Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 658 Antimatter Bomb

“It’s just that it’s limited by cost issues and cannot be mass-produced on a large scale.”

Gina has a small regret about this. The power of the Terminator can easily annihilate a team of Kallet Cyborgs. The shell of the special alloy can hardly be damaged by ordinary artillery fire.

If it could be produced in even three-digit quantities, it would be nothing more than a joke when Kallet once faced the dilemma of besieging the imperial capital.

But technological weapons and Arad's people who practice professional secrets have one thing in common in a sense, that is, the number of top people is very small, and they can only be used to control the country.

If it could really reach mass production level, even Gina wouldn't dare to imagine what serious consequences would happen.

The mass production of super powerful weapons is not necessarily a good thing.

"Forget it, God willing, let's go see the next one."

Gina pressed a button on the wall, and the metal plate slowly fell from above, covering the charged Terminator.

There are two ultimate weapons in this basement. In addition to the Terminator just now, there is also a new weapon, which is also a new project she completed after Alijie ascended the throne.

However, Siatt and the others, who were curious, including Kelly, who was half a mechanic, could not understand the new equipment that Gina showed through her ID card and fingerprints.

It doesn't have the domineering look of the G0 War Lord, nor does it have the unique shape of the Thunder Walker, nor does it have the streamlined human shape of the Terminator. It looks like it's just an iron box like a schoolbag, with two leather straps.

The iron box is slightly larger in size, about the same size as an adult's upper body. It is simple and angular in shape, which means it is ugly in appearance and not as sleek as a sprayer for spraying pesticides.

In the war core workshop that always pursues "aesthetics", there is still such a cold iron lump?

"Wait a minute, there's so much powerful energy and powerful machinery hidden inside." Ye Lin expressed surprise. Even he was a little shocked by the energy contained inside the iron box.

"You are right. In order to balance the alloy stability of the shell and reduce the weight as much as possible, this is the limit of what we can do. It is also one of the few works that makes us give up on beautiful appearance."

Gina nodded with a little surprise. She was indeed a hero and general in heaven. For her, there was nothing happier than finding a confidant who understood her design.

Especially a piece of equipment that was against her will.

"Probably after the first failure of Kallet's siege of the imperial capital, Captain Zedin realized the unreasonableness of the city's defense weapons, operational limitations, and the shortcomings of over-reliance on electrical energy, and proposed the ultimate individual soldier combat concept. However, No one paid any attention to her at the time.”

After saying that, Gina helplessly spread her hands. It cannot be said that Beilean didn't have foresight at that time.

Because no matter how many millions of people in the heaven broke their heads at that time, they never expected that an apostle would come to the Siman Industrial Base and swallow up the electricity in the heaven.

She stepped onto the display stand, patted the cold iron lump, and said in a solemn tone: "The product of the Scorched Earth Project, the assault armored individual soldier OR-DX, even though it uses a special alloy, it still weighs fifty kilograms. The weight, the power..."

After a pause, he seemed to be thinking, and his eyes lit up, "Standing at the entrance of the palace, it can form a fan shape and destroy all the way to the gate of Ghent, the outer city."

The ultimate destructive power and simple operation by a single soldier are the ability to attack armor.

Although fifty kilograms is not unbearable for a gunner who has experienced devil training all year round, since it is an individual weapon, it will inevitably be used as a surprise weapon.

You may have to run for a long time in order to find a suitable hidden location, which is a great test on your physical strength.

And the most important thing is that when the Assault Armor releases its destructive power, in addition to strength, the user must also have extremely tough mental power.

Otherwise, if the user suddenly falls down midway, the consequences will be unimaginable.

The steel plate re-covered the seemingly inconspicuous iron bump. Gina glanced at Raphael without any trace. Sure enough, the hopeless guy looked like he had discovered his "new husband".

Then, she said intentionally or unintentionally: "Only the most elite gunners can use the assault armor, and only the softness of women can avoid being devoured by this weapon of destruction. General Jackett also gave the preparatory staff of the Scorched Earth Project a The name is Storm Trooper."

"Ready? I want to sign up!" Raphael raised his hand instantly, looking eager.

"Then you have to find Zedin and Jackett. The Scorched Earth Project is currently top secret, and I have already leaked it."


