Chapter 3440: All are satisfied

"You mortals are quite interesting sometimes." Prana picked up the beer with lemon ice cubes, brought it to her mouth, and drank it all in one gulp.

The other drinkers were amazed by his bold drinking attitude.

Due to Prana's outstanding appearance and figure, she looks like a graceful white crane as soon as she enters the tavern, attracting the attention of many drinkers.

Everyone has seen that she has drank five large glasses of cold beer since she entered the door, and the capacity of a large glass is a full liter.

After drinking nearly five liters of cold beer, her body didn't seem to be weird at all. Her belly wasn't bulging and she hadn't been to the bathroom.

If you were an ordinary person, your stomach and intestines would probably start to twitch by now.

Prana pushed the wine glass over and gestured to refill it.

President Li Yun of the God Realm wants to sacrifice hundreds of millions of lives on three continents in exchange for power. His evil behavior is more devilish than the devil.

However, the proprietress of the Moonlight Tavern took the precious opportunity to make a wish to God without much thought and used it directly on others.

Hey, although I can't reach the level of the goddess of destiny, it's still easy for you to become a queen or something.

Chosaburo, who worked in the tavern, brought her the meaty appetizer she ordered. Hearing her teasing, he couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

She has always been quite curious about who this woman is who is very beautiful, often comes here to drink, and pays on credit every day. Every word and action gives people a sense of superiority.

He always says "you humans", "you ordinary lives", "you mortals"...

Sosia added two pieces of lemon ice to the beer glass, and then filled it with golden beer. She smiled softly, "We are very weak, so we learned to join a group to stay warm and survive the cold winter."

"I am also very satisfied with my current life. I don't have any excessive material desires."


God Realm

The sun that was briefly polluted into a solar eclipse shines on the earth again, covering every corner of the White Sea with bright and warm light. Everything is bathed in the charm of rebirth, and an unprecedented, fresh and dry feeling rises in everyone's heart.

It has been raining for too long in the sky of the White Sea Continent. The level of humidity is so great that even the people of the Five Elements Water Tribe feel very irritated. The bedding contains moisture, and the washed clothes cannot be dried. After taking a bath, the whole body feels still wet. Very uncomfortable.

Mushrooms, fungus, and moss sprouted from the walls, beams, and door panels.

Praise the navigator!

Praise the mist god!

Praise the sun!

Comment The trio had a deeper understanding of the light of the sun. After looking at each other, they all saw the surprise and joy on each other's faces, and then they also opened the hidden barrier and walked out.

The fundamental reason why the White Sea has been rainy for several months is that the God of Mist can no longer perfectly control his power, which not only causes rare weather phenomena, but also causes hallucinations caused by excessive concentration of fog.

The scene of the sun shining on the white sea again means that the God of Mist has been able to perfectly control her own power and dispersed the rain clouds that blocked the sky. Her condition is improving and she still has goodwill towards the divine world.

From a more distant perspective, the civilization foundation of the God Realm has become solid and stable again. The giant ship of the God Realm has made the sound of roaring engines, breaking through the water waves, and can sail towards the hopeful future.

clear smoke

The handsome and profound face of the hermit Kelton transformed into an elegant old man in the light. He looked at the sun and smiled. Then in the scholar area of ​​​​Qingyan, he met the beautiful scholar Ruiqi who was famous in the divine world. .

The reason for the change of appearance is that the image of the old man is more likely to make young people respect him. Moreover, it conforms to the image records of him in books and newspapers in the divine world, and can better show his identity to Ruiqi.

"Hello, Ruiqi."


The famous Mist Hermit, the founder of the second golden age of the gods, Kelton is the number one idol in the minds of every scholar, and Ruiqi is no exception.

While feeling extremely excited, Ruiqi suddenly remembered Ye Lin's promise... "Kelton and I are very familiar, and I will introduce him to you later."

"Tsk, my vision is indeed right." Ruiqi was slightly pleased with herself. After getting to know each other and having a brief exchange, Kelton naturally shifted the topic to the Transcendence War that had just ended, and said:

"López's thoughts are not unreasonable. The era of fog machines that I lead is highly dependent on the fog of the Mist God. Without the gift of the Mist God, the entire civilization of the God Realm will stagnate."

