Chapter 389 Isabella’s “Golden” Diplomacy

There are more than 200,000 bottles of potions. After he learned about Marin's lower realm when he was still in Arad, he specially asked Celia to buy and store them in the store during the two days when Kelly was assembling the spaceship "glasses".

A fierce war broke out in the heaven, and being surrounded by Kallet, medical resources were bound to be in short supply, so there were more than 200,000 bottles. This number sounds scary, but it is actually not enough.

However, there is a shortage of money everywhere in Tianjie. Salaries, reconstruction, pensions... various funding gaps are like a honeycomb, and they are all holes that need to be filled.

Ye Lin gave a discount, based on 200,000 bottles, and then calculated the total price on the spot.

But it was difficult to pay off the funds at once, so Jurgen could only hold his nose and stamp the IOU written by himself in the name of the regent and the regent's seal.

Ye Lin was very happy after putting away the IOU, and told them to prepare a large warehouse and related guards to protect and retrieve the medicine.

"The national treasury is almost empty, and the pension of soldiers is a big problem."

Both Ma Lin and Zedin looked sad. The medicine could temporarily alleviate the situation of the injured soldiers. However, the identities of those soldiers who unfortunately died in last night's battle were recorded. The corresponding honors and compensation must be paid as soon as possible. It's good to distribute it.

You can no longer write IOUs for pensions, they must be in real money and sent to the hands of the family members.

The two of them looked at Jurgen as if asking for help. The regent, who was always confident and had countless plans on his mind, also twitched his face fiercely and sighed:

"You also know that it has been almost ten years since the last Supreme Priest Beilean commanded the resistance and now we have defeated Kallet again. Especially after the arrival of Anton, we have been unable to make ends meet..."

In Ghent, the capital of God, the treasury has been emptied.

The Eaton Industrial Zone, the largest economic pillar, not only supplies electricity to the entire Tianjie, but is also the most prosperous economic zone in Tianjie.

Apostle Anton turned the Siman Industrial Base into a sea of ​​​​fire, which also caused the entire Eaton industry and economy to stagnate.

Especially because of the disappearance of the princess, commanders from various places, such as Pedra Neumann, the commander of the Eaton Industrial Zone, who used to be an auxiliary priest next to Beilean, are now beginning to show signs of wanting to take control of the lifeline of the heaven and support their own troops. .

The Seventh Reich had to find a way to get some urgent money. At least it had to collect pensions for the wounded and wounded soldiers first.

However, since the two nobles Jurgen and Marin were still in the meeting room, Zedin could not complain about the nobles who lived a luxurious life in Nospes.

Each one of them donated a small amount of symbolic funds, and some simply gave some equipment. After all, attitude and appearance still need to be shown.

"As an outsider, I have a suggestion..." Ye Lin said with a sneer at the corner of his mouth, intentionally or unintentionally: "It is better to send the success of tonight's war to the nobles of Nospis in the form of a document."

As soon as he finished speaking, Jurgen's folding fan accidentally clicked on the smooth tabletop, making a crisp knocking sound: "This is not appropriate. The princess has not returned from rescue yet, and Ghent has also suffered various hardships. Although we won, but But it was a miserable victory, and they were ashamed of their population.”

Ye Lin wanted to dig out a piece of the fat of the noble house to temporarily fill the current thin and dry Ghent, but Jurgen knew very well that the nobles were closely connected together, and one move would affect the whole body, at least with his future. The plan is extremely inconsistent, and there is a possibility of alerting the enemy.

"Your Excellency Jurgen, we did win. This was the hard work of all the soldiers!"

Zedin's suggestive "hat" was pulled off, which immediately made Jurgen feel a little overwhelmed.

Everything he did was based on the premise of complying with the morale of the people and the military.

If he deliberately misinterprets his meaning and spreads it, I am afraid that the Celestial soldiers who have just experienced a life and death battle will definitely eat the entire Jurgen family alive in their anger.

Kallet in the lawless zone can still trigger a tragic war. If there is a spark of internal conflict, it will really be like having a barbecue in the ammunition depot, for fear that the bomb weight is not enough.

