Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 509 The secret corner! !

The room temperature in the Moonlight Tavern is very cool, and the environment is elegant and calm. If you have free time, you would be willing to come here to cool off.

But if you really come to the tavern, you will be embarrassed if you don’t order two glasses of wine. The proprietress Sothea will also recommend her new products to you with a charming smile. Of course, the prices are generally not cheap.

A day or two is fine, but any more will be too much for the gold coins in my pocket.

"By the way, boss lady, I brought you a gift, something very suitable for the tavern."

With a mysterious look, Ye Lin took out a polaroid camera made by Melvin, stepped back a few steps, and flashed a picture at Sosia.

The environment of the pub has always been dark, and the bar, tables and chairs and other furniture are also in dark tones, which can give people a sense of mystery, privacy and security.

The fiery red evening dress of the landlady highlighted her tall and graceful figure, and the gorgeous and bright bracelets and necklaces not only did not appear vulgar, but instead reflected her nobility.

The red nail polish is dotted with dots of stars, and the bright red liquid rippling in the goblet gives people a seductive and warm fragrance.

Red is one of the most difficult colors for femininity, but it quietly surrenders to Sothea, like a loyal and kneeling subject under the skirt.

"Let's see how it goes. My capturing skills are pretty good."

He took out the photo, blew it, and handed it to Sothea to admire.

The beautiful person is set off by the dark bar counter and wine rack, and is located on the left side of the photo. It is coordinated and elegant, and fits perfectly.

"Is this some way of preserving images permanently? Interesting."

Sosia was very satisfied with the photo and probably understood Ye Lin's wonderful thoughts.

Pubs have always been the place with the most stories, whether it's casual chats, a farewell drink, or other love, hate, and hatred.

Wine is always an essential companion.

In particular, she also likes to hold duels in the tavern at night. Once a week, the winner can treat all the guests to a glass of wine for free, ordinary foam beer.

Every week when a winner appears, that moment of cheering is also a rare and wonderful memory.

In those moments of farewell, victory, reunion, etc., leaving a photo that can be preserved for a long time and pinned on a wall for people to appreciate and share will invisibly attract many repeat customers.

Maybe things will change in the future and we may be far apart, but the memories in the Moonlight Tavern can be preserved for a long, long time.

"I like this gift very much. It's even more surprising than this necklace."

Sosia skillfully prepared a slightly sweet cyan cocktail, added a small cube of ice, took a sip and felt it tasted good, and then handed it to him as a reward.

"I still have some photos of the Celestial Sea Train and Mount Hart at home. Do you have time to take a look? By the way, there is an octopus banquet tonight, and the ingredients are top-notch apostolic delicacies. Do you want to go?"

"Long-legged Lotus?"


"What a luxury. If I have free time tonight, I will go."

"If you can't go, I can bring you some."

The refreshing and delicious sparkling wine is only enough for two sips, and the cup is small, so it's a bit unfinished when you sip it.

Little Luxi was hypnotized and fell into a deep sleep, unable to wake up for a while. She was lying in a glass that was neither too big nor too small, full like a teacup cat.

But this strange creature is placed on the bar, and it still looks a bit weird no matter how you look at it. Occasionally, customers will pass by.

Carefully holding the cup, he looked around for a safe and quiet spot under the bar.

In addition to the large wine rack behind the bar, the bar is also filled with various drinks, ice cubes, fruits, bartending tools, etc.

The proprietress Sosia first pinned the photo to the blank wall on the right side of the wine rack, then sat on a round stool that could be raised and lowered freely, with her legs crossed.

"By the way, is there any good wine in heaven..."

Suddenly, the guest who had just walked in stopped her words, and an elegant and calm smile appeared on her beautiful face.

"Mrs. Cornaro, you look better today."

"Hey, that's why I came to you today."

The person who came was a luxuriously dressed lady with a moderate figure. The exquisite black fabric was the work of the great designer Sears. Although it was not extremely jewel-like, the limited rings and necklaces were all expensive luxuries.

