Chapter 457 Hailan’s Confidence, Satellite

All the nobles present were silent, their bodies trembling with fear, and they already had the feeling that they were nothing more than a mere insect and Alijie was a huge dragon.

Who will she target next?

Is it Andy Wynn, Naviro Jurgen, or other nobles?

"Andy Wynn..."

Alijie opened her mouth, and the scalps of most of the nobles immediately began to tingle, and their hearts felt as if there was a piece of ice, and the coldness flowed to their entire body.

Sure enough, it was Andy, the second leader.

Could it be that the princess wants to behead the Venn family, one of the three nobles?

But Pella Venn, who is loyal to the princess and the leader of the Seven Gods' Elytra, is still her son. How will this relationship be handled in the future?


Subconsciously, Andy was about to kneel down. She was a noble, and she understood the prophecy of the Dragon Emperor better than the common people, and she believed in it more firmly.

Either it doesn't appear, but if there is a prophecy, it will surely unify the world!

"The newspaper company under your name wantonly spread rumors that slander the heroes. During the Kallet invasion, you were responsible for the empire, but you took the entire family to escape. You were still in Nospis, and you were against Lindsay Rowe of Elytra of the Seven Gods. Sen was banned and secretly copied the mechanical parts made by Gina Theodore, the head of the war core workshop, to develop war weapons like Ghost Tiger Wolf..."

Alizee told him one crime after another, which made Andy frightened and frightened. He looked defeated and dejected. In an instant, his energy and energy seemed to have aged twenty years, straight into his seventies.

Because of Kallet's defeat and the first sacrifice, nearly 80% of the dignitaries had gathered in Ghent, and the best ones were all in the palace square.

But now there are four giant dragons closely guarding it, and really not even an ant can escape or break in.

They are the bean sprouts on the chopping board. Whether they are fried or boiled depends on Alijie's preference.

Even if you jump like a fish twice, you are not qualified.

"I will deprive you of your title of great nobility and your seat in the parliament. As for any additional losses, etc., you will be fully compensated. You must stay in Ghent for the time being and are not allowed to go out before my order."

It was a verdict that surprised everyone, but seemed to be reasonable.

Although the princess deprived the nobles of their titles and parliamentary seats, Andy's position at the Eton Science Park was not mentioned at all.

This is also a hint that she will not wipe out all the nobles in one breath, but the price that must be paid will not be less, and no one will be missed.

A society where everyone is equal under the imperial power is the legacy of Priest Beilean, a desire, and a lofty vision for the future.

But Jurgen understands, and Jackett also knows very well that the absolute assumption of "everyone is equal" is almost impossible to achieve. At most, as a citizen of the Seventh Empire, the status of equality.

An empire without competitiveness will not be much better than it is now.

But we can abolish the parliamentary institutions and punish those scoundrels who wantonly amass money based on their positions, thereby concentrating wealth in the hands of the country!

Transfer most of the power to the emperor.

In this way, the situation like when a war starts and officials run away collectively will basically never happen again.

Then, as if taking roll call in class, Alicia punished all the nobles who escaped to Nospes one by one.

The information all came from Sky Eagle, as well as another great nobleman, "Meili" who was also the elytra of the Seven Gods.

But her memory alone is enough to amaze everyone.

The Council of Nobles, a veritable hemorrhage, was severely damaged.

Not to mention that it has been devastated, but it is almost impossible to restore it to its former glory.

People watching the broadcast at the same time paid more attention to the four giant dragons with different attributes.

The heaven has been oppressed by the dragon clan for more than five hundred years, during which time it paid an unimaginable and painful price. But now the dragon obeys the princess's words, killing whomever she says, and lying down whenever she is told.

Just like the emperor of heaven was built on the city of Bakar, the object of his oppression suddenly became an "oppressed" existence, and he suddenly felt a very subtle and strange feeling of relief in his heart.

The time has shifted to the afternoon, but the people present feel as if a whole year has passed and their whole bodies are beginning to ache.

The Council of Nobles has ceased to exist in name only, as has the Supreme Priest, but unlike the former, the one who replaced the Supreme Priest is a Dragon Emperor who can command four giant dragons!

The clever ones were the first to kneel down and start shouting that Alijie is the emperor. If one person takes the lead, two others will follow suit, and then three, three, four, four, until Jurgen also salutes respectfully.

Alizee didn't ask him for the regent's seal of authority, and she deliberately ignored him when she called him by name.

Jurgen knew very well that this did not mean that she would let her family go just like that, but it was an affirmation that he did not flee during Kallet's invasion, but instead defended Ghent.

That is, be given a lighter sentence.


"Boss, have you solved everything? Are you going to give me a reward?"

Mo Mei came over and asked in a low voice, patting the high-spirited Alijie's palm in admiration, with a little expectation.

Because the nobles were so frightened by the dragon that they stood sparsely, they didn't care much about the rules and etiquette.

Ye Lin shook his head slightly, stretched out his finger and shushed, and said with a low smile: "No, no, there is a careerist who seems to be hesitant. Let's add some catalyst to him."

Behind Lao Pi, beside the damaged wall, an extremely seductive woman with horns on her head, body covered in bone armor, and a tail trailing behind her suddenly appeared.

Luo Fei, the seducer, bears the stigma of the Seven Deadly Sins. His talent of "seducing demons" can not only bring out the most negative emotions in people's hearts, but can also execute all sins!

With the most precise control ability, the mysterious seduction ability quietly enveloped a man with a gentle smile, fair skin, but sinister eyes, the captain of the Coast Guard, Hai Lan!

Hailan was hesitating. There was a detonator in his pocket. It was an ultra-long-distance detonator made through the computer at the Coast Guard headquarters and Master Herman's technology.

The target of the detonation was the depth charge on the offshore railway track!

As long as this is pressed, all the railway tracks between the four continents will be destroyed, and the communication and connection between the heavens will return to what it was four hundred years ago.

Then, he will use the last resort to destroy the entire imperial capital and let all those who have connections with the Lawless Zone, whether it is the general or Jurgen, die.

The untouchables who can't be taken away should be damned. Jacket is the one who can't be taken away and deserves to die.

The princess let Jacket go, so she deserves to die!

Jurgen didn't find a way to execute Jacket, and he deserved to die.

Someone among the nobles colluded with Kallet, so all the nobles should die!

There are also people in the Imperial Capital who used to live in the lawless zone, such as Captain Temi and Sergeant Mayne, so there is no need for the entire Imperial Capital to exist, so we might as well demolish them all.

The means he wanted to use to destroy Ghent, which was the Coast Guard's supreme authority, satellites, and satellite weapons.


The very abrupt electronic sound, loud and crisp, was extremely weird and attracted the attention of many people.

Then they saw Hai Lan, who was stunned in place, seeming to press something in his hand.


Hailan lowered his head. He had been hesitant to take action because he was afraid of the dragon, but why did he press the detonation button from the moment he knelt down to getting up?

Looking at the button in his hand that had obviously been activated and the suspicious eyes of the nobles, Hai Lan suddenly had a bad thought in his heart.

Suddenly, from a relay device above the palace, a half-length Melvin was quickly projected, saying anxiously: "I received news that someone used bombs to blow up the sea train tracks. All the tracks were not spared!"

In an instant, everyone's eyes were fixed on the button in Hai Lan's hand and Hai Lan's astonished face.

Hailan himself has been deceived...

I inexplicably pressed the button for ten seconds, and you sent the news to Ghent?

Please, the waves caused by the bomb have not yet fallen at this time. Melvin, you are not so fast even if you are broadcasting live, right?

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