Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 630: Scumbag must die~

"You can fly, so you can't get off of me." Ye Lin was a little helpless and could only hold her smooth ankles to keep her from moving around on his shoulders.

Naiyali is actually very light, even lighter than Askar, but I don’t know who she learned from this posture of sitting on someone’s shoulders.

"Because I can save energy. In addition, your hands must be honest, just on the ankles. If you touch my calves or thighs, it is illegal, and they must be cut off."

Ye Lin rolled his eyes and said with disdain: "You can do it, I will divide your age by eighteen, and the remaining numbers will not be less than five. You are an old loli... It hurts, it hurts, don't strangle your neck... "

Ye Lin felt that it was okay to cross the taboo door in one step. Alicia and Aragorn behind him were so frightened that Rommel could only dare to cross the taboo when he was dead, so he walked in without hesitation.

"Your Majesty, do we want to follow you in?"

Alicia was stupid. She wanted to go in and see what was going on, but she was worried that she would be held back.

"You can't go. The curse inside is so strong that you can't bear it. Who is he? Since the curse incident, few humans have been able to gain our trust."

"He, um~~" Alicia pondered for a while, then said thoughtfully: "He helped us resolve the evil dragon crisis. In addition, if we talk about seniority, he is still your son-in-law."


"Ahem~ It smells so pungent."

Ye Lin subconsciously stretched out his hand to summon a gust of breeze to clear the fog in front of his eyes, but was immediately startled.

In front of us is a vast and endless plain, with no end as far as the eye can see, and a vast expanse of white in the distance.

Under his and Naiyali's feet, countless monster corpses were scattered, piled up like mountains and flowing into rivers of blood. Their surfaces were charred and black, as if they had been struck by fire and lightning, and almost none of them were intact.

A deep ravine opened in the ground, and blood was oozing from the crack several meters down. The sky was also pale, glowing with a color like blood mist.

The first hero who charged in with a thunder spear left behind only a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood, but now there is no trace.

He swallowed dryly in his throat, feeling that the air was also burning, and said in a harsh voice: "Niyali, where is Venus?"

"She's not here. How could a fallen god be found so easily by us? But here is her will and a fun thing."

Naiyali pointed to a raised stone altar. Among the bloody corpses all over the sky, there was a high platform with emerald green trees, spotless and clean as new.

The shadow of the mysterious tree covered most of the altar, and among the spreading branches, there was a metal birdcage hanging, which seemed to contain something.

There is also a stone statue of a woman on one side of the birdcage. It is the height of an ordinary person. The details of the body are carved vividly, and the beautiful face is even more lifelike. Although it is a stone statue, it seems to have gathered the brilliance of the world into one body, which is perfect.

It was just a stone statue, but its beauty actually made Ye Lin stunned for a moment.

Every corner of clothes and every strand of hair seems to be unable to be moved easily, as if this is a perfect balance, exactly the same.

But Ye Lin was startled by what was hanging on the branches. It was a handsome young man with an extraordinary temperament, who was resting with his eyes closed.

Wearing a decent dress, her carefully-groomed bangs fluttered gently in the wind, making her look even more elegant and handsome, but her face looked a little haggard.

"Let me go, who is this guy? Why is he locked in a cage? He almost caught up with me."

Naiyali, who was riding on his shoulders, rolled her eyes and pinched his face with her little hands. Today she wanted to see how thick-skinned this guy was.

Ye Lin tried to pat the cage and it made a clanking sound, but the mysterious young man seemed to be sleeping soundly and never woke up.

He took a step back, frowned, and said, "It doesn't look like he fell asleep naturally. Naiyali, I have a very bold guess. If it is true, I will write a word of "submit" to Venus.

"Write. The stone statue has a stone tablet in its hand, and what you want to know is written on it."

Naiyali's little finger pointed at the stone statue of a woman. Without too many guesses, he knew that this was the ancient goddess Venus who was said to have the most beautiful appearance.

He had seen some stone statues of Venus on the back of the giant beast, but most of them were poorly designed and carved, lacking the charm of the most beautiful person.

Only the beautiful stone statue in front of me barely fits the identity of Venus.