The wife of Count Cornalot and the mother of Lorien.

Because when the power was taken back from the three councilors, Count Cornallo exerted a lot of strength and was a staunch figure in the Queen's faction, so now the family has benefited from it and is very prominent among the nobles.

Although Sothea does not hold the title of aristocrat, her apparent identity as the last elf, as well as her strong strength and elegant style, make it easy for her to blend into the aristocratic circle.

They met at a fashionable party. They have similar temperaments and are very good friends.

Sothea slowly prepared an expensive cocktail worthy of her status for the countess who came enthusiastically. Of course, there was no charge.

He was talking casually about some commonplace things. Just as Sosia bent down to take a fresh lemon slice from the box under the bar, she suddenly noticed that Ye Lin made a "shh" gesture, and there was a strange look on the corner of his mouth. smile.

When he just placed little Luxi, he didn't get up at all and sat directly on the ground!

From her direction, Ye Lin's current position is a corner under the left side of the bar. The corner was originally a large beer barrel. Half of her body can be hidden in it. Both sides are covered. There is another one on the table on the left. There are stacks of goblets, and no one will sit there except to take the glasses.

The bar is very wide, and unless someone stands up in front and leans his head to look down, or looks at a specific angle on the left side of the bar and tilts his waist to look, no one can spot him at all.

From the perspective of the Countess, when Sosia is standing, if her body is close to the bar, her graceful waist can be seen, but if she is sitting on a round stool and talking to others, her waist will be less visible. half.

There was a hint of confusion in Sothea's eyes, and for the first time, panic that had never appeared before.

Her snow-white ankles, which were wearing black high-heeled sandals under her dress, were grabbed by a hand and prevented her from moving.

But she was the graceful and calm landlady after all. She pushed the prepared cocktail to the other party with a smile, and at the same time politely accepted the topic: "You just said that Hutton Mar has opened a new beauty shop. What new cosmetics are they?" What?"

Celia didn't miss any of Queen Meia's and Skadi's skin care secrets. After searching for them, she slightly modified the formula to reduce the cost. The sales were still hot, so the two queens decided to invest in them.

As Celia's good sister, of course Sothea never lacks those things here.

He stretched out his hand to signal the countess to sit down and spoke slowly, so that he could also sit down and make the restless person below him more honest.

She kicked him lightly with her calf and shook her head lightly. If she continued like this, my sister would be angry.

However, the calf that was kicked out was firmly grasped by two hands and refused to let go.

The boss lady is very tall, and her slender legs are a little thinner than Taylor's, but they don't look skinny, they are delicate and soft.

Whether lying flat or on your side, it has an undulating, S-shaped perfect curve.

"Absolutely, it's like this. The owner of the newly opened coffee shop, Tana, is the girl who used to monopolize the magic clothing. She is the best friend of the owner of the Celia Chamber of Commerce. When I went to drink coffee this morning, she introduced me to of."

"It was said that a very good beauty shop opened next door. The owner had a secret recipe, so I tried it, and the result was really amazing. The facial mask and mysterious potion can be used internally and externally to detoxify and nourish the skin."

Ye Lin, who was squatting below, gently rubbed the boss's wife's calf, and felt a sense of clarity in his heart.

That shop should be opened by Doris, who uses the illusion magic gifted by the succubus family and the secret recipes she obtained in other dimensions to bring guests perfect physical and mental enjoyment.

However, Doris is a bit lazy, or she hasn’t had enough fun in Arad, so she is only open four days out of seven days a week.

"Sosia, to tell you the truth, the lady who runs that store has a really hot figure. Fortunately, all the things she sells are for women, and she doesn't entertain men. Otherwise, she wouldn't be able to get her turn after queuing for three days."

The countess was envious, but also became more interested in taking good care of her.

"I came here to ask if you have free time. Can we go together? Now that few people know about it, let's experience it a few more times."

"Hearing you are so confident, I'm actually a little interested." Sothea seemed to be curious.

However, her actual purpose was to hint to Ye Lin underneath, I want to leave, please be honest with me.

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