Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 656 War Core Workshop

The adverse consequence of the vigorous development of high technology in the Eaton Industrial Zone is that as the second largest area among the four continents of Tianjie, the development of basic sideline industries such as crops is almost zero.

Moreover, that place is not a desert like the Lawless Zone, where natural terrain restrictions make it impossible to plant. Instead, it has excellent plains and canals.

To the east of Winter Science Park, there is a very fertile land plain. Even on the Arad continent, it is estimated that only the Miranda Plain in Hutton Mar can be compared to it.

However, perhaps due to the rapid development of science and technology, higher economic profits than farming, the small population, and the inevitable pollution caused by the development of science and technology, the Eaton Industrial Zone has actually fallen into an embarrassing situation where it needs to rely on other places to transport food all year round.

Most of the sea trains to Eaton Industrial Zone transport food and other daily necessities, and most of them are trucks.

"Boss, I don't understand. There is such a big plain on this topographic map..."

Mo Mei took the map of Eaton Industrial Zone and was extremely puzzled. Even if the technology coverage was very high, it didn't necessarily mean that the entire island had been replaced by machinery.

Moreover, the mechanical civilization in the heaven is so advanced, shouldn’t it be a simple matter to use technology to plant crops?

Judging from the map, Sman Industrial Base, Glenn Shipyard, and Winter Science Park are basically located along the coast, distributed in the north, west, and south of Eaton Industrial Zone.

Although there are mines in the east, the huge central plain seems to be wasted, with no reasonable development and planting, and no larger cities.

Mo Mei's family runs a dojo, but also farms a few pieces of land. When she was busy in the past, she would wear a straw hat to help with farm work, so she was relatively sensitive to land and food issues.

The team is currently heading to the Eaton Industrial Zone, but instead of taking the sea route of the sea train, they use Kelly's "glasses" to fly directly to the industrial zone.

If you take the sea train, you will inevitably be "warmly entertained" by the local department. Especially because Ye Lin's identity is sensitive, if you have to be polite, or if the other party cannot refuse the banquet, you will probably be in trouble for another two days.

So he informed Gina in Eaton in advance that the team would rush directly to Winter Science Park, and the landing place would not be the Sman Industrial Base.

"Haha, Mo Mei, let me ask you, where is the highest science and technology in heaven?"

Regarding the question of why no food is grown in the Central Plains, the curator and Siatt seemed thoughtful, while everyone else was a little confused.

"Boss, of course it's in the Eaton Industrial Zone."

Mo Mei became increasingly puzzled. Although the highest representatives of science were the Elytra of the Seven Gods, who were distributed throughout the heavens, if the scientific power was concentrated, it was in the Eaton Industrial Zone.

Including an organization as famous as the Elytra of the Seven Gods, the War Core Workshop is also established in the Winter Science Park.

Ye Lin nodded, smiled and then spread his hands, "Look, if the Central Plains is allowed to vigorously develop the planting industry, a strange situation will arise. The technological power is in the hands of the Eaton Industrial Zone."

After he finished speaking, he clenched his left hand tightly, then raised his right hand and slowly held it again, "If I develop food cultivation and can be self-sufficient, will I still care about Ghent, the capital of God?"

In an instant, everyone suddenly understood, as if they were enlightened.

It would be okay if the Heaven Realm was still a whole continent, but now the Heaven Realm Continent was shattered into four pieces by the Explosive Dragon King Bakar, and it all relied on the sea train to maintain the Heaven Realm's lifeline.

If the Eaton Industrial Zone is allowed to become self-sufficient, the capital of this world may have to be moved from Ghent to Eaton.

It’s not that you can’t plant it, it’s that you “can’t” plant it!

Few people know that a few years ago, before the Kallet organization was destroyed, Pedra, the commander of the Eaton Industrial Zone, wanted to take advantage of the chaos to seek a higher political status.

However, Jurgen's plan to cut off the food easily frustrated the other party's thoughts.

Electricity and food are conditions that restrict each other between Eton and Ghent, but the former can be replaced, but the latter cannot eat dirt.


Kelly in the cockpit propped up her chin with one hand and glanced at the white clouds below, but there was no focus and she was in a daze.

The weather in Tianjie is very good today. As long as the direction of travel is set in advance and the science and technology of "glasses" is used, too much human control is not required.

