Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 531: True Crane

In Suran City, the roar of the dragon that shook the sky made many people who were doing their work stop their movements and looked towards Yuelun Mountain with extremely worried eyes.

I heard that Xinzang, one of the Xuzu Anti-Magic Group and one of the four great priests, has gone, and even the legendary god Nianhuang Jiulong has appeared. The battle must be extremely tense.

"It's just a giant dragon. Our Xu Ancestor is powerful, and we are not a Bantu tribe in the world of ice and snow."

"That's what I said, but this roar made my whole body numb and my head felt a little dizzy. Look at the wall, it's all covered in dust."

"I don't know the specific situation over there, what's going on."

There was a lot of discussion among ordinary people, and the government of the Xuzu royal family was also a mess of porridge and paste.

The main stream of Xu Zu is Nian Qi, and Yuelun Mountain is a holy place in the minds of practitioners of Nian Qi. Now, instead of gaining any auspiciousness, various accidents have occurred.

Some backward and ignorant people secretly mocked this as punishment for Askar's forced opening of the country, which was a strange and strange thing.

But Natra is there, and she doesn't care whether you open the door or not, or whether anyone comes or not.

"Your Majesty, you don't seem too worried."

Nuoyu swayed her folding fan gently, and stood on the top of an attic in the palace with Aska, looking towards the direction of Yuelun Mountain, with a hint of worry in her beautiful eyes.

"With his team here, everything will be fine."

Aska looked left and right, his big eyes full of weirdness: "Sister Yu, let's sneak away to Yuelun Mountain?"


Nuoyu directly shook his head and objected. Every time Aska sneaked away, the elderly assistant minister would jump anxiously and give the elderly a little tender care. It would be so sad if he sprained his foot.


The Holy Mountain was cut into two parts by Ye Lin, but due to its weight and size, nothing unusual could be seen on the surface.


There was a loud noise, and the ground beneath my feet shook like a sieve. The grass and trees rustled, or fell and broke, and the self-satisfied dragon-headed stone statues also broke.

In a huge gap in the mountain, a scarlet light suddenly lit up, and the extremely terrifying dragon power overwhelmed the sky and came down.

Every animal, bird, and even mosquito trembled and prostrated in submission.

"Yeah, yeah, one eye is bigger than the room, it's quite bluffing."

After seeing the size of the giant Sky Curtain Beast, ordinary giant monsters are really like drizzle, the tip of a needle versus a big stick.


The voice was powerful and full of incomparable majesty, as if the overlord who ruled the world was scorning an insignificant ant.


Ye Lin took out a loudspeaker and shouted at it too. He was so powerful that it even caused echoes in the mountains. Am I afraid of you if you call me a racial name?

This loudspeaker was used to disrupt the magic sound and greet his family tree relatives when he first faced Pete, the messenger of the magic flute.

Natra was silent. It was clear that he was a master who was not afraid of trouble, and his thinking was not normal. The sword just cut off several pieces of its back armor.

The rocks began to roll, and the earth swelled like an inflated balloon, then burst, and a black and gold dragon crawled out of it, entrenched on the top of the holy mountain, majestic.

"This guy is a bit handsome."

Ye Lin touched his chin, Natra's body shape was perfect.

The muscles under the scales are filled with an absolute sense of strength, and the carapace is neatly arranged in blocks, each piece showing terrifying defensive power.

However, he cut some pieces of the carapace open, and the dragon's blood solidified like glue.

The fangs and sharp teeth show the majesty of the dragon clan. The two horns bent on both sides of the huge mouth seem to be able to pierce all materials.

What is even more eye-catching is the horn on Natra's head, which is obviously incompatible with the black gold body. Like yellow crystal, it shines with another kind of "thought" aura.

The giant dragon is entrenched on the top of the holy mountain, and will spread its wings to fly high and ascend the throne of the Dragon King again!

"Hey, Natra, let's discuss how you can ascend the throne in another place. For example, there is a city in the west called Weitalun..."

"Look directly at me, ant!"

Natra's dragon head raised its head to the sky and suddenly lowered its head. It glared at Ye Lin and at the same time, the golden light shone brightly!

This is the truth behind his manipulation of Nian Qi practitioners. The eyes of the Dragon King make people feel frightened and their minds empty.


Just by looking at it, the grass and trees were blown over by the roaring wind, and some crawling reptiles and beasts exploded on the spot.

However, Ye Lin, who was at the center of his gaze, scratched his head, blinked his eyes, which were far smaller than Natra's, and complained dissatisfiedly:

"What are you doing, your eyes are so big? They make you look cute? Why don't you compare with the giant beast of the sky?"

What about the Dragon King's gaze? Because of the Chaos Contract between the Seal of Heaven and Naiyali, he would hardly be affected mentally.


