Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 605: The Divine Beast Family

Regardless of the wonderful piano music or the golden dragon medal, the surprise in the eyes of the common people was not even one-tenth of the oracle ceremony.

The spiritual rain that eliminates disasters, eliminates diseases, relieves pain and relieves fatigue has reached everyone. Even those who are not sick can feel refreshed and comfortable.

There is such a perfect oracle ceremony today, and even ten years later, it will still be a memory that people can talk about. Everyone who has been blessed by the spiritual rain will be grateful.

What Askar wants is never showy or luxurious, but a sincere and sincere compliment that can be remembered in people's hearts.

Her little face was slightly raised, and a little spiritual rain fell on her cheeks, moistening and melting like the softest marshmallow, filling her heart with a hint of sweetness.

She had known in advance that there would be an oracle ceremony, but when she saw the expressions of enjoyment on the people's faces, she still felt very excited and happy. One person's birthday can make the whole country happy. There is nothing more lovely than this. Something?

It was no longer possible for her father to accompany her through this ceremony, but now, the entire Xu Ancestor gave her sincere blessings.

While everyone was enjoying the spiritual rain, Ye Lin whispered to Aska: "I have piled comics, storybooks, game consoles, potato chips and chocolates, jelly crunchy sharks in your small bedroom... "

Clothes, cosmetics, jewelry, etc., Aska, as a monarch of a country, will definitely not be lacking at all. Powerful equipment seems to be of little use to her, but the things that Mailu likes, Aska, who is almost the same age, should Like it too.

"Really?" Askar was pleasantly surprised. The royal palace had strict dogma. Even as a monarch, she could only use a small house to hide things, otherwise the serious maid would "advise" her.

"Of course it's true." Before Ye Lin finished speaking, he suddenly looked up in surprise.

After the spiritual rain brought by the oracle ceremony ended, the sky should have cleared up. The setting sun had already covered most of the face behind the mountain. Although the light was dim, it did not hinder the vision.

Although the shadow cast by the dragon has left, the remaining clouds have not dispersed, and there is still a burning feeling coming from above, like the anxious sun at noon.

"Hey, here are some interesting little guys." Ye Lin smiled knowingly. Sure enough, someone still couldn't bear Xuzu's gift.

From behind a dark cloud, a bird's head suddenly popped out. Its slender neck was covered with fiery red feathers, and its eyes revealed a kind of spiritual cunning. It was the little Suzaku, Xinzang's shikigami.

There is also a small green dragon with a delicate and slender physique. It seems that because it is not yet mature, the two claws and tail behind it are almost transparent water, which is the green dragon turbulence.

And, next to the little Suzaku, there is a fat, goose-yellow chicken with a bright feather growing out of its head. It is a plump young bird.

"The mythical beasts are in the same family?" Ye Lin saw this and smiled. Everyone lived in Xuzu and they were all younger generations. It was normal for them to visit each other.

The flaming red bird and green dragon surged down from the clouds with the fat chicken. The brilliance was brilliant and the spectacle was astonishing.

One red and one blue are like two streams of light, circling around Aska in circles, like a ring of colorful ribbons, like a dragon and phoenix in auspiciousness. The white dress Aska is like a snow lotus flower, unstained by dust.

Turbulence must have come with Suzaku. Xiangrui Valley has been hidden for too long, and the elders have high self-esteem, so they probably won't send anyone to attend the coming-of-age ceremony.

Little Suzaku has a lively personality and likes wherever it is lively. As for Fat Chicken, he probably finds it fun...


Turbulence left in a flash, probably to go find Xiaoyu to play. Although she was not a contracted shikigami, Xiaoyu's divine dragon aura was very good for her.

Little Suzaku also left after playing around. Only Fat Chicken ran into his arms with such force that Ye Lin felt like he had been punched hard in the abdomen.

"You guy..." He straightened his feathers a little and took out a piece of furnace charcoal. Little Bifang pecked it to pieces. It was not enough to eat!

Aska's eyes are filled with love, and no little girl can resist such an adorable little guy.