"Kelly, how long until we arrive at Winter Science Park?" Ye Lin pushed open the door and sat directly in the passenger seat.

After regaining consciousness, she glanced at the clock and said, "About an hour. The distance between Ghent and Eton is relatively close compared to Mospis, but we are not flying fast."

In addition to driving "Glasses" this time, she also wanted to see her master Belit.

That old man is carefree and free-spirited. Although the "romantic" era of the lawless zone is basically over, he will definitely not be able to stay idle and may cause trouble again.

Now, in addition to continuing to keep her money-making roots, which is to strengthen the store, Kelly is also trying to be a roaming gunner instructor in the Royal Queen's Courtyard under Ma Lin's ardent suggestion.

Kelly, who has a wild personality and approach, brought a huge impact to the ignorant freshmen.

It turns out that shooting can be so quick and shameless.

One stroke fell!


There is a small blackboard in the corner of the cab, with a large number of correct characters written on it, and this blackboard is not the same as the one in her shop.

The chalk added a lot of strokes to it. Kelly immediately rolled her eyes when she saw this, took out the revolver from her waist, put it against his head and shot him.

There was smoke from gunfire, but the bullets were gone.

He threw away the revolver in his hand, took off the goggles and two hairpins on his head, and put them aside, otherwise it would be inconvenient to eat later.

After the preparations were completed, Kelly said contemptuously: "Sometimes, I really want to raise a baby to keep you dry for ten months, but the thought of that little thing crying and making trouble for several years gives me an even bigger headache."

As she spoke, Kelly slowly extended her right hand to the passenger seat on the right side, with a look of helplessness in her eyes. She knew that she had a good figure and good looks, and she would be very attractive if she dressed carefully.

But this unscrupulous beast on the right is obsessed with himself, far beyond the temptation he can bring.

As expected of the famous roaming gunfighter who can't lead her, she was extremely skillful with guns, and her fingers were like shadows, which made Ye Lin couldn't help but marvel, and he breathed coldly.


After bending down and spitting on it, Kelly picked up a strand of hair that accidentally fell by her ear with her left hand. Kelly turned her head and said coldly: "If you dare to get it on your hair again..."

Come on!

The crisp clashing sound between the teeth clearly indicated that this thing had chewed up a lot of hard materials.

The person in the main driving seat of the "Glasses" spacecraft leaned down and disappeared from the front window, as if he was picking up something underground.

Kelly's eloquence is outstanding. She runs a shop and teaches a group of students. She comes from a very barbaric background, and her tongue is naturally sharp and eloquent.

Twitching the corners of her mouth, she smoothed the short hair of Kelly, and the full justice also transformed into nothing, like the fruits of the autumn harvest, with a heavy pressing feeling.

Five minutes before the "Glasses" spacecraft sailed into the sky above Eaton, Kelly sat upright and stared at the front window, wiping the corners of her mouth to warm her stomach in the cold late autumn.

Flying over a mountain range, the two of them stared at the white smoke and brown light at the end of their sight, and their expressions gradually became solemn.

That is the direction of the Siman Industrial Base, but the team will not approach it immediately. Instead, according to the coordinates given by Gina, they slowly drive into a high-tech industrial park to find a landing place.

Winter Science Park, where the War Core Workshop is located.

The mechanical spirit, Gina Theodore, who had received the news in advance, was holding a tablet computer and guiding them in the precise direction through the system, so that they could land in the middle of the industrial park.

"Welcome, welcome, you are here."

Gina took the initiative to come forward and stretched out her hand to shake Ye Lin who had just walked down. She was the person in charge of this area. Among the people who supported the Eaton Industrial Zone, Ye Lin had the highest military rank. In terms of etiquette, it was hard to fault. .

"Isn't it going to cause you any trouble?" Ye Lin actually had a little concern.

This is a crystallized area of ​​​​technology, and the people living here are all scientific and technological talents. Among them, except for Kaili who has some knowledge, the others are basically ignorant of technology.

When outsiders enter the core area, they might be used to attack Gina.

"No, no, you are a hero in the heavenly world. You have come to our place to make your life shine. It's not too late to welcome you."

Gina's smile was generous and natural, with no hint of forcedness. Ye Lin slowly relaxed and looked at the core of Tianjie's technology.

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