Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 540 Apostle Demonic Sword Master


Xinzang frowned and focused on Tuanliu. He had nothing to do. You are the contact person of Xiangrui Valley, so you should come up with an idea.

Besides, exorcists like to clean themselves up, so there are no luxury treasures.

He accidentally heard Master Jiulong say that after Ye Lin defeated the giant dragon, he turned around and hollowed out the Holy Mountain. Natra's body was not spared either, and the royal family could only recognize it by pinching their noses.

Moreover, asking Ye Lin to help was to save the race. Faced with such a terrible and dangerous thing as the cosmic demon, he should pay him the compensation he deserved due to his emotions and reasons.

"We are here to help Master Shenlong..."

Tuanliu's cute and chubby little face was still a little unhappy. How could anyone disrespect Shenlong and do things for Shenlong?

Xuzu respected dragons, and even those dragon warriors who were lucky enough to enter the valley were respectful to the Qinglong clan, which was why Tuanliu developed a somewhat proud temperament.

But precisely because the oracle of the dragon was only given to women, Ye Lin knew that he would not be able to get the power of the partial dragon, but the power of the green dragon was generally dispensable to him, so he wanted to agree on a good reward in advance.

As for the real dragon that accommodates male believers, he is hidden in the Sishen Temple, not in the Xiangrui Valley.

"I will do my best to help you completely eradicate the troubles of the space demon, and by the way, I will help you dig up the Hell Stone."

Xiaoyu's beautiful eyebrows on the side trembled. She finally realized that Ye Lin wanted to steal the Qinglong clan's wool!

Originally he only needed to show up and say a few words as the fourth leader, but now he acted like I was righteous and was about to escape death, frightening these unsuspecting guys. Stunned.

Little Suzaku applauded him and almost burst into tears.

Tuanliu and Xinzang looked at each other, both shocked by his stern aura.

That is not the invasion of the empire hundreds of years ago, but an extremely powerful cosmic demon that can invade the dimensional world and destroy countless planets!

The Qinglong clan had the power left by the divine dragon, and they were fighting extremely hard. How could he, a human, get such confidence?

"Then what do you want?"

Tuanliu blinked, then had an idea and pushed the question back.

"Magic, spells, spells!"

"No, the Azure Dragon Secret Technique is only given to dragon warriors and goddesses." Turbulence flatly refused.

"I promise you."

In the center of the central hall of the temple, a pillar of light slowly emerged, and a man with a cold expression walked out of it, an adult green dragon.

His body is blue-gray and has steel-like skin. His upper body is bare, and his strong muscles are patterned with white flowing clouds. The horns on his head are tough, and his face is handsome but reveals a chill.

"I am Qinglong Clan Hailiu. I believe Lord Shenlong must have a reason for giving you the invitation letter."

Hailiu stopped Tuanliu's objection and nodded, but his tone was still cold: "When the Qinglong clan's life and death are at stake, if we are still pedantic for some secret techniques, then we have reached the end."

"Brother..." Tuanliu was secretly anxious.

"But the condition is that you must defeat the cosmic demon first, and I will give you some secret techniques. You can rest assured about the quality."

"Okay, deal!"

Ye Lin smiled brightly, took the initiative to reach out his hand, and shook hands with Hailiu cordially. He had used some dragon clan secrets for nothing, so he couldn't keep a straight face.

As for the dragon secret technique he wanted, he was going to give it to his secretary and curator.

"Then let's leave now?"

Xinzang and others felt vaguely weird about his enthusiasm, which was contrary to his care-taking attitude just now, but they couldn't figure out what the problem was.


Hailiu nodded and waved, and the floor of the temple hall began to light up with green light. Only then did Ye Lin notice that the ground under his feet was a complicated magic circle.

After the space teleportation, Ye Lin resisted the dizziness in his brain, took a few deep breaths, and looked at one of the legendary miracles of Xu Zu.

It is not the valley with clear water in Zhongshan Mountains as expected, but a large expanse of green and lush forest. The fresh and natural breath blows in the face, making people feel refreshed, peaceful and relaxed.

But immediately, Ye Lin's eyes froze on a coquettish flower, a bright red flower about the size of a basketball, covered with sharp barbs.

