that when she had this problem when she was a child, her parents scolded her for "pretending to be sick", which resulted in a very serious mental illness.

It was not until later that Mrs. Meili, one of the three nobles, rescued Nairn from her family that she became the current member of the Seven Gods Elytra and a military advisor.

Of course, she "voluntarily" took over the position of military advisor at Jackett's request.

Her blond hair is tied into a very piecey hairstyle, and she wears a pair of large black-rimmed glasses. Her baby-like face makes people get close to her easily.

Nairn, who looks like he is only in his early twenties, is actually only one year younger than Gina, already in his thirties.

"No abnormality has been found yet, but because of the Andern current on Anton's body, the aiming device and scanning device of the heavens have no... effect... effect, eh...?"

Naien, who had been speaking smoothly just now, suddenly started to stutter with trembling lips. She opened her mouth several times and was unable to speak, and her baby face turned red from holding back.

Gina turned her head directly, and sure enough, it was the "stranger" Ye Lin who came in.

Nairn, who stutters, is in a better state when facing acquaintances. This will happen immediately if he meets a stranger. He can speak intermittently for half a minute.

"Uh, I'll avoid it."

Ye Lin smiled and then took two steps to the side to avoid the camera range. He had long heard that Nain was afraid of stuttering.

Ye Lin's figure disappeared from the screen, and Naien breathed a small sigh of relief. Although he knew he hadn't gone far, he would feel more at ease if he couldn't see anyone.

"What is Andersen current?" Gina was quite curious about this.

"Hehe, the name I chose is cute, isn't it? There is a kind of particle turbulence near Anton, which can interfere with the normal use of machinery. Therefore, our weapons cannot use sights and can only be aimed manually and visually."

Nairn had a small face, a little unhappy. If he couldn't aim accurately, the weapon could only hit the skin that would absorb energy.

Like Anton's eyes, there was no way to attack this suspected weakness.

"Gina, where's that...that...general?" Nairn tangled his fingers in front of him, holding it in for a long time without daring to read his name.

"Jackett? Isn't he on the front line?"

", I mean...ying...hero, night..."

"You were talking about the other general Ye Lin. The man who just appeared is him. Don't worry, we will always pay attention to the front line."

After finishing speaking, Gina held her forehead. She was really afraid that Naien would accidentally lose her breath and faint on the spot.

"That's good, hey, I've had enough of the cold wind blowing on the coast, and the military rations here are so unpalatable, they taste a bit salty."

The rest of the chat was filled with Nairn complaining about the bad environment, wanting to go back to the laboratory to be alone, and wanting to eat the shrimp crackers in Gina’s hand.

When she occasionally chatters in front of acquaintances, she is quite similar to Renee.

The war is like the thick black clouds that accumulate overhead in summer, with lightning and thunder. It is already known that it will rain heavily, but no one can accurately predict when it will come.

The atmosphere was extremely depressing, as if the sky was about to collapse. Every soldier's face showed resilience and a trace of fear.

Alijie climbed up and looked into the distance, with a hint of melancholy in her tone, "General, Anton will definitely capture the last bit of energy, but this is not the way to go."

"Yes." Jack nodded and glanced at the rear front.

Everyone's spirit is as tight as a rope, but if it takes too long, the rope will break.

After a short pause, Jacket looked serious and said: "Uen, how are the preparations for the rear?"

"Commander, the situation of General Dalin's troops is unknown. Everything else is ready."

Wu En, who performed the military salute, looked at the general's gray hair with sadness and admiration.

"Very good, let us take the initiative to break this tight string and detonate the source energy bomb. If it doesn't move, we will force it to move."


A huge mushroom cloud of smoke slowly rose from an energy bomb outside of Anton. This one was not for the purpose of attacking, but to use energy to lure the hungry Anton.

I don't know if it was an illusion, but just a minute after the energy bomb detonated, everyone's shoulders felt inexplicably heavy, as if a heavy burden had been placed on them.

It may be the invisible pressure exerted by Andern, or it may be the mission and glory of the Seventh Reich!

After half an hour of oppressive silence, we learned from the drone sent out that there was no action on Anton's part, as if he was completely asleep.

Anton lay quietly on the coast, like a majestic mountain range, blocking the humid sea breeze. The thick red clouds in the sky were like the bloody light and shadow cast by the end of the world.

Just when Jackett couldn't help it anymore and was about to drop another energy bomb, there was suddenly a slight vibration under his feet.

"Look at the sky!" a soldier exclaimed.

The red clouds that seemed to be frozen over Eaton were actually visible to the naked eye, slowly pushing inland. At the same time, the vibration under the feet gradually became clearer.


An extremely loud noise came from afar. However, this was not the sound of an explosion, but the fear that was rooted in the hearts of Jackett and some of the soldiers and could never be erased.

They had thought that this was the signal for the attack of the Seventh Apostle, or rather its howling and stamping sound.

However, after countless verifications, it was discovered that this uninterrupted roar was just the black volcanic roar caused by the beast's blood circulation.

The soldiers who saw Anton for the first time were stunned with shock, while those who had been fighting for a long time had wry smiles on their faces and unconcealed fear.

Huge as a mountain, with a heart like thunder, the mere process of waking up caused changes in the sky!

They had to subconsciously think about whether the majestic-looking weapons they were holding in their hands and around them could bring even a trace of harm to that big guy.

Even Jackett, who had always been calm, twitched his face and clenched his wrinkled palms tightly, showing his extreme uneasiness.

Before he came, his old enemy, the bad nobleman Jurgen of Nospes, took the initiative to ask someone to hand him a letter.

The letter sincerely proposes that as long as Anton can be expelled from Eaton, even if he lies in the sea in the future, it will be a great victory for the heaven!

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