The violent air flow was mixed with fishy saliva. After all, after hiding underground for thousands of years, it was quite surprising that his body was clean.

Ye Lin raised one hand to hold up a transparent water curtain in front of him, his eyes displeased.

"Either you can find a place to live honestly, for example, there should be people of your race near the volcano on Vara Island, or you can be obedient and I will make you a contract..."

"I am the Explosive Dragon King!"

Roughly interrupting his words, Natra sprayed white air from his nostrils, his voice was angry, and his murderous intent rose.


The giant claws exerted force with anger, scratching deep scars on the top of the holy mountain. The dragon's wings spread out and flew high into the sky.

"Then there's nothing to talk about?"

Smiling softly, he grabbed the giant dragon in the air with his palm. Above, a magic circle suddenly opened, and in the center of the magic circle, a deep space channel was opened.

Elemental Gate!

The ice elements are condensed into a cone shape, and each one can penetrate through very thick plate armor. Even the dragon scales will suffer some damage.

However, the giant dragon Natra circled in the air, and a golden light film suddenly formed outside the body, slightly concave, blocking the elemental door.

"This is Timo's, the air shield!"

He slapped his forehead in annoyance. Because he was used to the ultra-thick mental energy shield used by Mo Mei, he had unknowingly forgotten this terrifying skill. As an enemy, it would really make his teeth itch to hate him.

"I will use millions of lives to forge the throne of my Dragon King!"

Natra seemed to be laughing. It had seen this man's terrifying attack power, but as long as he completed the sublimation ceremony in Sunan City, he could crush this jumping grasshopper to death with one finger.

Use the thought energy accumulated over thousands of years to turn into a thick thought energy shield. No one can break your defense, perfect and flawless!

The dragon flaps its wings and is about to fly high!

Ye Lin gritted his teeth when he saw this, and slashed vertically with another shocking sword light. However, under the several hundred meters thick shield of thought energy, there was an illusion that the sword energy turned into a wooden stick and struck the non-Newtonian fluid. .

"Lord Natra, save me!"

In the battle in front of Yuelun Mountain, the giant dragon stone statue had been dismantled by adventurers, and the mysterious materials that made up the stone statue were quickly snatched away.

Fortunately, Bai Ming said that Xuzu would provide subsidies to adventurers who were injured and had no loot, so it didn't cause too much commotion.

Under the siege of Siatt and others, the flame giant Les was in a critical condition. He was missing an arm and had a big hole in his chest.

The new king it admired, Natra, flew straight towards Suran City without even looking at it!

"You receive the blessing of the divine dragon but want to harm the people protected by the divine dragon. You deserve to die!"

Behind Xiaoyu is a cyan dragon shadow, her long hair is flowing, the ribbon of her witch uniform is curled like smoke, and her delicate little face is now full of coldness.

On the other side, Siatt directly swung the sword of oath, Leiwodin, and gave Les the final fatal blow.

Sword of Glory!


"It's going to run away."

The demonic sword flashed with a black light, and the energy of thought energy accumulated over thousands of years, not to mention resisting a sword energy, even if it was forced to demolish Sunan City, it would probably not be much different.

"Fight if you can win, and run if you can't. You understand the truth."

Waving his wrist, Ye Lin actually admired Natra a little. Among the dragons he had seen, when Bakar was mentioned, he was either worshiped or feared.

But people like Natra who want to replace him are still the first.

Of course, Arad didn't have many dragons to begin with.

"If I really let you run away, I, as the first dragon knight in the Arad continent, must not let your face be confused?"

Ye Lin was still laughing, but a bloody sword suddenly appeared above his head, cracking the wound!

Then, another tentacle sword stained with the apostle's aura appeared on the side of the crack, clanking in unison!

All things are born and conserved, and if the source of power is broken, they will be out of alignment. The ancient relics condensed by the power of Apostle Andersen!

Tempered by the power of light and darkness of Apostle Luke, the Holy Glory was recast by the magic rock!

The black eyes of Ye Yu, who are infected with the aura of the dark side of Apostle Prey, are as powerful as a mountain, and have divine grace as great as the sea, and the hell pioneer who is tempered by the cosmic demon with dark matter...

The tones that carried the aura of apostles or gods made the entire space seem to freeze. The wind stopped, the leaves stopped, and there was silence between heaven and earth.

The magic sword has become silent. For the first time, it feels that everything about it is being controlled by Ye Lin, as if it has lost itself and turned into a misty consciousness.

"Wan Jian..."

With a long and soft drink, the peerless magic weapon suspended beside Ye Lin's body swayed and split into countless weapons with the same appearance!

In the blink of an eye, this large area of ​​sky seems to have turned into a forest, a forest of swords!

"Return to the clan..."

Ye Lin raised his hands and suddenly waved them at Natra who was running away, shouting like thunder.

"Hang me!"

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