Chapter 453: Sacrifice? Still on the throne!

That afternoon, Jacket, who was covered in bruises, was urgently, or rather forcibly, taken back to Ghent and underwent a detailed medical examination at the hospital.

News of the sea train explosion also spread throughout Ghent. The general was now a wounded man and his status was extraordinary, so the arrest of Jacket could only be put on hold for the time being.

Anyway, when the festival starts tomorrow, Jacket will be "tried" by the Noble Council to punish him for his crimes. The Council is absolutely sure to take away his position!


The sky was getting dark and it was evening. In the single ward, Jack looked at the bandages on his body. He felt a little displeased and disgusted. It was just a slight skin injury, so it was a waste of medical resources.

The medical resources in Eaton Industrial Zone are almost exhausted.

He had no time to care about his injuries. He wanted to see how the frightened little girl, the princess, was doing.

However, just as he got up from the hospital bed and put on his slippers, the door of the ward was suddenly opened.

"General, you'd better take care of your health."

He still has that calm smile, a face that is too clean and even a little frail, and a folding fan that never leaves his body.

"Jurgen, long time no see, I'm fine."

The general was tall and tall, with a loud voice, and the weak, scholarly Jurgen formed a sharp contrast in momentum and position.

"No, no, General, it's not you who has the final say whether you are feeling well or not, it's the doctor who has the final say."

The current regent put the bag in his hand on the table with a concerned smile, as if the two were close friends.

Jackett said he was fine and wanted to leave the hospital to see the princess, Jurgen. Naturally, he objected. The implication was that you were imprisoned until tomorrow.

"Haha, I didn't expect that there are people of yours in the army, Jurgen, you are so calculating."

"Miu Zan Mu Zan, General, you... rest at ease... and have a rest. There will be a festival tomorrow, and the members of the council will be there. Your Royal Highness, you have learned well."


Jurgen left just as quickly as he came. In a few words, he turned around, closed the door and left.

Through the crack in the door for a moment, Jackett keenly saw a pair of shoes, a pair of military boots.

Someone was guarding him at the door, or in other words, imprisoning him, preventing him from seeing Alijie.

"You want to use my blood to cleanse the House of Nobles..."


Lighting a lingering cigarette, Jackett frowned secretly. He was not afraid of death, and even if the plan was feasible, it would be okay if he actively cooperated.

He was able to sit in such a position because of more than just his brute strength and courage. The problem was that he never felt at ease without seeing the final results of his plan.

In other words, he couldn't trust Jurgen.


Clean and soft white clouds, like fish scales, were arranged irregularly over Ghent, blocking the scorching sun that was about to emit scorching energy. A breeze came, and the entire heaven seemed to be fresh and cool.

Today's Ghent is clearly sobering up faster than before, whether civilians or bureaucrats, some are expecting surprises, or some are calm and indifferent.

The blessing rituals in the heaven that had been discontinued for several years due to Kallet's invasion were once again relaunched under the leadership of the new supreme priest, Alijie.

A long time ago, Bakar issued the "Magic Ban Order", which led to the rapid development of science and technology in the heavens, but along with it, sacrifices and divination also reached their peak!

In this world where all weapons and equipment are spoken by "data", it is really incredible that superstitious divination predictions still exist.

Because magic is cut off, the "blessing sacrifice" is, in a sense, covered with the mysterious veil of "the last magic in heaven".

Starting from the first priest Irine, praying for blessings has been a tradition that has lasted for hundreds of years and is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people of the heaven.

Although at present, the sacrifice does not seem to have any substantive effect. It can neither deal with Kallet nor expel Anton, but it is a symbol of spirituality.

As for the post-war clean-up work, the palace was naturally the first priority.

The spacious and clean palace square is neatly paved with white bricks and stones, and the railings are carved with jade. The surface of the palace walls is painted with white ash to remove the traces of smoke and bullets.

This is the square inside the palace, which is sacred and solemn and generally not open to civilians.

The flag of the Seventh Empire was erected on the side of the palace gate, rustling with the howling wind, just like people's surging hearts.

The regent, Naviro Jurgen, and the commander-in-chief, Jacket Elros, were lined up on both sides of the steps, both in formal attire and solemnly staring at the civil and military officials in the square.

Above the steps, at the main entrance of the palace, there is one and only one seat. That is the position of the highest priest, but it is empty now.

At the bottom of the steps, in front of Jurgen and Jacket, were a group of uniformly dressed members of the parliament and military uniformed officials.

At the same time, the courtyards of the imperial concubines such as Feiyan and other palace ladies were further away, or behind the officials.

A brand new red carpet stretches from the highest priest's position to the outer wall of the palace!

Yelin, Siatt and the others were also in the third echelon, that is, besides the army, political leaders, and officials from various factions, they were close to the palace entrance at the other end.

Originally there was no place for them here. As rewarded figures, they should wait outside the square inside the palace to be paged.

It was Jurgen who said that the heroes of the heavens could not be neglected, so he found a place for them to stand at the last position.

Naturally, it is impossible for civilians to swarm around to watch the Heavenly Realm Grand Ceremony. The risk factor and noise are too difficult to manage.

Through a series of film and television transmissions, live images can be transmitted outside the palace and even to the Eaton Industrial Zone for projection for the public to watch.

The heaven does not believe in gods, and there is no figure with infinite power like "Mal". Although the Seven Mechanical Gods of War have been almost deified, they ended in tragic tragedy after all, and they have a hint of fireworks.

Therefore, the object of prayer and sacrifice in the heaven for hundreds of years is "Heaven"!

Above the sky, there is no visible form, no specific name, some kind of spiritual sustenance, the sky!

Sacrifice naturally requires reasonable sacrifices or tributes, and then someone takes the lead and uses certain etiquette, such as kneeling down piously, declaring prayers, lighting incense, etc.

Coupled with the unmistakable ritual process, represented by the highest priest, he communicates with the "heaven" on which the spirit is entrusted, praying for good weather and peace for the country and the people.

A set of sacrifices will take half a day if everything goes well. If there are some extra things mixed in, it will probably last until the afternoon.

This is not only a mental test, but also a severe physical test for the important people inside the palace, especially those who can stand here.

However, many people stared at the position of the highest priest with the corner of their eyes, filled with puzzlement.

Where are the necessary ritual tables and offerings?

Accompanied by the majestic and uplifting music, everyone calmed down, lowered their heads slightly, put their hands on their chests, and looked neither happy nor sad.

A beautiful and delicate figure stepped on the red carpet at a fixed pace, slowly walked in from outside the palace gate, and walked towards the only seat above the steps.

One step behind Alicia, there was the extremely respectful Marin Kishika, and... Terrasa Shutz, whose eyes were extremely frightened, her body was trembling slightly, and her lips were turning white.

Almost everyone in the heavenly world saw the priest Xiuzi who was obviously not in a good state, as well as the dazzling branch-shaped golden crown on Alijie's head!

No, that's not a branch at all, but a beautified dragon horn crown!

Standing on the first step, the originally calm Jurgen's expression suddenly changed. Regardless of etiquette, he quickly turned his head and stared at Jackett.

However, the general also looked suspicious.

Because the highest priest has never had this golden crown!

"The fate of the Jurgen family is in your hands."

This was a note that Ye Lintuo Gu Yu quietly sent to him last night, a note that kept him awake all night.

In an instant, Jurgen, who had always been calm, also lost his voice.

"That's it. The golden crown with dragon horns and golden crown is called imperial power. The Dragon Emperor is enthroning, not offering sacrifices!"

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