Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 477: Finding a Wife Plan A

"Tell the truth, are you lazy? Then let others do the work."

Xi Lan patted his belly and wanted to take a sip from the wine bottle on his waist, but he only touched an empty one. He suddenly remembered that the wine bottle was confiscated by Nuo Yu yesterday.

More than ten years have passed since the Battle of the Screaming Cave, that is, he has been with the Big Lion Head for too long, and slowly learned some of the mysteries of the Lord of Time and Space.

For example, after a certain white-haired ghost swordsman and the little Tarakuta Lolita were saved by Memit, they were given the power of time and space.

For example, there is a silly girl who has crossed countless dimensions and witnessed the destruction of the universe countless times at the end of time. She wants to escape this sad memory, but she is awakened by this big lion head every time, and it goes back and forth, cold and ruthless.

"Eh, that's not right."

Xi Lan was stunned for a moment, then touched the stubble on his chin, raised his head suspiciously and asked: "Big Lion Head, do you regard him as the third and backup candidate? Why still?"

He gestured with a knife, meaning he wanted to destroy.

Because Ye Lin has not mastered the power of time and space after all, nor has he witnessed the end of the universe with his own eyes, so in Xi Lan's view, he can only temporarily be listed as Memet's third candidate after those two people.

"Because he may want to modify an established history. If he really does something, I will try to erase him."

Memet slowly disappeared into the void, leaving only a faint sound: "Unless someone can stop it."

Xi Lan, who was scratching his head vigorously and puzzled, couldn't understand it after thinking for a long time. He seemed to be going for a more exciting adventure trial, how could it be related to revising history.


The desolate and desolate land is uninhabited for thousands of miles, with only barren sand and strange-shaped but useless stones left on the ground.

The sky was gray, like a raging sandstorm in the desert, and the atmosphere was slightly depressing. The continent seemed to have been stripped of its color.

There is no life in the conventional sense here. It is no less a place of death and a corner of nothingness than where Di Ruigi descended.

Ye Lin picked up a piece of condensed soil and crushed it easily. He raised his eyebrows and said, "It's a little different from the realm of nothingness I expected. Shouldn't it be all colored grids?"

"Colored pigeons? There's not even a cactus here." Siatt reached out and patted the dust on his clothes, rolled his eyes and said angrily: "Tell me, besides training, what else do you have for you?"


"You think we can't see that it's obviously a duel between the two of you, but it takes a lot of effort to bring together a small team."

Ye Lin felt a little embarrassed when he saw that although everyone in the team was a little blamed but not angry.

"Actually, I do want you to hone and enhance your strength. As for me... I want to try to meet Gaunis and locate a place in the crack of another dimension."


"The Screaming Cave."

Now, he no longer deliberately concealed it, so he explained in detail: "If time is compared to a river that never ceases to flow, certain events in history are like stubborn stones in the river. Through some means, , intercept the river water that has flowed through the stubborn rocks and flow it again."

"I can understand, but..." Siatt looked worried, "If you change the position of the stone, even if it only causes a shaking ripple, the slightest difference may change all the ecology downstream. The Lord of Time and Space is absolutely It won’t be allowed.”

The concept of going back in time is not too unfamiliar to them, because there is an interdimensional rift in the Dark Elf Kingdom.

It was a crack that even the Lord of Time and Space had never erased. I often heard from Gu Yu that the world leading to that place was extremely weird. Not only could the strength be greatly reduced, but the place and time it was in were also full of weirdness. .

"There are three ways to go back to the past, the dimensional rift, Xilan, and the ruler of time and space."

"But it is difficult to accurately locate the cracks in different dimensions. Xi Lan is very afraid of the Lord of Time and Space, and his power also comes from Memet. The last one is a no-brainer. After all, there are usually four of the three methods, so , I used the fourth method on the space ruler Gaunis, maybe he can do it too."

His plan was to try to make up for Aganzuo's regrets after being promoted to Sword God.

In the past, when I was not strong enough, no one took me seriously and thought it was just a joke.

But now at least he had a hard-won opportunity. No matter whether it was successful or not, he wanted to try the first of the three ways to resurrect Luxi.