"This is the truth." Ruiqi sneered, first expressing her dissatisfaction with Lopez, and then said: "In the outside world, the heavens are highly dependent on electricity, the Aiken planet is highly dependent on fighting spirit, and Solaris is a world of spiritual power. ”

"In terms of civilization development, there are many civilizations that rely heavily on certain energy sources, including coal and oil. These are natural resources that are difficult to regenerate. Are we going to watch helplessly in the name of environmental protection that they will be gone once they are used up?"

Ruiqi fully expressed her attitude, while Lopez just yelled randomly. He was just seeking revenge for himself in the name of the future, and whitewashing himself with glamorous reasons.

"Maybe it's because the God of Mist is wise, so Lopez felt that the God of Mist controls the life and death of the divine world and needs to be on guard." Kelton admired this talented beauty scholar and deliberately tried to find an explanation for Lopez. See Does she have a more subtle answer?

But how does she know so much? She knows that the heaven is still normal, and he has never been to Aiken and Solaris himself.

Ruiqi pushed up her glasses, not hiding her disdain for Lopez, and said: "The starting point is correct, but Lopez's idea is too paranoid and extreme. We should stabilize the state of Mist God as the basis, and then develop Develop a second energy system to reduce the impact of the Mist God on the civilization of the divine world.”

No matter how you look at it, her approach is more perfect than Lopez's one-size-fits-all approach.

Of course, Ruiqi's disdain for Lopez is limited to academic knowledge, because the latter was also a quite outstanding scholar.

Ruiqi believes that Lopez is using a pretense to fulfill his selfish interests, and she hates people who are full of truth but are actually hypocritical.

"Not bad." Kelton nodded slightly, becoming more and more appreciative and satisfied with Ruiqi. He felt that she not only had genius wisdom, quick thinking, but also a sincere heart, and had made many contributions to the divine world.

Although Ruiqi did not directly participate in the battlefield, her first and second generation monster energy exploration devices, fog hallucinogenic antidote, and anti-monster beast antidote all paved the way for the victory of the God Realm. They were very important. Meritorious service.

"Ruiqi, who is your teacher?" Kelton smiled kindly and kindly. He looked at this outstanding junior as if he were looking at a piece of rough jade that had been polished, and he was interested in accepting a disciple.

He will not leave the God Realm until he has dealt with the forces of the three major scholars in the God Realm, and will have plenty of time to teach Ruiqi.

Ergon, who was also in the province, kept scolding him.

"My teacher...well, it's Professor Luo Di of the Beast Fang Judgment." The gray-haired old scholar appeared in Rui Qi's mind, accusing her of being full of theory and nonsense, and making his beard tremble with anger.

At that time, Ruiqi thought she was the only one who was arrogant, so she dropped out of school and ran away, not to talk nonsense with you time-wasting idiots.

Looking back now, I see that the teacher was not entirely wrong.

I had never heard of Luo Di's name... Kelton smiled kindly and asked directly: "Ruiqi, are you willing to be my student."

When you encounter a good seedling, you should act generously. Don't show off the majesty of the elders or rely on your talent to be arrogant. Everything is for the future of the God Realm.

"Ah? You accept me as your disciple? Really?!" Ruiqi was so shocked that her eyes widened, her mature and beautiful face was stunned, and her brain was filled with surprises, as if she was dreaming.

She even wondered whether the Kelton in front of her was fake... She had not considered this issue just now.

A student of Kelton the Hermit, this is something I only occasionally dreamed about before.

"The God Realm attaches great importance to true agreements, and lies are looked down upon." Hermit Kelton smiled kindly, and then asked curiously:

"Ruiqi, I have learned about your previous situation. What prompted you to make such an amazing change?"

This is also a question that puzzles many scholars in the academic world. How did Rui Qi, a theoretical person, suddenly become so talented and produce so many achievements? Every invention is enough to be published in newspapers and shock the world of gods. It is so mysterious.

Ruiqi didn't care about the shortcomings that were exposed, and said generously: "My agreement with Ye Lin is that I will be his woman, and he will give me a magic that can create reality, and give me some human resources."

So far, both parties are very satisfied. Ruiqi has become a famous figure in the divine world, and Ganzhe has also felt the joy brought by Ruiqi's big breasts, long legs, and tight "academic qualifications."

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