Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 397 Jurgen’s “Harmonious Family”

Although Ye Lin said that this was purely his own guess, after tasting it carefully, it still made people feel pale.

The sea train track, a miracle in the heavens, is also the kind of blood vessel that is the main artery in the neck.

Even the arrogant and smug House of Lords did not dare to say no to the train tracks.

But Kallet is a lawless and destructive organization. Blowing up orbits is really not something taboo or something they dare not do.

Now the war in Ghent has barely improved, but the Eaton Industrial Zone itself cannot be protected, and the princess should also be in Kallet's hands, which is the lawless zone.

Except for Nospes, the other three continents were in raging war and chaos.

Losing the fast and convenient sea train is really a burden that the world cannot bear.

Raphael frowned and counted his fingers, while calculating, he murmured: "The Hanging Harbor is located at the southernmost point of Ghent. It is a long way away. Kallet has disappeared for a while. Based on the distance between Ghent and the Hanging Harbor, we can estimate The speed of troop movement.”

As a top student in the Imperial Queen's Courtyard, I can calculate this common sense question in my mind. After some calculations, I get an astonishing answer!

If it weren't for the rainy weather, Babylon would have fled to Hanging Harbor.

However, due to the obstacles of rainy weather, the other party has most likely not arrived yet. They are still on the way, but they will be there soon!

Ye Lin nodded, quickly snapped his fingers, summoned the magic sword, and said in a deep voice: "You can play by yourself, wait here for the Imperial Army, I will capture Babylon, by the way, leave some supplies for Silver Spoon Tuan, this is I promised them."


"Oh, here it comes!"

Standing obediently in front of the magic sword, Feiyan's calves immediately began to feel weak and cramped. She knew Yelin needed a local guide, but flying with the sword was still too stimulating to the senses.

Mo Mei once again condensed the mind shield on the two of them to block the invasion and interference of wind and rain.


The magic sword, which was flying at almost full speed, actually exploded with a sonic boom in an instant. White air waves surged, and the two black and plum horses under the ground followed it and flew wildly.

"Stop...stop, it's too fast..."

Feiyan's face turned pale. Although the speed of the magic sword slowed down slightly, it was still close to the speed of sound. This was not a plane protected by a shell, but a sword with only a layer of mental energy shield, and there wasn't even much room to stand.

"The wind is too strong, I can't hear you, and I can't catch up if you're unhappy." Ye Lin's eyes were distant, with a smile of success on his lips.

After a few minutes, Feiyan still couldn't bear the thrilling speed. Her eyes went numb and her body went limp. She lay back in a strong embrace.

"By the way, your pair of cat ears..."

His left hand went around the soft and gentle waist, and his right hand couldn't help but poke the brown and black cat ears. As expected, they were not real, they were decorations.

There is also a blue tassel pendant hanging from the cat ear on the left side.

The only ones with animal ears should be the alien race headed by "Norni of Transcendence" in the demon world, and the widely distributed orc tribe. The orc tribe, like the Bantu tribe, is a collective name for several races.

Feiyan is a serious Celestial Clan, characterized by long legs and thin waist, and there is absolutely no such thing as cat ears.

"This... one day when I was playing with the princess, she said that my hair was so long and beautiful, but why didn't I have any jewelry, so I put it on."

With a slight sigh, the duty of the Royal Princess is to accompany and protect Alijie. Although the girl holds a high position, she is still a child after all, and it is only natural to like fluffy and cute things.

It would be nice if she could have people of the same age playing with her...


Ghent Palace

Jurgen rubbed his brows in distress. He had just received confidential news from the front. Ye Lin led people to bring a supply point and headed to the hanging harbor to try to capture Commander Babylon alive.

"Father, this is a good thing. If we can capture the enemy general alive, it will greatly improve our morale. A counterattack will be just around the corner."

Edwin on the electronic screen had a respectful attitude. Behind him seemed to be a study room, where he was processing some official documents.

Those aristocratic young men were greedy for enjoyment and ignored the hardships of the war, but Jurgen was extremely strict with his children. He would often send back scenes from Ghent through phone calls, videos, and occasionally letters to exercise their judgment.

In the eyes of outsiders, Duke Jurgen has reached a peak that others cannot reach in their lifetimes. He is a representative of the House of Lords and a regent, and he is in his prime.

However, no one knows that the Jurgen family is now in complete chaos. The father, son and daughter have their own agendas, creating a miniature version of the situation in heaven.

"It was too fast and it was too blurry."

Jurgen frowned, a flash of disappointment flashed in his eyes, but he still managed to pull himself together, regained his composure, and said calmly: "He let the Silver Spoon Circus go. Although the circus sent a topographic map, it was impossible after all. People from the area, and there were signs of harming Ghent.”

"Uh, father, you mean..."

Edwin on the other end couldn't understand what he meant. Listening to these words, it seemed that his father was a little dissatisfied with letting the Silver Spoon Circus go?

"He is a sentimental person who can destroy invaders and let go of a group of old, weak, sick and disabled people. He is not like an outsider that Ma Lin invited with profit, but like a heavenly being!"

"The most terrifying thing is that if he captures Babylon, his reputation in Ghent will reach its peak. All the Imperial Army and Ghent garrison will owe him their lives."

After Jurgen spoke, he suddenly stopped talking. He wanted to hear his son's reaction, or the next association.

However, Edwin still looked submissive, his eyes full of confusion, as if he didn't understand.

Jurgen was even more disappointed when he saw this. He was disappointed not that his son couldn't see anything, but that Edwin never took the initiative to express his thoughts.

There is no better son than a father. He knew that his son, who was as intelligent as his sister Marianne, was by no means as honest and honest as he seemed on the surface.

But God or God suddenly dealt a series of huge jokes to the powerful Jurgen family.

When Jurgen was sixteen years old, he expelled the Skyhawk organization through slander, which caused the nobles to remove a fatal sting. From then on, he became a representative of the House of Nobles, making all nobles owe him a favor.

(This analysis will be placed in the next chapter of the author’s words. There are too many words to fit in this chapter)

He achieved success at a young age and became famous, but after all, his family was just an ordinary founding aristocrat before. They were slightly famous, but their foundation was unstable and their connections were thin.

So of course, aristocratic marriage!

The other party is the daughter of a great nobleman, and they are a perfect match. It seems to be a match made in heaven, but unfortunately, his wife has always had some mental problems.

Especially after giving birth to several children, his wife's mental illness began to worsen. Eventually, she unfortunately "died" shortly after her eldest daughter Marianne went away to study.

However, all the children knew that although their mother's illness was serious, it was definitely not fatal.

A horrifying rumor was quietly spread among the people that Jurgen couldn't stand his wife's capriciousness, so he secretly poisoned her and sent her away.

Of course, it is just a guess after all, with no solid evidence.

But from then on, the civil war in the Jurgen family became like the gentle wind in the valley, which seemed gentle but was actually cold and unbearable.

After the eldest daughter Marianne got married, she became very ambitious and wanted to enter the House of Lords in the name of a noble and officially intervene in the government, but Jurgen forcibly stopped her.

The younger son Edwin is talented and knowledgeable. He was blatantly and secretly trained by Jurgen as his successor and devoted his efforts.

But he never expected that Edwin and his sister Marianne had a very good relationship, and he was not willing to be the successor of the family. He was even more dissatisfied with his father's actions, so he began to escape in various ways, pretend to be stupid, and engage in a silent resistance.

Because Jurgen once publicly stated that the family would be handed over to Marianne, in a sense, he broke his promise...

In the eyes of others, the regent is a famous minister, but within the family, it is a mess, as messy as hemp, and as messy as mud.

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