After leaving the underground laboratory, Gina clicked on the computer, and soon several cars ran out of the warehouse and headed to the last destination.

Gina, who was sitting in the passenger seat, looked sideways at Ye Lin, who still looked calm, and frowned, "To be honest, the consequences of your plan are too terrible. It can even shake the foundation of the heaven. Once your plan fails, If it’s accurate or an accident happens, we’ll be in big trouble.”

"But..." Ye Lin smiled, deliberately speaking in a slow tone.

"This is so exciting! I can't say no!"

Sure enough, women in heaven are all tigresses, not afraid.

The car drove until it reached the edge of the war core workshop, a place marked with top secret prohibition and blocked by a tall wall.

What is rare is that this place is guarded by members of the workshop in person, instead of the robot guards seen before.

Entering the interior, a huge deep hole was dug in the ground. Countless mechanical arms were used inside to gradually construct an oval-shaped mysterious weapon.

The appearance looks somewhat similar to the quantum bomb, but the size is more than one level larger. It stands majestically like a building, with a strong sense of oppression and danger.

Female mechanics are constantly saluting Gina, with admiring smiles on their faces. Her unique insights into weapon design are attractive to both men and women in the Eaton Industrial Zone.

After clicking on the tablet in her hand for a while and pulling up a piece of information, Gina couldn't help but sigh: "In such a large shell, the thing that needs to be wrapped and activated is actually only two grams."

Siatt, who was looking curiously, was stunned when he heard this and said suspiciously: "Only two grams?"

When she buys groceries at home, she always buys several kilograms, and some fruits and the like need to be carried in boxes. Two grams, even a random piece of orange peel, is many times more than that.

"Two grams of energy are enough for the antimatter particles obtained from the Realm of Nothingness." Ye Lin nodded slightly, and so far everything was going smoothly.

Since Melvin rarely designed weapons after the failed Walkers, Gina is now the top representative in the design of celestial weapons.

Another top expert is the great noble Meili. The technology she currently specializes in is the dimensional mobile device that was developed by Coolio, one of the seven gods of war, but was later lost. It has already achieved impressive results.

The team hurriedly left the anti-matter bomb construction site, and Gina brought a whole box of tablets and distributed them to Siatt and the others.

"There are three-dimensional models of the five major power plants inside. You can take a look at them in advance. Let's go to the Siman Industrial Base together."

Perhaps because they have played so many game consoles, they are no strangers to electronic products. Under the guidance of Feiyan and Raphael, they quickly got started.

On the way back, Gina sighed silently in her heart, with complicated eyes.

It is true that anti-matter bombs are extremely terrifying, but these humans who are playing with tablet computers are all human-shaped nuclear bombs with astonishing destructive power.

It is said that the ultimate life form at its peak has the power to easily destroy a planet.

Tianjie technology is terrifyingly lethal to ordinary people and ordinary professionals, but for those strong men standing at the top of the pyramid, it is obviously beyond its capabilities.

Her personal computer secretly records the information of the team members, which is the result of analysis of data from various sources.

For example, the girl with the bun head and the mysterious Xu Ancestor Qi can easily set off an explosion and destroy all the surface buildings in the war core workshop.

The future path of heaven, how should we go~


In the Military Department of Eaton Industrial Zone, a middle-aged woman is wearing a military uniform and writing notes in the office.

Military uniforms made of precious materials and exquisite workmanship can often express a person's noble temperament and mental outlook. Even a delicate woman can wear them to add a dash of heroism.

But when worn on Pedra, there is always a weird sense of incongruity.

Her head is slightly longer in proportion, her cheeks are very thin, and the wrinkles on both sides of her mouth and between her cheeks are particularly obvious. She is not angry but powerful.

Her long hair was tied behind her head, and her eyes, covered by the brim of her hat, were somewhat cold and could not see the slightest bit of feminine beauty.

The figure also seems to be thin and unable to support the posture that the military uniform should have.

The Neumann family is also a noble, and it is also a traditional noble with a long history.

The phone on the table rang. Pedra slowly raised his head and stared at the phone without answering it, with a hint of evil in his eyes.

This phone ring meant that the officer who greeted the sea train at the port did not receive anyone, or in other words, did not receive Ye Lin's team.

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