Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 459 He shines!

"You are too paranoid, and Herman doesn't want to see you like this."

A crazy, stubborn, extreme hater, but also a somewhat sympathetic and tragic character.

Ye Lin looked at the increasingly red light on the ground and said, "I heard that you often told your subordinates to never be dazzled by hatred, but you failed to do it yourself."

"So..." Hai Lan frowned and gritted his teeth: "I pressed the button inexplicably, was it you who did it?"

Yesterday I suffered a myocardial infarction and fainted early in the morning. Today, by some strange coincidence, I suddenly pressed the detonation button while I was still hesitating. It has always been weird.

"How did I know there was a button in your arms? I didn't push it into you."

Ye Lin shrugged, seemingly denying it, but his not-so-serious attitude was actually confirmation. I did it secretly, so what about you?

At this point, it is basically useless to say anything else. Hai Lan actually still has military merit, but his extreme thoughts are destined to be a hidden cancer that will break out sooner or later, causing greater harm to the heaven. of damage.

It's a bit sad that a genius who used to be highly regarded has fallen into this state.

"Actually, regarding the issue of random satellite strikes..."

Ye Lin snapped his fingers at a broadcast device in mid-air, then stepped on the ground, indicating to Hai Lan to watch it by himself.

The originally bright red satellite ray that had issued a strike warning suddenly shrank again, forming a palm-sized cross. It began to move slowly, and actually moved to the top of Hai Lan's head!

"Do you think that the Seventh Empire will completely use satellites as a communication tool because of the loss of the satellite adjustment device?"

Hailan's original crazy smile suddenly froze on his face. The Luo Lao satellite (Naluo Time and Space, the Pain of Every Big Gun (_)) is the highest authority of the Coast Guard, but it does not mean that only the Coast Guard can adjust the device. have.

The satellite was the result of scientific research by the Seventh Empire. It was only because the Coast Guard needed to monitor enemies in the direction of Mospis that they were given this powerful weapon to use.

The design drawings of the adjustment device are not only in the Coast Guard, the Seventh Reich will of course have backups.

It's just that the continuous siege of Kallet and the arrival of Anton to cut off the power in the Eaton Industrial Zone caused the program reconstruction of the adjustment device and the precise positioning of the satellite to be delayed helplessly.

"Hai Lan, Kallet is dead in name only. Your Majesty is benevolent and doesn't like war. He wants the civilians to live in peace and have a peaceful life. I can ask your Majesty to spare your life for the sake of your military exploits."

Ye Lin's tone was extremely sincere. Of course, he didn't really think Hai Lan was a tragic hero, so he felt pity and let him go.

It was because the weapon design drawings left by his master Herman, which was later the prototype of the storm trooper destruction armor OR-DX, were basically in Hailan's mind.

If there is a design drawing, it should be made much faster, which would squeeze out the last bit of value from it!

It doesn't matter if you can't get it. As long as you discuss the concept of the weapon with the War Core Workshop, with the talent of the person in charge, Gina, you can quickly make a sample.

"Spare my life? Haha, you know, the thing I regret most..." Hai Lan suddenly smiled again and shook his head slightly, his handsome face full of regret.

Just when people thought that he had a profound enlightenment and repentance before he died, they didn't expect that Hailan spread his hands and said loudly and painfully:

"I should have killed the two untouchables, Jacket and Unn, when I was on the Sky Noble, and then seize control of the ship, and control the satellite on the sea to attack Ghent. This way, everything would be foolproof. Oh, what a mistake."

"How stupid!"

Alijie's face turned cold, and she was already burning with anger:

"Your master is a top talent in the heaven and is highly respected. You have also made great achievements. Now Lin has given you opportunities again and again, and I have endured your actions, but you are still stubborn!"

"So what? Hahahaha~"

Hailan slapped her thighs and laughed wildly, and said triumphantly: "The railway tracks were destroyed. Considering the current level of dilapidation in the world, it will take at least three years to rebuild the railway tracks!"

"Three years! The Eaton Industrial Zone can't get food, and the lawless zone can't get actual benefits. You, the Dragon Emperor, are just an empty dream..."

boom! !

A dazzling light fell from the sky, like the sword of Damocles, and in an instant, the power of the satellite weapon bloomed!

In an instant, the person who was still laughing wildly just now was completely annihilated, with no ashes left, only a faint smell of paste, still telling the aura of the former genius...

The earth rumbled and shook, a hole was punched through the clouds in the sky, and the blue rotating light beam was still bright and visible outside the city of Ghent.

However, apart from the violent vibration at the beginning, the blue beam of light emitted by the satellite weapon was still rotating, but it seemed like a colorful light effect trapped in the glass, without any destructive energy. It looked bright enough, but it was useless. Harmful.

"This is, my God, why is he glowing!"

Feiyan's mouth was slightly open, as if she was demented, staring blankly at Ye Lin, whose body was surging with elements, shrouded in colorful light, and proudly stretched out his right hand, forcibly "imprisoning" the satellite energy.

His eyes, which should have been black, suddenly turned into an almost golden stream of light, like burning lava flowing, and then calmed down into a strange translucent state.

"Holy Spirit state?"

Siatt frowned. The golden stream was the color of the Seal of Heaven, and translucency was the sixth element born after the balanced collision of the four basic elements. He was using the Seal of Heaven to forcibly maintain the state of the Holy Spirit.

When no one noticed, Tana quietly transformed into a human form, dressed in a simple and elegant cheongsam. She was also a little surprised by Ye Lin's state, and said in confusion:

"It seems like he is trying to find something with the Holy Spirit state?"

call out!

Ye Lin disappeared in an instant, and appeared dozens of miles away in the next second!

The ability to teleport was not taught to him by Mi Gao, but a superficial method that he learned through the time and space gate left by the space ruler on his right hand.

Because his comprehension level is average, he can only use it temporarily in the state of the Holy Spirit.

"Melvin, satellite positioning, where did Ye Gu go?" Alijie ordered.

After about half a minute of busy work, the projection screen changed, showing a magnificent scene with clear sky and sparkling sea water. He had suddenly left Ghent and appeared on the sea!

In half a minute, half of the continent of Ghent was crossed.

Ye Lin was in an unknown state of the Holy Spirit, staring to the southeast, in the direction of the Eaton Industrial Zone, through the thick black clouds.

A huge flaming giant, like a mountain range, lay on the edge of the Siman Industrial Base. There was a huge volcano burning on its back, and the erupted volcanic ash could cover half of the industrial base.

Its body is so big that it even dwarfs Ghent's highest peak, the Hart Mountain. The huge industrial base power tower is like a toy of building blocks piled around it, breaking into pieces at a touch.

The sea of ​​fire spread, ruins fell into pieces, and monsters formed by countless magic stones were like locusts, flowing back and forth between the power station and the giant monster.

The seventh apostle, Apostle Andersen.

The sight turned to the northeast, an empty and lonely sea area, filled with perennial fog, and stories of evil giants were circulated.

There is also an island that is said to be the island where Bakar first came, so it is called the "Foreign Island".

Legend has it that there is an upside-down city above the foreign island. If you climb up, you can reach the devil world!

However, due to the unique light refraction technology and the perennial heavy fog, the specific image of the city has never been known.

But Ye Lin, in the state of the Holy Spirit, broke through the disguise technology set up by the apostle, and saw the majestic and powerful building that descended on the apostle Bakar, the Silent City!

The Lord of Light and Darkness, the King of the Planet Hyperion, Apostle Luke sits high on the Mechanical Throne, quietly dormant.

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