"The nobles have also devoted their efforts. They have also supported property, and some have even placed blood relatives in the army. They have helped Ghent enough. We should make rescuing the princess our first priority, and then conduct a self-defense After Lei An's death, there has not been a grand sacrifice held for many years. The most important thing is to appease the people. The military pensions are all recorded, and it can be later."

In an instant, Zedin's anger surged, and his teeth clenched. His right hand, which had only recovered a short time ago, wanted to punch Jurgen's glasses hard.

Is what he said wrong?

That’s right!

However, the materials supported by the nobles were almost a drop in the bucket. As for the so-called blood relatives joining the army, they were just concubines who were not valued by their families.

Even for concubines, their positions were arranged by the family through connections and were placed on the outskirts of the palace, which was the most stable place in Ghent, and never went to the front line.

What Jurgen said sounded right, but he deliberately ignored that with great power comes great responsibility.

In terms of merit alone, not to mention Ye Lin who worked hard last night, even every ordinary soldier of the Royal Capital Army can compare those noble "masters" to scum.

He is the nominal leader of the House of Nobles and now protects the nobility class. Ma Lin and Zedin are not surprised at all.

Moreover, the large-scale blessing ceremony is indeed an extremely important traditional activity in the history of the heaven. It has a history of hundreds of years and is known to every person in the heaven like the Seven Mechanical Gods of War.

This is precisely why the official title of "Supreme Priest" came from this.

If Jurgen temporarily slows down the payment of pensions for the reason of "sacrifice", this kind of righteous excuse can be fooled, at least it can appease the emotions of the common people.

For Ghent, who is now poor, suspending pensions can be regarded as a way to breathe a sigh of relief.

However, Zedin felt anger rising in her heart. She felt deeply unworthy for those soldiers who died on the battlefield and did not see the rising sun the next day.

The popular support you want is important, but the soldiers who gave their lives to protect the heavens, aren't they important?

Just when the atmosphere was tense and stiff, Isabella suddenly opened the door of the conference room, bringing cool Cyrus with her in a strange gesture, breaking the situation where there was a wisp of gunpowder smell.

Ye Lin expected that this scene would happen today, so he asked Feiyan to invite her, the princess who was good at using "money" to win over people, to come over.

"Your Royal Highness."

Ma Lin and others stood up to show courtesy, but they didn't understand why the imperial princess came out at this juncture.

But last night, the princess kicked the cannon in heaven. She was also a meritorious person, and she was even more respected.

"No need to be polite." Isabella smiled lightly and said, "Bring it here."

Cyrus slapped his hand on the table, and two large black wooden boxes, about one meter in length, suddenly appeared in front of everyone, and then the conference table collapsed.


What is so heavy?

Along with the collapse of the table, the box also opened a hole due to the fall. From that narrow gap, the golden light of wealth and luxury instantly filled the entire conference room.


Two large boxes full of gold nuggets were neatly arranged, sparkling with gold, and filled with wealth. It stimulated Zedin's eyeballs and taste buds, and he swallowed unconsciously.

"Your Royal Highness, what are you..."

Ma Lin's fingers were trembling. She guessed that this was more than just giving someone timely help, it was like building a house and bringing a thick quilt with them.

"I will lend you an IOU at a loan interest rate of three percent."

This loan interest rate is relatively reasonable, and can even be said to be low. Ghent is now so short of money that it can't wait to pull money out of the fields.

If you can exchange this gold into money, you can replenish your blood first!

Ye Lin's expression seemed surprised. Of course he knew that Isabella was not short of money. Leon, the super-rich owner of the empire, once filled her house with gold.

But this kind of ultra-rich behavior of carrying a huge amount of weight with you, which is at least more than ten tons of gold based on the volume of the two boxes and the density of gold, is really, really unheard of.


Both Ma Lin and Zedin set their sights on Jurgen, who had a dark face. The meaning was self-evident: settle the accounts, write the IOU and seal it.

If this kind of thing about providing help in times of need and building a house is continued, if word spreads, there will be a mutiny on the spot without any room for refutation.

Isabella counted with her fingers solemnly: "I have inquired about the price of your heaven. The price of gold is high because of the war. Gold is in troubled times, but I am not someone who takes advantage of the situation. I can lower the price a little. , just think of it as our beautiful friendship.”

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