Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 643: Magical Hunger

It's not a big problem to just take one person to Hutton Mar for fun, but those two naughty kids are very naughty, and Erica looks delicate and quiet, but is actually a restless one. I think Principal Shallan will have a headache again.

Yelin smiled and nodded in agreement, "No problem, Biana happens to be a member of the defenders, and she was left behind by the Elf Commander Katie."

"You mean Biana?" Erica and Aizela were both stunned, wondering if they had heard wrongly.

Just now, they had watched the tragedy of the ancient element Biana's self-destruction, reminding him of the threat of the apostle's power.

How come Biana became his sister in the blink of an eye?

"Name, her name is Beyana." Ye Lin shrugged and said helplessly: "It is estimated that her parents admired the legend of ancient Beyana, so they chose such a domineering name. Erica, let's go out. , the leader seems to still have to work."


The impact of time in the Tower of Despair has been minimized. If you don't consciously want to rest, you will hardly feel tired physically, and you can have more energy to practice or work.

Aizela stretched out her hand and rubbed the center of her brow. She had not rested for several days. The moderate members of the Violent Searching Team had become increasingly uneasy recently. Anton was unable to contact them, and now there was an additional incident related to the power of the apostles.

She originally had an assistant, Roy who fell from the heaven decades ago. He was once the little follower of Meili, the Elytra of the Seven Gods, but not long ago he was crazy about love and went to the heaven to find Meili.

"Ye Lin, promise me, if you are not absolutely sure..."

The words stopped in her throat, and she suddenly remembered that Erica and Ye Lin had just left, and she couldn't help but feel annoyed that she was confused.

There was also a cup of hot milk tea and a piece of strawberry cake on the table, both of which he didn't have before he came. After staring at the two items in silence for a moment, he smiled slightly.

After leaving the room, Erica was still chewing the tough dried sweet potatoes in her mouth and said vaguely: "This tower is not only the last place for some strong people who want to break through the realm, but it is also like a prison. For this reason alone, I admire sister Aizela, she really likes this world."

"Yes, she is very charming in every aspect." Ye Lin nodded, his eyes full of tenderness.


A fresh branch suddenly hit his shoulder gently from behind. There were two leaves that had not yet fallen off at the front of the branch, which were fresh and green.

Ye Lin didn't even turn his head, and Fei Fei didn't slow down his pace. Instead, he pulled Erica to increase his speed, almost running to leave.

"Don't run away, you look so heartless."

Liang Yue lamented, picked off a leaf, and threw it out, but bursts of violent air blasts exploded in the air, shooting out and pointing directly at the back, which was a fatal threat.

Ye Lin had no choice but to turn around. The leaves instantly exploded into powder in front of his eyes, but the air wave was still unavoidable. Next to him, Erica's single ponytail flew in the air, mumbling incoherently.

"Well, I have something else to do..." Ye Lin smiled and complained secretly in his heart. As expected, he couldn't hide what was coming.

"What do you mean by something? Just hanging out with Erica? Discussing what delicious food to eat in Hutton Mar?"

Liang Yue still looked lazy. Normally, he would be too lazy to go down, but Ye Lin came back and heard that his strength had improved greatly, so he reluctantly became interested.

"Let's go, pass two moves."

He pointed upward. His residence was on the highest floor, also covered by thick clouds.

As for why you are at the top instead of Sodros, the reason given by Azera is that you are too lazy.

If Liang Yue were left on the first floor, he would be annoyed to death by adventurers.

"This... okay."

Ye Lin sighed and refused no longer. He came to see the group leader, and he had already planned to be educated.

"Then I'll go too!" Erica swallowed the food in her mouth and raised her little hands excitedly, not to be too concerned about watching the excitement.

As the elevator slowly rose, Liang Yue yawned again and didn't speak, seeming to be out of energy.

He can feel sleepy even in the special environment of the Tower of Despair. His lazy personality is quite similar to Xi Lan. Maybe the two of them can become close friends.

"Ah! It hurts so much~ Give me your magic power~"

Suddenly, a voice that sounded young came to my ears. It had the timbre of a little girl, but it was full of pain and anger. It seemed that she was suffering from some extreme torture, which made people feel pity.

