Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 426 Damn spicy potato chips!

A menacing camouflage off-road vehicle shot out a billowing stream of dust in the desert, pointing directly at the Ardennes Highlands in the south of the Lawless Zone, which was also its final destination.

Behind him, next to the vehicle that was completely scrapped by Ye Lin, stood a bulging khaki grave with a piece of wood as a tombstone. In front of it were a pack of cigarettes, a bottle of spilled spirits, and some Paper money burned to ashes.

This is Pierre's tomb. Kelly couldn't bear to prevent him from being left alone and buried in the wilderness, out of the last trace of love for her former teammates.

As for Van Vladin's body, the villain has no right to be buried, and vultures and crows as well as wolves at night, as well as the ubiquitous ant colony, should take care of the follow-up questions.

Kelly, who was about to cry, her mood improved rapidly after washing her face. She sat in the passenger seat and slowly tied up her hair that had been carelessly scattered. Then she threw the goggles on her head in front and crossed her legs. .

"I'm hungry!"

She stretched out her hand and waved it vigorously in front of Ye Lin. She didn't eat much breakfast, and she was highly nervous for a duel. Now her stomach was growling.

"Don't block my view of driving. Do you want bread or cookies?"

"Give me the potato chips, spicy beef flavor."

"Potato chips? I don't understand. The net weight of a bag of potato chips is so small, how can it fill my stomach? Mailu likes to eat when he is hungry, and Gu Yu also likes to eat."

He threw a bag of potato chips in his right hand. Although he also liked eating such things, they were usually snacks. When he was hungry, he still used to stuff bread or steamed buns into his mouth.

However, Mailu's physique doesn't make her fat no matter how much she eats, and Gu Yu's is similar, so she lets them go.

The terrain of the lawless zone is dominated by deserts and dry mountains. It is vast and sparsely populated, and there is often no human habitation for ten miles.

About 90% of the residents live on the River of Life in the northeast of the mainland. Along the river banks, there are large tracts of oasis land.

However, as the largest continent in the world, the oasis suitable for human survival only has less than one-tenth of its area, which is really a bit nervous.

Moreover, the consequence of the poor environment is the crazy competition for limited natural resources, which is also an important factor that makes the lawless zone never peaceful.

Heis is close to the edge of the oasis. Because of its special terrain between canyons, water resources, which are the most important for survival, are relatively abundant, and sand erosion is relatively small. It has slowly developed into the largest city in the lawless zone.

Passing through Heis towards the Ardennes in the east, the greenery along the road is still not too lush. Shrubs form the main tone, and the cacti are also faintly dark brown.

The broken loess and gravel paved a road that didn't look much like a road. The terrain was rugged, and even a military off-road vehicle would have some bumps when driving.

After finishing a bag of potato chips, Kelly sucked the condiment on her finger with satisfaction and made a loud noise.

"After I rescue the little princess, I can go back to Arad with peace of mind and make money. I don't know how well Yunmi is taking care of my store. Is there any loss?"

As she said that, Kelly slowly reached out to the left and said...

"Didn't the Imperial Queen's Courtyard send you an invitation letter? You were asked to serve as the instructor of the roaming gunner. Didn't you really want to go there before?"

The hand holding the steering wheel suddenly tightened, and her eyes went straight. Kelly was indeed the fastest roaming gunner in the area, and she was very skilled in drawing guns at extremely high speeds!

"Wandering Instructor, let's talk about it. Can the salary offered by the Royal Courtyard be as much as that earned by my reinforcement shop? Let's wait until Ghent is rebuilt and play again. Now Ghent is full of ruins and the shops are closed."

Kelly's hand speed and the progress of the off-road vehicle gradually showed an inverse curve. The bumpy dirt road made Ye Lin only be cautious, fearing that there would be large rocks on the road, and he would lose concentration because of his lack of concentration. Crash.

"However, with Melvin's robot, Ghent should be rebuilt quickly."

Ye Lin felt a slight chill between his teeth, and his eyes were a little painful and sad, because the potato chips Kelly just ate were spicy beef flavored, and she hadn't washed her hands yet.

"That genius scientist? I'm quite interested in his robot sister, as well as solving problems with source energy, and the thing you thought of called a nuclear bomb. Forget it, just break down your seat in half."

Kelly licked the corner of her mouth, released her left hand, and stuffed her coat and shirt behind the windshield, leaving only a set of cyan printed justice shields, showing the deep white skin derived from justice.

From the outside perspective, the two people who were originally in the driver's seat and the co-pilot suddenly disappeared completely after squatting down as if picking something up.

The driving seat of the military off-road vehicle given by Ma Lin was not actually very spacious, but fortunately, after using the fifth element to decompose half of the seats and some unnecessary bumps and bumps, it could barely accommodate two people.

Kelly spat, straightened her waist, and then slowly stooped her back.

Embrace of justice!

Because the road was rugged, the car stumbled while running. Even if Kelly tried to maintain a stable state, she would be tossed around and her body would be shaken in various ways.

"This road is too bad." Kelly frowned hard, her knees hurt slightly from the bumps, and complained: "It's too uncomfortable, or we abandon the car and you take me to fly to the Ardennes."


Taking a deep breath, he refused righteously and said: "Can't you bear a little "suffering"? I heard that Kallet built a rocket turret. What if it flies and is shot down? Hold on for a while. "

Hearing this, he rolled his eyes and secretly cursed in his heart. You can even crush rockets with your bare hands. You, the manipulator of all metals, can reach the legendary realm with just one kick. Are you still afraid of some rockets?

The speed of the off-road vehicle was not very fast, probably for insurance purposes, or maybe because it wanted to delay the time longer.

Kelly lowered her head, a flash of fire appeared in a pair of brown eyes, and her white and neat teeth were selected to bite.

He is worthy of being the most famous rich man in Hutton Mar, with business extending in all directions and a wide network of contacts. He is like a social butterfly in the upper class, with a sharp tongue and a eloquent tongue.

"Spicy beef flavored potato chips!"

After briefly squinting but being stunned, Ye Lin hurriedly stepped on the brakes, resting his head on the armchair, feeling faintly dizzy, damn potato chips.

"Haha, if I eat a delicious spicy hot pot meal, will you die suddenly on the spot?"

Vague and unclear.

Although Kelly's tone was sarcastic, her condition was not very good, and her breathing was slightly unsteady: "Is there anyone within a kilometer radius?"

The off-road vehicle happened to be parked next to a low cliff, and rocky terrain began to appear around it, proving that we were about to reach the Ardennes Highlands, and there would be an extremely difficult uphill road next.

"Absolutely no one, but be prepared."

Ye Lin gritted his teeth, then used magic to raise the shielding earth walls on all sides of the car, and then motioned for Kelly to get into the back seat. The car seats here were damaged and she couldn't fight.

Rolling down the glass behind the off-road vehicle, Kelly leaned on the window with her arms, staring at the rock wall that was battered by wind and sand, and was broken and mottled. It seemed to be an abstract mural, and she slowly hummed "The Lawless Zone" Characteristic, high-spirited and melodious ditty.

However, due to time constraints, after getting out of hand, the military off-road vehicle was wasted and completely covered in the rocks and dust.

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