Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 621: Sister is here!

Seaman swung his twin ponytails and lay by the window of EX Dornier. He said happily to Colin who was standing on his shoulder: "Look, look, such a big thing can actually fly!"


Colin, the owl with bat ears, rubbed his owner's delicate cheek affectionately. He was also very curious about EX Dornier.

Next to him, Ye Lin was holding an orange in his hand and said speechlessly: "Pipiman, can't your Colin fly?"

"Why are you flying? Colin can't fly high. We have to pass through the red jungle again. There are tigers with wings there. They eat meat and are very fierce."

She recalled that when she came to Xuzu, because Colin was flying too low, the two-winged tiger flew up and knocked him down, and he almost died in the red jungle.

If Nuo Yu hadn't happened to pass by and scared off the tiger with a sword, he and Colin would have probably contributed to the vigorous growth of plants.

Colin envied Astra for being so strong and fierce. Not to mention the two-winged tiger, he was the ancient demon Baroque near the Dark City. He only had a snack ration.

He-Man has been to Dark City and met Queen Meia.

As for Sophie herself, she had already run away on her Astra, chasing after "Glasses" to see who was faster.

"This is the curator's airship. Remember to pay for the air ticket." Ye Lin joked again.


Seaman turned his head, hugged Alice's arm, and rubbed it like a little girl coquettishly, "I am a student of Teacher Alice. Alice and sister Isadora are good friends and will not charge me."

"Then when we get to Hedunmar, where will you live? My place is pretty big..."

"No, I live with Sister Renee!"

The ghost-like Heman is only a few days old. With her clever eloquence as a bard and her charming image, she is recognized as a sister everywhere, even Mailu and Sophie call her a sister.

"Okay, our staff apartment has a nice and comfortable environment. It's almost like buying a house."

Reni was so happy that this mouthful of a sister made her heart feel sweet.


Taylor was sitting cross-legged on the boss's chair with his knees bent, holding a game console in his hand and a lollipop in his mouth. He was competing fiercely and was concentrating on the game.

The sound next to the EX Dornier bar was too noisy, so I didn’t bother to play the game. There were snacks and drinks on the table at hand, which made me look like a homebody.

Ye Lin opened the door and locked it with his backhand, saying, "My dear, when you get back, please do me a favor."

"Don't mess with me. If you have anything to do, just say it. But let me tell you in advance that I won't do it if it's too troublesome."

She put down her game console and grabbed a bag of glutinous rice. As the weather turned cold, she, who always liked to show off her long legs, had no choice but to put on a layer of warm white knee-high socks.

"Help me find the group leader. I have something I want to talk to her about."

"Aizela? Can't you go in person? Are you the leader, or is Aizela the leader? You are just a small cadre, but you have such great authority!"

Tyra pinched a small ball of glutinous rice wrapped in sesame seeds with two slender fingers, motioned for him to open his mouth, and then threw it in accurately with force on his fingertips.

"I'm going to the Dark City right now. I'm not free at the moment."

The glutinous rice is very soft and a little tough. After chewing it carefully, you can taste the sweet and delicious taste.

"You're going to Dark City, and you're going to Tower of Despair in two days. Do these two things conflict?"

Taylor had a playful look in his eyes, picked up the juice and took a sip, "To be honest, are you afraid of being beaten by Mr. Soderos?"

"Well, sort of."

Although his current level is very impressive, if he falls into the hands of Suo Ye who has returned to his original nature and only uses swordsmanship, there is a high probability that he will still be hung with a hammer, and then dozens of people will watch.

Moreover, Sodros likes to challenge the strong, especially those in the realm of swordsmanship, so as long as he goes there, he will definitely not miss the opportunity to repair himself.

If one of them makes trouble, he will be beaten for another month.

Taylor spread his hands helplessly, biting the glutinous rice in his mouth, and said vaguely: "Then I don't care, I won't go, or you can go with me, otherwise no one can guarantee the safety of the leader."

The leader is the most cherished treasure of most of the violent hunting groups. Generally, they must be accompanied by strong people when traveling, and they rarely go out alone.

"Okay, then I'll think of more ideas."

Ye Lin nodded, then reached out and put Taylor's left leg on the left armrest of the boss's chair, and his right leg on the right armrest, making a bowing motion from left to right.

With the advantages brought by the celestial bloodline, coupled with Taylor's own unique and beautiful charm, he couldn't put it down for this pair of beautiful white legs. Even after changing jobs countless times after returning from celestial realm, he was not willing to let Taylor bend forward once in frustration.

Red marks on the knees will destroy the beauty of the legs and is a sin against sanctity!

"You bastard, don't add the breath of wind."