"Bifang, the auspicious beast, do you want to touch it?" Ye Lin held up a fat chicken weighing about five kilograms and frowned slightly. This guy gained weight so quickly.


The fat chicken's neck moved, and flames appeared on its wings that would never go out after being contaminated, sending out a threatening tone. It didn't know Aska, and it came to play with the little Suzaku.

"Ah..." Aska's outstretched hand froze, his face slightly embarrassed.

"Forgot, this is for you." Ye Lin handed over a fire attribute magic stone. Fat chickens like to eat these things, and feeding them will make them more intimate.

Sure enough, after seeing the magic stone in Askar's hand, the fat chicken flapped its wings that had not yet grown feathers, eager to eat it.

While the little guy was eating the magic stone like pecking tofu, Aska stretched out his hand tremblingly and rubbed his index finger on the fat chicken's downy back with a satisfied look in his eyes.

After eating the tears of the elemental elves and "Tears of Celeste", the fat chicken squirmed away from his arms and went to play with little Suzaku again.

call out!

A scream suddenly sounded outside the martial arts arena, and a fiery red thread shot straight into the sky, but it disappeared in a blink of an eye, and in a moment of surprise for everyone ~ Bang!

An extremely bright firework bloomed in the sky, dazzling and blooming with colorful brilliance.

This firework seems to be a signal introduction. There are continuous lines of fire flying out around the fighting arena. One after another, the colorful blooms are clearly visible in every corner of the entire Suran City.

"These are fireworks. They are usually only set off during festive times. Celia asked someone to make them specially. They are considered a gift for you." Ye Lin also raised his head and admired them quietly.

Although there is only a moment of dazzling youth, the beauty of that moment is enough to be forever fixed in the depths of memory.

The fireworks that lasted for more than ten minutes seemed to have a beauty that you could never tire of watching. Many people’s necks felt sore and they bowed their heads for a moment reluctantly.

Finally, the last colorful fireball, which was obviously several circles larger in size, slowly rose into the sky. After the light dimmed for a moment, boom~

The seven-color fireworks sparkle, seeming to cover the entire Suran City, stunning the dusk at dusk, and adding a finishing touch to the fireworks display~

However, after the giant fireworks, there was actually a dense crackling sound. Above the sky, the second ignition left by the giant fireworks formed the four words Paris once wrote in the air - Happy Birthday.

At some point, everyone had an extra glass of wine in their hands. The glass was like jade, and the wine was clear and slightly fruity. It seemed to be a kind of fruit wine.

They didn't know how this wine appeared, but there were so many strange things today that they felt that it was not surprising and was normal.

Ye Lin also had a glass of wine in his hand. With a smile, he suddenly raised his glass and said loudly: "Blessings for His Majesty Aska, cheers!"

After a brief silence, everyone understood, using a less neat voice but containing warm emotions, and the same gesture of raising the glass forward... "Happy birthday, cheers!"

Aska stretched out his hand to wipe the corners of his eyes, made a deep lady's salute to the front to express his gratitude, and then blew out the extra large cake at the beginning, with the eighteen candles on it that had not been extinguished.

The last rays of the setting sun are sinking over the mountains, but the lights of Suran Street are already starting to come on.

"Father, this year I celebrate my birthday with everyone. I will definitely not disgrace your reputation and become a king that everyone loves."

Aska wiped the crystal clear from his eyes, then smiled and used his powerful mind control to cut the oversized cake prepared in the palace into small pieces. He said happily: "Please take the cake in an orderly manner. In addition, Today, all dessert shops in Suran City will distribute commemorative cakes, and with your tickets for any day, you can get them for free."

Holding up her white dress and saluting again, Aska left the arena with contented joy and prepared to return to the palace, where there was still a banquet to be held in the middle of the night.

"A little tired~" Aska pouted and muttered while sitting in the carriage.

Nuo Yu, who was sitting next to her, had a trace of love on her beautiful face, "Your Majesty, all you have to do is show up for the banquet in the palace."

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