Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 360 The second fan girl!

Ma Lin was now faced with a problem that she was helpless about. After Yunmi ate a piece of bread and half a bowl of wild vegetable soup at noon yesterday, she developed symptoms of acute gastroenteritis in just half an hour.

Yunmi's baby face, which was originally plump, round and pretty, was now pale and faintly green, her eyes were dull and straight, and she kept covering her stomach with her little hands.

This is clearly food poisoning, followed by gastroenteritis.

From yesterday noon to this morning, Yun Mi didn't eat any food and only drank a little bit of water.

This also caused them to move extremely slowly, and they had not yet gotten out of Alvin's defense line.

"Hold on, I heard there is a kind-hearted doctor in this place."

Ma Lin was so anxious that she was sweating on her forehead. She expected Yun Mi to take her to Hedunmar to look for Kelly, but she couldn't fall ill halfway.

Fortunately, I met a patient with ghost hands on the road and told him that there was a doctor nearby and pointed him in the direction.

Now when she thinks of those twisted scarlet ghost hands, she still can't help but be surprised and admired.

Even though his arms have become like that, he is still calm and talking to her with a smile. His willpower is enough to make people admire him.

Ma Lin had given up the idea that "Arad continent is weak" and now she just wanted to find a doctor to treat Yunmi, who was almost critically ill.

But she was also secretly puzzled, why was she fine but Yun Mi fell ill?

This question also lingered in Yun Mi's heart. The vegetable soup smelled really good, very fragrant.

Although it tastes very astringent, like eating a fresh leaf that has been eaten by insects, isn't it normal for wild vegetables to have astringent taste, so just make do with it.

Could it be that he ate some kind of wild vegetable that is insoluble in water but poisonous in nature?

"I'm sorry. I probably didn't pay attention when I was identifying wild vegetables. I'm sorry."

Ma Lin apologized profusely, but she didn't think about her cooking ability at all.

The "Kishika" family, a famous aristocratic family in the Seventh Empire of Heaven, is also Ma Lin's family. The cooking skills are passed down from female to male.

The three elements of color, fragrance, and taste are probably because the Kishika family focused all their points on the first two, which led to the negative level in the end.

Ma Lin's mother was a general of the Seventh Reich. Out of sympathy for a young soldier, she personally made a pack of biscuits and gave them to the boy who was about to go to the front line.

Then the boy shared the cookies with the team, which caused the entire team to suffer from acute gastroenteritis and were unable to play.

And that boy's name is... Wu En.

The Kishika family is a disaster that Wu En will never survive.

"Doctor, please take a look, my partner seems to have food poisoning."

Miraz, who was petting the dog, was stunned when she heard this. Most of the patients she treated were monster bites, falls, and the occasional bruises from poisonous insects, but food poisoning was really rare.

After touching the "White Fox"'s head to tell it to be quiet, Miraz had time to check Yun Mi's injuries while playing.

Three dogs brought out from the top-secret area were named "White Fox", "Planner" and "Penguin" respectively!


Miraz looked solemn. She had never seen such a bad chronic poison. Although it was not fatal, its stubbornness was abnormal.

He took some medicinal herbs from the house, boiled them into soup, and fed them to Yunmi slowly.

After touching it for about twenty minutes, Yun Mi's painful expression eased slightly, and he said in a hoarse voice: "Don't pick the wild vegetables on the roadside..."

Miraz wiped the sweat from his forehead and felt helpless: "According to my judgment, I have never seen this kind of poison before. It is not strong, but it is persistent. It will take about three days to be eliminated naturally."

"Three days?"

Yun Mi looked miserable and groaned. She couldn't eat for three days. This was simply a great torture. She would not survive.

The round face will not turn into an oval face due to starvation, it will still be a pointed oval face.

"But there is a way that I don't know if it works." Miraz frowned slightly, seeming a little unsure.

"any solution?"

Ma Lin was in a state of deep guilt, and her eyes suddenly lit up.

"In the capital of Belmare, Hedunmare, there is a man named Yelin. He has a universal antidote. The Celia Chamber of Commerce in the city center also sells this medicine. Why don't you rent a carriage? We'll probably be able to get to Hutton Mar this afternoon."


In the backyard of the fortified store, there is a warehouse full of technology, with tangled wires, bright screens, mechanical production lines, and a silver-white airship.

"I'm so exhausted. If I don't kill tens of thousands more hot chicken Kallets with this thing, I'll feel like I'm losing blood."

Kelly wiped the sweat from her forehead, slapped the shuttle-shaped airship made of super-alloy demon metal, and jumped off the ladder.

Ever since she came back from the encounter in the Empire Arena, she had been working day and night in the backyard to modify the airship that was ready to be launched into the sky, and it was finally at the final stage.

In another day or two, the various facilities and components are installed in the predetermined space, and then Lao Pi is tied to the bow of the ship, and he can go to heaven at any time.

