Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 637: Revelation of the Judge of Fire Hell

"You are really mysterious and powerful. I even want to ask you to be our psychological counselor." Obeis's hazel eyes were filled with an inexplicable look.

"No, it's just a coincidence. I met God by chance, so I am an outsider and have a very peaceful mind." Ye Lin waved his hand. The distorted ideological shackles of the two major professions cannot be solved by a psychological counselor.

In the hearts of the clergy, Remi Dios is the supreme being, the lofty faith that can entrust all souls and wills.

He should be perfect and omnipotent.

But when he accidentally met someone of the same level, he suddenly realized that gods are actually just living beings that are more powerful than humans. They also have joy, anger, sorrow, and worries.

Venus, the goddess of beauty, was so jealous that she fell deeply into corruption, forming an inescapable curse ring.

Even Memet, who has no human form, is troubled by the invasion of the Beyonders and patrols the sacred area all day long.

Not to mention Naiyali, enjoy life, eat, drink, have fun~

Ye Lin glanced at Doniel, who was waiting in the distance, and then looked at Lucille provocatively, "Girl, we still have something to do. You are from the Delos branch, Remedia Chapel, right? We There are still things to deal with next.”

He was implying that there is nothing you can do with me anyway, and if things don’t go your way for everyone, it’s better to say goodbye and meet again in the mountains and rivers, or it’s better not to meet each other.

"Heretic, I will definitely burn you."

Lucille looked angry, holding a heavy double-edged tomahawk in her right hand, and a two-pound sweet potato in her left hand. She probably felt that this was very uninspiring, so she threw the sweet potato directly to the worried Galandis.

"I told you, the gap between you and me is only a few hundred million points." Ye Lin was helpless.


She suddenly sneered, then took out a book from her waist, slowly opened it, and read out his crimes, "Being guilty of murder, defying gods, attacking divine envoys, and making a contract with monsters... Therefore, I sentence you to death at the stake and death on a wheel. , holy water purification punishment..."

The book she carries on her belt is the "Book of the Law", something that every heretic judge will carry. It records the characteristics and sins of heretics, as well as the corresponding punishments for their crimes.

In the past, this book had some effect. While recording heresies, it restrained the execution power of the judges and relieved the psychological burden of the judges to a certain extent.

But now the latter record has basically lost its binding ability. Nowadays, as long as it is a heresy, it will be burned in one breath.

"Hmm, what next?" Ye Lin held his forehead and looked helpless. Although he used his absolute strength to crush the opponent and temporarily gave up Lucille's idea of ​​burning herself, it was only temporary.

"In the name of God, I must burn you!"

Lucille closed the book of law and put it back on her waist. She looked unwilling but still said coldly: "When I go back, I will definitely try to inherit the two holy books of the Judge of Fire Hell. At that time, I will have the power to punish everything." The power of heresy.”

Obers was anxious after hearing this, and quickly took her hand and persuaded her: "Lucille, sister, he is not a bad guy, he is also a hero."

No one else knew it, but she and Grandis had used the abilities of Xiaoyu and Lord Michelle to witness him sending away a very scary person with a ball in his belly.

When he eliminated the frightening disaster and the threat that surpassed Ozma, only a few people knew about it.

There are two holy books that Lucille wants to inherit, namely the "Law of Condemnation" and the "Revelation of the Judge of Fire", both of which are kept at the headquarters of the Inquisition.

The former is a kind of god's note. Those who are confirmed by the writing of the Law of Condemnation will fall into an extremely weak state and their combat effectiveness will be greatly reduced.

The latter is a punishment given by God. The executioner recognized by the Book of Revelation will transform into a judge and judge all sins in the fiery hell, possessing great destructive power.

No one is perfect, and good people will make mistakes more or less. Revelation can directly judge the target's sins, making it almost impossible to prevent.

Especially if someone like Ye Lin makes a contract with something extremely evil, if he is judged by the Book of Revelation, there is a slight chance that he will set himself on fire and burn for more than a thousand years without extinguishing it~

Maybe it can even become a wonder in Arad.

Lucille remained expressionless and unmoved, and said stubbornly: "A good person or a heretic, I only follow God's will, and the law of condemnation will judge his soul."

The law of condemnation is equivalent to the highest right of judgment in this world. God’s eyes can distinguish all good and evil.

Probably because she knew the power of the two holy books and felt that it was impossible for Ye Lin to escape the punishment of being burned, Lucille suddenly felt happy and was not so unwilling.

When the time comes, he will be tied to the Altar of Flame Hell, and the surface of his skin will be burned inch by inch, leaving scorch marks. Listen carefully to his miserable cry that is painful but unable to break free. It must be very pleasant to the ear.

Lucille suddenly crossed her arms and shivered. Just imagining it made her whole body feel relaxed, just like drinking a cold drink at noon in summer, her soul trembled, and her cheeks flushed with excitement.

No, he couldn't just die like this easily and cheaply. He should be chained up with the chains of trial, locked in the prison of the trial center outside the door, and only provided with basic survival supplies every day, and tortured for a long time.

And why does his confident face with a chuckle look so hateful? I really want to step on him with a leather boot and crush him a few times.


Ye Lin, who was watching her expression carefully from the side, rolled his eyes helplessly. This deep tremor was hopeless. He might have imagined some whips, candles, iron chain cannons, etc. in his mind.

Taylor and Tana also have a little bit of this tendency, but they are basically limited to wearing miniskirts and stepping on their foreheads, maybe letting themselves "kneel" down and hug their beautiful legs, etc.

Lucille checked the time and saw that it was already late, so she stared at Ye Lin closely, "Heretic, your life belongs to me. Don't die before I judge you with the Hell of Fire!"

She did not bid farewell affectionately to the others in Obers, but just nodded in greeting. Lucille dragged the double-edged battle ax on the ground, leaving an unwilling trace among the fallen leaves.

Although Kirsch was not tied to the stake, the final outcome was an unknown grave among the autumn mountains and forests, so that he could have an explanation when he returned.

But when he encountered Ye Lin, a terrible heretic, his once invincible flame of judgment actually lost its effect. Unwilling to be defeated, he instead regarded him as a goal or some kind of obsession.

Of course, this kind of goal is not to be a master of swordsmanship like Reni and Alicia, but to be burned to death in an extremely twisted way.

There are villages and borders nearby, and Lucille herself has a twisted and violent personality, so there is no need to worry about her safety.

"Special treatment in special times. Nowadays, there are more and more traces of pretenders. As the grand inquisitor of the trial, at least for now, it is not necessarily a bad thing. We need an iron-blooded executor." Yuena sighed.

Obers couldn't do anything to Lucille, so he turned to the good student Gladys and asked with concern: "Are you thinking about what Kirsch said before, the relics of the Gracia family?"

Almost every priest has heard of the story of Galantis looking for his brother Nirbas, and it is even widely spread among the Adventurers League, the first Avenger who disappeared.

Anyone who can find the former priest Nirbas can gain the friendship of priest Remedia.

"Well, Avenger, a family relic, but..." Grandis nodded and sighed.

As one of the five saint families, the Gracia family has plate armor that contains the power of light. Now it is not unique to the family. Instead, it is used as an excellent standard plate armor and is made as a gift to those outstanding priests. reward.

Moreover, she had been searching for Nirbas for many years, during which she often heard news about the appearance of the Avengers, but whenever she arrived, either it was not her brother, or the other person had long since disappeared.

Nilbasi's goal is to hunt down Astros, one of the Three Knights of Darkness, which means that he will be running around the continent of Arad. It is really difficult to find someone accurately.

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