With her beautiful eyes full of charm, Taylor threw away the glutinous rice in his hand, wrapped his hands around his neck, and fed the half-chewed glutinous rice to him.

Gudu struggled for several minutes, their foreheads touching each other, their noses blowing against each other's faces, whispering: "My dear, I want to eat, bigger and fuller red heart glutinous rice."

"Eat, eat, eat, you greedy man!"

Taylor pushed him back, rolled his eyes, took out the black lace protective case and threw it on his face. No wonder Celia once had a private chat in the boudoir room. It would be nice to have a child in the future. If they were twins, one of them would be hungry. With.

The EX Dornier flew smoothly and submitted customs clearance documents in the red jungle. Then it changed its course and flew directly south without passing through the Grand Forest and other places.

In this way, the distance can be saved by about one-tenth, and you can also enjoy the sea view along the coast of the Principality of Belmare, but the entire journey is still very far.

The cold air coming from the direction of the permafrost gradually moved south. The curator lowered the flight position of the EX Dornier. As expected, the vegetation along the coast was withered, and only the fishermen were busy fishing.

"As winter slowly sets in, the fish stocks will also decrease, and fishing in the open sea will become more difficult."

Taylor, who had bloomed twice, was covered with a thick blanket, and her cheeks, as white as a baby, were also rosy.

"Want to eat fish? Are you going to eat fish soup tonight?" Ye Lin, who was clearing away the recliner, the floor, and the water stains on the dressing table, asked casually.

"No. When I was in the Royal Courtyard, the most I ate was fish. I ate enough. Basically every palace maid such as Fei Yan didn't like it. You might as well make me two meat buns."

The four continents of the heaven are scattered in the sea of ​​​​the sky, and the fishery is also extremely developed. People who have lived by the sea for a long time will not have much interest in fish soup.

We set off from Suran City in the early morning at full speed. It was only in the evening that we could vaguely see Hutton Mar. The setting sun was still a knuckle's height away from sinking into the ground.

Taylor was chewing a meat bun with satisfaction and wiping the grease on his fingers, when he suddenly heard him sigh: "Are we making a thousand miles in a day?"

Without thinking much at the moment, he complained: "Ask Kelly, I haven't measured the distance between the two cities..."

Suddenly, she saw the inexplicable smile on the corner of Ye Lin's mouth, her face darkened, she kicked him, and said viciously: "Get out, if you didn't have the resurrection coin, you would be just a towel soaked in water!"

"What's the meaning?"

Taylor made a gesture of twisting the towel, "Twist it cleanly!"

EX Dornier slowly landed outside the manor. The door here was locked and protected by a magic circle. Sothea occasionally sent people to check.

However, Dornier, which was carrying a group of senators, did not stop, but flew straight to Mount Afariya without stopping for a moment.

There was a magic circle in the manor that led directly to the palace, but obviously they couldn't tell them about this, so Ye Lin didn't go with "Dulamin" and would just go through it later.

Celia stood at the door of the manor, her excited heart slowly calmed down, she turned around and welcomed her: "It's still early, Aisha, you can stay and have dinner before going back."

There was still a little time before sunset, so Pinocchio took his sister to buy groceries. There was still rice and noodles at home, and these things were difficult to expire.

Feng Ying held the light of the moon in her arms and leaned on a pillar next to the door of the villa, raising her head with a complicated expression.

Ye Lin glanced at Mavis, who shrugged and said she was probably depressed, so he said: "If you have a rough idea of ​​the ruins of the Kingdom of Calamity, our team can go there together."

"Well, let me think about it, there is snow in the plains, but the iron chains are gone."

Mavis, who was standing next to her, had a black line on her head. There was almost no difference between hearing this terrain element and not hearing it.

"Oh, it's okay. Mavis and I are teaming up. As wandering warriors, we can take care of ourselves wherever we go. Besides... we have money!"

Feng Ying slapped her hands in front of her face, showing herself to be free and easy. She was just leaving temporarily, and it wasn't like she wouldn't come back.

Otherwise, just relying on the money-making talent in your head, you will become a real wandering samurai in less than a month. If you want to make good money, you have to rely on hugging others.

"Don't be sad." Siatt happened to pass by the door in the living room and said helplessly: "They are returning to the Call of the Saint to accompany Sister Ludmila. They are not the kind of people you think of carrying bags on their backs and walking on their feet. The stepping ascetic.”

"Hey, Siatt still understands me." Feng Ying could only scratch her head and stick out her tongue to act cute.

"elder sister?"

Mailu, who was eating snacks on the sofa in the living room, was stunned and suddenly looked up.


With a slight sigh, Siatt was a little surprised. Because there were many people in her family, Mailu always put her name prefix when she called her sister, but who was she calling this time?

"Sophie, don't eat, sister is here!"

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