Ye Lin, who was paddling aside and occasionally handing over a wrench, shrugged helplessly and said: "If Tianjie doesn't come down to ask for help, if we suddenly go up, we can only go to Mospis, but according to Captain Root, the royal capital of Ghent has been attacked. Signs of a siege.”

Throwing a cool popsicle to her, seeing Kelly biting it and making a popping sound, ice shards flying, and an extremely malicious look in her eyes, Yelin couldn't help but feel her legs weaken and her whole body trembled.

Kelly, who "founded another way", is no longer the woman who succumbed to his fighting skills and just let him write.

Women in heaven are all like tigresses, with sharp fangs, especially wild tigers like Kelly who cannot be taken away, are even more sharp.

"Kelly? Kelly Dreddy! Are you there?"

In the front yard, where Kelly kept the strengthening machine and stayed, someone suddenly heard a urgent cry.

The person who could call out her full name seemed to be an acquaintance, but the voice sounded so unfamiliar that I couldn't remember who it was.

"Let's go and have a look."

Kelly waved and controlled the mechanical door to lock the warehouse.

Ma Lin supported Yunmi, who was very weak from not eating all day. After sitting down in the strengthening store, she went to the second floor to call Kelly.

Although he bought a copy of World Instrument in the store and took it, Yun Mi said that he still feels nauseous and can't eat for the time being, so he can only drink some sweet porridge.

"Who are you? From heaven?"

Kelly came to the lobby on the first floor and looked at this mysterious woman curiously. In fact, she didn't recognize Ma Lin at all.

When she was in the lawless zone, she only received a letter of appointment from the imperial capital. As for the people in the imperial court, she basically knew some names.

However, Kelly is very happy to have a new partner from heaven. Unfortunately, everyone fell (jumped) into the sea, but luckily crossed the ocean to save their lives. In this continent of Arad, we should rely on each other for warmth and help each other.

"I am Marin, Marin Kishika! The chief maid in the Royal Courtyard, palace name White Rose, Kelly, you are really alive!"

She had seen Kelly's photo, and because of the other person's response just now, she was immediately overjoyed, as if a burden had been dropped on her heart, and she almost cried in surprise.

"Ma Lin? The Royal Courtyard?"

Kelly raised her eyebrows slightly. If the identity of the person in front of her was true, there would be a big problem.

The chief maid was actually forced to jump into the sea. Could it be that Ghent, the capital of gods, had been penetrated by Kallet?

The pistol on the other party's waist was a real Tianjie product. She had also heard of the name "White Rose". She looked at Ye Lin and nodded: "Go upstairs, I want to verify your identity."

Kelly and the eager Ma Lin went upstairs, while Ye Lin curiously stared at the showy girl and handed over a handkerchief: "Are you in some kind of abnormal state, or are you sick?"

Yun Mi was stunned, looked at the sunny and clean person in front of him, smiled bitterly and nodded: "I had food poisoning, but I took medicine."

After taking the handkerchief and wiping his sweat, Yun Mi was too embarrassed to return it. When he wanted to just pay for it, the handkerchief suddenly disappeared in his hand!

"Disposable items, don't worry about them."

Ye Lin smiled. The handkerchief was naturally a product of materialized magic, and it lasted only a short time.

He didn't guess Yun Mi's identity at first, because Yun Mi didn't have a sword in his hand, and he came with Ma Lin. He thought he was also from the imperial court, such as Ma Lin's little follower.

"If you have food poisoning, there are priests in Remedia Temple who can purify it, and there is also a world ritual in Celia Shop, which should be effective."

After giving a few casual instructions, I headed to the second floor.

If that person was really Ma Lin, the chief palace maid, then many things would be much easier to handle.


Yun Mi suddenly stopped him. After taking the World Instrument, he regained some energy. His eyes were shining with stars and he said expectantly: "Thank you for the handkerchief. Also, I want to ask you something. Do you know Ye Lin?" ?Is that the Demon Sword Master?"

With a quick step, Ye Lin noticed something strange. If the other party was Ma Lin's little follower, there was no reason why he would know about him and specifically ask for information about him, right?

The war in heaven is urgent. Did she become a little fan girl like Mo Mei not long after she came down to the world?

Immediately he rolled his eyes and responded: "I know, he is a famous, handsome, charming, and knowledgeable sword master. Everyone knows him. What do you want to do with him?"

"I want an autograph! Also, did you know that he has apprentices? My sword skills are agile and elegant, but I lack the courage to kill."

Yun Mi looked left and right, and after realizing that the sword was not with him, he was embarrassed and said shyly: "I am also a swordsman, but my murderous intention is too light. I can't even deal with the bandits when they are robbing me."

"That is to say..." Ye Lin touched his chin and said strangely: "You want to see him? To learn from him?"

"Well! Even if he doesn't accept an apprentice, he wouldn't refuse if he asked for an autograph, right?" Yun Mi's head was heavy.

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