The stone statue was holding a stone slab in its hand, with a few simple words engraved on it, but the content made Ye Lin shudder, his teeth were aching, and his ankles were shaking.

"Narkosus, tell me your repentance to me three times a day until it moves me to tears, and I will forgive you."


"That young man inside, is that scumbag Nakthos? The root cause of all the curses that made the dark elves bear the curse?"

Ye Lin's mouth twitched slightly, he scratched his hair hard and was puzzled, and there was cold air rising from the soles of his feet.

In ancient times, because Naxos fell in love with the elf girl Letia, and was reported by the dwarf tyrant Augustus, Venus placed an everlasting curse on a group of elves.

Venus has the most beautiful appearance in the world and the most narrow and extreme heart.

She turned a tribe of elves into dark elves. Their skin color began to turn black and their hair turned gray. They were afraid of the strong sunlight and could only live underground.

The elf girl Letia also died of depression. She could not forgive that it was because of herself that the tribe suffered, and she could not accept that when her skin was no longer white and her hair was no longer smooth, Nakosos left ruthlessly.

On the other side, even the dwarves who secretly reported their love affair to Venus were cursed by her. The desire for gold in their blood could never be satisfied. The more gold they had, the more unfortunate they would be.

Now, Narcissus, the source of that curse, was also cursed by Venus in another way. He obtained immortal magic similar to that of an evil dragon. He could not die even if he did not eat or drink. He had been locked in a cage for an unknown number of years.

His soul was tortured by endless pain, and he would forget his memories for a period of time every day, leaving him on the verge of collapse, but just right enough not to go crazy.

Even if he is temporarily crazy, Venus will delete his memory and let him continue to apologize to himself. Only by making the stone statue in front of him shed tears can he be forgiven and liberated.

No one is spared!

The root cause of the events that led to the creation of the Dark Elves, all participants, including Venus herself, were caught in an indelible curse.

The inflated and narrow jealous heart mutates and corrupts Venus' grace, turning her followers into yakshas who have nothing to do with "beauty".

"Niyali, is there a way to solve the dark elf curse?"

"Yes, kill Venus, or let Venus be more open-minded and take the initiative to lift the curse. There is no grass anywhere in the world. Otherwise, just like Rommel, try to complete the seven impossible tasks. And then fast forward to being cheated on.”

After finishing speaking, Naiyali patted his face and said intentionally or unintentionally: "Scumbag must die~"

"Hey, I think you have something to say. He and I are different. On the contrary, I find the dark elf's slightly cold skin, toned legs, and graceful waist, cold on the outside and hot on the inside, all very attractive. The smell."

After Ye Lin complained, he stared at the sleeping handsome boy. From the beginning, he felt pity, but now he felt that he deserved it.

If Nakthos remained loyal when Venus cast a curse out of jealousy, it would probably be another love affair no less than that of Saya and Jon.

As a result, the scumbag Nakosos just slapped the person and dumped him. Venus is not a fool, or a little S.

If Nakosos had been stronger, it would have given Venus a sense of accomplishment, but the ruthlessness of simply slapping his ass and leaving made Venus feel that she was too cheap.

If you put your beautiful face on anyone, Nakosos will probably fall in love with that person.

This is a curse with no winner. Whether it is the dark elves, dwarves, Naxos, or Venus herself, they are all trapped in the curse and unable to escape, forming a blockade like a Möbius strip.

Ye Lin popped out a blade from his fingertips and instantly pierced the arm of the man in the cage. Blood immediately dripped out and dyed his delicate clothes red.

However, after a few minutes, the cut skin slowly healed, and the flowing blood disappeared, as if it evaporated into thin air.

"Is this guy dead?" Ye Linhu asked.

"Well, he only relies on a curse to survive now. Even if he can really move the stone statue to tears, thousands of years and years will crush him into nothingness in an instant."

Two soft little hands pushed his face toward the forbidden door, signaling that he could go back. There was nothing interesting to see here.

After walking a few steps, Ye Lin suddenly frowned: "No, aren't we here to find Rommel and Venus?"

"Look carefully. There are small bone fragments around the stone statue. Rommel's war spear was broken here. It cannot defeat Venus' will. As for where he is now, I don't know."

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