Erica's face was moved, and she could not bear it, but she could only sigh, "It's Dinas. She is from the Demon World and suffers from a natural hunger for magic power."

As Sodros' residence was on the ninety-sixth floor, Ye Lin reached out and pressed the elevator, stopped on the ninety-fifth floor, and walked out of the elevator.

A very large room, completely metal-enclosed, with only small doors and windows.

There was a girl in the room covering her head and wailing in pain. She had dark skin, long white hair, and her petite body was trembling.

Suddenly, Ye Lin's eyes narrowed, and the wailing Dinas actually bit her arm, blood dripping from it, but she showed a satisfied and happy expression.

Magical thirst is a natural mental illness in which patients seek to devour external magic like a thirsty person seeking water, and become addicted to it.

And there seems to be no good treatment for this kind of mental illness. The most important thing is that the satisfaction that patients get from devouring magic power will gradually decrease like drug resistance.

Mild patients only need one or two bottles of magic potion to meet their needs, while severe patients are crazy about magic and eager to devour everything containing magic.

As the sense of satisfaction becomes less and less fulfilled, patients with magic thirst syndrome will become more and more irritable, extremely aggressive, and even go completely crazy and lose consciousness.

Therefore, few patients with magic thirst survive to adulthood.

Dinas is a severe patient.

In the Tower of Despair where she was imprisoned, she often couldn't get her magic power replenished, so she could only bite her own skin and devour her own magic power to gain a negligible sense of satisfaction.

"Erica, can you open the door?"

Ye Lin pointed at the door sealed with steel. The Tower of Despair was made of the ancient Terra mysterious alloy. It was capable of dimensional travel, and ordinary strong men could not break through it at all.

"It's possible, but be careful. Dinas is from the Kaxiu sect." Erica entered the password on the side of the door and slowly opened it.

There are nearly a hundred strong men in the Tower of Despair. Except for a few extremely dangerous ones, they can still move freely and compete with each other on weekdays.

Dinas suffers from a special dangerous disease. If there is any other organization in the demon world that is interested in this, it can only be said to be the Kaxiu Sect.

Kaxiu sect, combat group, codenamed "Black Mint", mana predator: Dinas.

Liang Yue raised her eyebrows. Although she didn't understand, she still reminded: "Be careful. If she is allowed to run to Arad, all the magicians in the world will suffer."

"Isn't there still Master Shenjian guarding him?" Ye Lin joked, and then stepped into the room on the 95th floor.

In an instant, Dinas, who was biting himself just now, disappeared at the speed of an afterimage, hunting him from the side like a cheetah hunting.

"It is indeed terrifying speed, and she has a natural ability to restrain the magician's shield."

Ye Lin frowned, and while dodging the attack, he left a bottle of magic juice on the ground.

Dinas, who failed to hit the target, was immediately attracted by the magic juice. He didn't care to be wary of the intruders and drank the magic greedily.

Her arms were covered in scars and scabs had not fallen off. It was obvious that this was not the first time she had bitten herself. However, the special effects in the Tower of Despair prevented Dinas from getting out and that he could not die for the time being. endure almost endless torture.

A portion of the juice was quickly consumed, and she wanted to pounce on Erica who was closer, but Liang Yue casually forced her back with a branch.

Dinas, who was going crazy because he couldn't get enough spiritual satisfaction, immediately set his target on Ye Lin again. This time, Ye Lin didn't dodge, but put out his magic palm to lure the opponent.

The extremely hungry Dinas bit him on the muscle behind his thumb, but due to the vastness of his magic, he did not need to pierce the skin to satisfy the thirsty man.

More than ten minutes later, Liang Yue, who was leaning at the door, raised her eyes, slightly surprised.

Some people were curious about Dinas before and gave her their magic power, but it only took a short while for it to be devoured, and then she became so weak that she almost killed him.

Slowly, satisfied, Dinas nuzzled his palm like a cat, holding his hand against his face with an expression of great nostalgia.

I haven't felt so full for a long time, and my long-standing mental hunger has been satisfied for the first time.

Liang Yue could only shake her head without comment. Treating the symptoms but not the root cause would cause her to still crave magic power the next time she gets sick.

Someone once suggested killing Dinas, but when she was not sick, she was just an ordinary little girl, making it difficult for people to kill her.

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