Chapter 430: Having sex with the princess

"The magic of heaven has disappeared for nearly a thousand years. You must have come from the world below."

Alijie, who has a keen mind and is talented and intelligent, immediately judged that he was not a celestial being.

"Yes, I come from the world below, the continent of Arad, a place called the Principality of Belmare. It was your maid, Ma Lin, who risked her life and went down to ask for help."

He held his two slender calves under his arms and walked back slowly while carrying the princess on his back. Feiyan and the others could no longer wait there impatiently, but they were frightened by his previous instructions and did not dare to come over. They could only watch helplessly. .

"How long have you been in Heaven?"

"About ten days."

"Then do you miss home?"

"Yeah, I think so."

Slowing down slightly, Ye Lin looked up at the sky filled with fire and smoke, his eyes full of tenderness. Although he had not been in heaven for a long time, he did miss his own small manor.

If it wasn't for a certain apostle from the demon world who liked to wear bikinis and caused trouble and trouble, he would be very greedy for his warm and lively manor.

"It's only been ten days and you already miss home. And you can go back at any time. I've been away from home for many years. Grandpa Beilean won't let me go back, and General Jackett won't let me go either. Besides, I can never read with my glasses on. Jurgen, who understands eyes..."

Alicia's voice became lower and lower. After eating a small piece of cake, she wiped her mouth and lay silently on his shoulder, not wanting to talk anymore.

After all, no matter how you say it, she is essentially just a teenage child who is sensitive, playful, and often homesick.

But she was born the Dragon Emperor, and she was destined to play like a child, which did not belong to her and was not something she could have.



He sighed silently. Although he had only been in contact with Alijie for only ten minutes from just now, he already cared for Alijie as if he were his good sister.

Such a good girl actually has another Mintai, but Mintai has a biological brother Rabina.

"After returning to the Imperial Capital, there may still be a difficult time. The House of Nobles has evil intentions towards you. Give me some time and planning, and I will help smooth the stones on your road."

"What good will this do to me? I don't want to go back."

Blinking her big, watery eyes, Elizee actually meant that she was tired of staying alone in the cold palace. If it weren't for the designation of her former priest Beilean, she wouldn't want to be a princess.

"Girl, you are the future master of the Seventh Empire in this world. Countless people are eagerly looking forward to your return. You are their spiritual support and their ideal entrustment. They need you very much, just like a person can't live without you. It’s like turning on the air.”

Children are spoiled and willful and don't want to bear such a big burden. Of course, they won't bite the bullet and say that you must take responsibility and don't be willful, etc...

But to use a very euphemistic way of saying, heaven needs you!

The feeling of being needed will make Alijie feel a little better, implying that you are not forced, but that the people of heaven need you.

"But, I really don't like that place. The big empty room, the smiling but hypocritical nobles, the sweet words, and the etiquette that seems respectful but is full of contempt."

Alizee murmured in a low voice. The child's straightforward nature and the fact that there were few people around made it easy for the nobles to say such words that would frighten them.

There was a slight pause in his steps, and a flash of surprise flashed in Ye Lin's eyes.

In addition to the vague precognition in dreams, Princess Alijie's mental power is also naturally powerful!

The most obvious performance is that she can sense the most subtle emotional changes of everyone, and if she is deliberately guided, she can induce this emotion.

Not only the House of Lords, but also Jurgen and Jackett may not know it. They believe that the princess, who is still too young to take on big responsibilities for the time being, already possesses the most powerful "mind-reading" ability that all monarchs long for.

Who treats her well or not, who has evil intentions when facing her, and who has a loyal and honest character, Alijie knows all of them clearly!

Her mental abilities are a bit like a low-end version of the "seduce" phenomenon, and a variant of mind-reading.

Ye Lin suppressed his surprise and asked easily: "Girl, do you want friends?"

"No, because I don't have time to play with my friends."

The crisp answer and the childish voice made Ye Lin twitch slightly and feel a little painful.

"Haha, don't be so serious and pessimistic. Let me tell you, we have three female emperors in the Arad continent. They have the same important national responsibilities as you, but as long as they handle various things well, they can also have time for leisure and entertainment, no As you can imagine, I’m busy twenty-four hours a day.”

"Really? Being an emperor won't be too busy?"

Alicia suddenly raised her head, holding his shoulders with both hands, her big eyes full of surprise.

The reason why she had the illusion that the emperor would be busy from morning to night was because when the former priest Beilean was fighting against Kallet, due to the scattered power in the country, the House of Lords was holding back in various ways, so she had no choice but to do it in person. And Wei, who has been busy all the time, finally overworked himself, became bedridden, and couldn't sleep at all.

This gave Alijie, who was still young at the time, an illusion that the emperor was very, very tired, and might even die of exhaustion.


He lifted Alijie up with his arms, and his smile was filled with a touch of care, as if I am older than you and I will not lie to you, and he vowed:

"Just like my country Belmare, it is a beautiful place, but it was occupied by a more powerful empire many years ago and turned into a puppet country. The current Queen Skadi has been working hard to govern and plan to restore the country, and in two months There was a successful war in the past, but now the people are willing to live and work in peace and contentment and prosper, and the Queen still has time to have afternoon tea."

After hearing this, she was startled, and then her big eyes were full of longing. After hearing this, Alizee couldn't help but feel a little yearning. It turns out that female kings can also do very well.

"Also, the Dark Elf Kingdom living underground, their queen Meia, like you, is also restricted by the nobles..."

"Dark Elf? I only heard a little about it from Ma Lin. Is there really such a race?"

Ma Lin went to Arad to learn Magadha by herself, and Magadha was left behind by Karas, Kakun's father, so it was not surprising that the princess knew about the rumors about the dark elves.

"Of course, there is a dark elf in my team. He is a night owl and likes to kick the quilt when sleeping. I will introduce him to you later."

"Yeah, definitely!"

"Also, there is a place called Xuzu in the Arad continent. The current Queen Aska is not yet an adult. The coming-of-age ceremony will be held in about half a month."

"Huh? It's true, there is an underage queen! That's right, is this good?"

Seeing that the road had come to an end and many people were about to gather around her, Alicia leaned forward and whispered in his ear urgently: "Well, when we get back to the palace, you can tell me something if you have time in the evening. Are the stories about the world below good? During the day, Marlin and the others always ask me to learn etiquette, and Jurgen asks me to read, ugh..."

"Then you have to be confident and strong. The people of Heaven are eager to see a brave and confident monarch. If you agree, I will tell you a story."

"Okay, then the hook!"

Bai Shengsheng's little finger stretched out in front of his eyes. Ye Lin was slightly startled, and then he also stretched out his little finger and hooked it.

"Okay, hook up."

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