Trying to go back to the past at the border of the dimension to stop Sirok from devouring Luxi in despair.

The most difficult part is that if the stones on the bottom of the river are not moved, a ripple is not produced, which affects the river water that is already flowing through it.

"I can just go by myself. Anyway, I want to give it a try."

Ye Lin smiled calmly and seemed not to take this extremely dangerous matter to heart.

"What you learned in the Tower of Despair is theory. Fighting against the cosmic demon will be transformed into combat experience. This time it is very good..."

Before he finished speaking, from the vast and dim sky, several figures pierced the sky, fell like meteors, and crashed in front of everyone.

The huge surface of its body is covered with obsidian-like luster, and its bulging muscles are filled with an absolute sense of power. The arm armor gloves on its arms are condensed from the destructive dark matter in the universe.

The oppressive black divine ring is suspended behind it, and as soon as it appears, it gives people a suffocating feeling of being trapped in a quagmire.

"Boy, you actually came! How brave!"

Bai Si didn't wait for Ye Lin's greeting, and ignored Doris beside him who looked anxious and wanted to stop the fight. He directly activated the gravity effect and raised his fist to bombard her.

The violent wind that exploded at that moment seemed like this punch could shatter mountains, pierce the sea, and dig a thousand-meter deep pit.

A dazzling and extremely thick mental energy shield stood between Bai Si and the team. The surface of the mental energy shield flashed with golden thunder, and it blocked the punch with only a few cracks.


It just tried to test it a little bit, and it had no intention of persisting. It laughed immediately:

"Ogus, is this guy here to ask for help? Or does he want to be the fourth boss? Interesting, so interesting. Apparently the last time we met, my projection could easily crush you to death."

In the sky, there stood a slender figure with extremely bright, holy golden light. There was a mask on his face so that his true appearance could not be seen clearly, and he held a golden divine sword in his hand.

Although her body shape looks the same as that of an ordinary human being, even a little slender and thin, Ye Lin does not underestimate her at all. Bai Si flew over just now, but Ogli flashed and teleported all the way!


Cyrus, who had always been cool, suddenly had scarlet eyes, and her aura surged uncontrollably. An extremely bloody red demonic shadow flew out of her snake-belly sword, not inferior to Bai Si's huge body, like a substitute soul. Suspended on Cyrus' back.

"Demon? No no..."

Bai Si was surprised and pleasantly surprised when he saw this, and commented: "You are not just a demon from Boronx in the demon world, I can feel that you were a very powerful person during your lifetime!"

"Haha, no matter how powerful it was before, now it is just a remnant soul of unwillingness." Tamos said calmly, but the blade of the snake-belly sword, Demon Puno, quickly extended.

Cyrus was even more stunned. Normally, she could only extend the distance up to ten times with the Snake Belly Sword, but now in Tamos's hands, the spread length was more than a kilometer!

Like a snake and a charm, it is like a sword-edged cage, covering the world and about to be strangled.

This is an area she has never touched before!

"You, a despicable energy body, actually dare to hide something from me?"

After a brief shock, there was ecstasy and incomparable anger.

"I'm afraid that you won't be able to withstand my power and will be shattered to pieces."

"Shut up! Give me that power!"

The blade chirped softly, and Puno and Kekus, who formed the Snake Belly Sword, seemed to be supporting her.

"Uh~ Without the divine blood sacrifice, this state is just a flash in the pan..."

"What about the divine blood? Are you going to kill the gods? Which guy?"

Cyrus has become more and more enthusiastic. It turns out that this group of souls who only talk nonsense and claim to be the devil all day long actually hide such terrible power.

"Divine blood..."

Tamos paused, and the tall and burly figure, as well as the scarlet gaze behind the steel helmet, focused on Ye Lin, or the vial in his hand, which contained agate-like blood.

The divine blood is very close at hand, but if the divine blood is used to awaken the Demon Blade and start the path of killing gods, it would be equivalent to owing a huge favor.


There was a very slight but ear-piercing crackling sound, and a few drops of bright red, liquid gem-like blood floated in Ye Lin's palm. The next moment, it burst out and sank directly into Tamos's majestic arm.

"Just think of it as a future favor that you owe me. I won't use this to get anything."

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