A plant actually has a carnivorous and ferocious aura.

The flower of the devil world, Jacket!

"The Auspicious Valley was originally a deserted place in the mountains on the edge of the red jungle between the present Principality of Belmare and Xuzu."

The sea current took them through the forest to the front line of the Qinglong clan's war. Xinzang explained that this forest was called the Broken Forest.

"But Master Shenlong predicted that there would be a catastrophe in Arad, so he hid in the Auspicious Valley. But he never expected that hundreds of years later, another group of guys would come to visit him."


"This Suzaku knows, it is the Dark Holy War. Although the Azure Dragon clan is hiding, they did not completely stay out of the matter. Instead, they gave Shinye the power of Azure Dragon to assist in the Holy War."

Suzaku was still interested in the mysterious aura of Ye Lin. It was very fragrant and the fire power she longed for.

"I see."

Ye Lin nodded clearly to express his understanding. Not only the Qinglong clan did this, but Captain Root's dragon clan and the guardian clan to which Tana belonged were all hiding in various corners of Arad or in different dimensions.

Of course, the most mysterious ones are the divine world of Ludmila and the great magician Mar, and the underworld controlled by Usiel.

The seemingly peaceful continent of Arad contains an empire that is looking at it with eager eyes, but no one knows outside that there are so many terrifying existences hidden inside.

He came with the goal of searching for treasures, but he didn't expect that as soon as he entered the Auspicious Valley, his state of mind would change greatly because of these secret realms.

More peaceful and more determined.

If one day, all the power hidden in the corner bursts out, and a war of gods breaks out in Arad, the war will inevitably spread to the entire continent, and no one will be spared.

To put it simply, the perfect apostle has the power to easily explode the planet.

"what's on your mind?"

Xiaoyu noticed that the man was starting to be a little absent-minded, and waved her slender jade-like hand in front of him to remind him to regain his consciousness.

"I was wondering if I should find a way to open the black earth, kill Ozma, and then...obtain his apostle power."

As soon as he said this crazy idea, he was shocked.

The reason why I suddenly thought this way was, firstly, because of Barn's former black ring, and secondly, because of the existence of Archangel Michael in the Angel Dimension, which proved that the power of the apostle could not be utilized or integrated.

However, although the possibility is there, the actual operation is extremely difficult. Barn is due to Held's power, and Archangel Michel is due to his own extremely noble will and the power of Taichu. Purification.

And since the scientists of ancient Terra can incorporate the dark side of the great will to create artificial gods, it proves that there is indeed a perfect knowledge system that can complete the use of the apostle's power.

But this knowledge system is likely to be controlled by Held. Who else can do it besides her?




"Oh, Apostle Demon Sword Master, you are so bold." Xiaoyu smiled jokingly, but did not take it seriously.

She didn't know much about the apostles, but she also knew that they were the most powerful life forms in the universe. It was extremely difficult to defeat them, let alone plunder them.

This involves the level of God. Ozma is so terrifying that even the most powerful saint, Michael, can only stand in a stalemate. What qualifications does he have?

"Yes, I am very bold, because I am the Trial Blade."

This idea sounded so unbelievable that Ye Lin just smiled and teased himself, but a wisp of fire suddenly burned and could not be stopped.

If we could find Gutera's scientific system, completely defeat Ozma, and use the power of primordial purification to eliminate Ozma's traces, maybe...

"Stop, if I do this, will Caroso beat me to death? Probably not, we have something to do with Stru."

He shook his head vigorously and stopped his delusions. The power of the apostle was indeed tempting.

And there is a very confusing question, that is, what kind of existence is "God"?

Thordros already possesses the power to challenge the Apostle head-on, but is still limited by the lifespan of a mortal body.

The apostles originated from the darkness of the beginning and were the dark side of the great will. After the destruction of the twelve artificial gods, they each found a new planet and a new way of birth.

But even so, they are still troubled by the limit of lifespan, bewitched by the water of life, and fall into Held's plan.

But the gods don’t seem to have such restrictions?

Nimer, the possessor of the primordial wisdom, the ancient god Aden, Usiel from the era before Pelus, and the demon Bellator, why can they live for so long?

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