Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 3422: Escape

The troubled place with extremely yin attributes received a beam of light that symbolized the yang attribute, just like the dawn breaking through the dark night. This symbolized that things must reverse themselves, symbolizing the cycle and endless life.

The ultimate attribute state of the troubled land will be neutralized and broken. From then on, the yin and yang will chase each other, presenting a harmonious situation and generating a huge energy, which may push the demon king to the throne of god.

"So the monsters have always wanted to destroy Wulan and gain a beam of light." Gentleman Kelton held the silver-plated civilized staff tightly, looked at the group of giant beasts shaking their heads and swaying away, and said:

"There are also substitutes for sunlight, such as the remaining life force of the Awakening Forest, or the God of Mist that incorporates the Yang attribute. They are both close to the concept of nurturing all things, similar to the sun, and can neutralize the ultimate attributes. "

However, because the Hermit Elgon lives in the Forest of Awakening, and the God of Mist himself has extraordinary foundation, extremely strong combat power, and is prone to "going crazy", Mist Lan has become the first consideration of the monsters.

Celia nodded slightly, "I heard Largo say that you blocked the last beam of light."

This is a retelling of words, showing that she is looking at it from the perspective of the monster.

The "blocking of the beam" in Kelton's words presents a sense of necessity in order to destroy the symbolism of the demon king's yin and yang coordination.

It is not difficult to guess the subsequent extension. After the light shines, once the Demon King becomes a god, he will surely come back and harm the three continents of the God Realm.

The blocking light beam in Largo's mouth is a kind of overwhelming hatred and indignation. The light of the White Sea once belonged to monsters, and the White Sea was once the world of monsters.

It gives people the feeling that the God Realm wants to kill the intelligent monsters quickly. The people of the God Realm are invaders and expropriators. Their monsters are on the side of the weak and the victim.

They seemed to just want a ray of light, just like a starving person who only wants a piece of dry bread to fill his stomach.

"This is also an inevitable future." A wry smile appeared on Kelton's face, which could be called a male model, and he sighed and said:

"The monsters long for a beam of light to shine for a long time, and the demon king also longs for a beam of light to form a symbol. The pursuits may be different, but the goals seem to be the same."

The huge hidden dangers left by the White Sea War in the past have finally erupted now.

In the White Sea War, there are two perfect solutions.

The first method is to kill the demon king and the five demon-afflicted monsters, and completely eliminate the demon beast clan.

The second is to reach a friendly agreement with the monster group and give up certain parts of the God Realm to the monsters, so that the two parties will not infringe upon each other from now on.

However, at that time, the Five Elements races in the God Realm were in an era of territorial expansion. They were all arrogant and highly united, and could deal with all conflicts to the outside world. It was impossible to consider the second method.

The Three Hermits and the Mist God failed to completely kill the monster clan. It is difficult to destroy the transcendent. Once the transcendent goes completely crazy, it is even more terrifying.

Considering that monster beasts have begun to sneak attack on ordinary human cities with high-level combat power, the harm is getting bigger and bigger. Seeing that the earth is full of smoke and all life is devastated, even if the Five Elements Race can finally win, it is estimated that 89% of the population base will be killed or injured.

The hermits could only hurriedly seal the monsters in the troubled place and end this war as soon as possible.

However, I never expected that the source of the Yin attribute that could not be found in the God Realm was actually in the place of trouble. The Demon King was lucky enough to obtain it, which seemed to be a self-defeating move and left troubles in the future.

"Seal, this word sounds like it is going to be destroyed." Krach joked.

Who would choose a seal that doesn't sound very safe if they can eradicate it in one go? If they can't seal the opponent, they will have to bear the revenge when the seal breaks one day.


Kelton encountered a divine contamination on his way back from the Forbidden Dimension of Heaven and nearly died. He was in poor condition at this time.

But here is his foundation for transcendence, and here is his identity as a hermit, which can still frighten the major forces and at the same time have a decisive impact on Wulan's future.

He carried a silver-plated civilized stick and walked slowly towards the city center. Some gentlemen would use "stick" instead of "stick", thinking that the latter word was not elegant enough, seemed vulgar, and was not worthy of their status.

The civilized stick was originally a tool used to assist one's own balance and support. It is an indispensable tool for elderly gentlemen. There are also many pampered nobles and rich people who often have a big belly and difficulty walking, requiring the strength of their arms to bear the burden. own balance.

Later, it gradually evolved into an essential tool to reflect the temperament and grace of a gentleman.

Kelton stopped and looked at the foggy, mechanical-style high-rise buildings on both sides of the street, and then at the pedestrians coming and going. Each of their faces had a look of fright and confusion.

Continuous big explosions in more than a dozen directions, with thick smoke billowing and waves of fire raging into the sky, would inevitably frighten ordinary people without abilities.

"Wilan, there is gold and jade on the outside, but ruins on the inside, but it is not impossible to save."

Kelton raised his legs and walked towards an independent building. The building was about 100 meters high. There were gears, clockworks, batteries, and sculptures of flowing mist on the outside. Near the building was a square with green trees and flower beds, as well as fountains and scenery. Not bad.

Kelton looked around, sighed slightly, and then walked towards the building that represented the city lord's office. Many excited people had gathered at the door, questioning and cursing loudly inside.

"Why did the explosion in Wulan happen? So many people died, so why is there no investigation result yet?"

"Why not move Kiran to a safer place, away from Kukai!"

"The monsters have retreated. When can the blocking barrier be opened?"

Kelton stood silently in an inconspicuous corner of the crowd and listened for a while, wrote down several opinions that were mentioned the most, and then disappeared quietly. The place where he appeared again was a city lord's office full of books and documents.

Kelton saw that there was no one in the office, opened the door and walked out, opened the secretary's office next door, and said to the people inside in a low voice:

"In a quarter of an hour, I want to see Weima, Rogertev, Linska, and Amusto next door, and tell them that Kelton is back."

The young female secretary was infatuated with Kelton's handsome appearance for a moment, but soon woke up and stood up quickly.

Because the four names read out by the other party represent the current city lord of Wulan and the leaders of the three major scholar forces in the God Realm. Each of them is a big figure in the God Realm, and ordinary people have corresponding suffixes when calling them.

Dare to call the names of four big figures in such a tone, plus the other party's extraordinary clothes and great temperament, it is obvious that he has a great background.

The young secretary did not dare to neglect it. She hurriedly informed the Lord of Weimar who was in a meeting, stepping on her high heels.

She was not qualified to touch the leaders of the other three scholar forces. It was always right to inform her own Lord first.

Kelton was indeed a very common male name in the God Realm, and Kelton's current young and handsome image was completely different from the old and kind portrait in the book. The secretary did not consider the hermit at all.

Soon, Lord Weimar, who had originally held a meeting on how to restore transportation in Wulan City, stood up and left the meeting, and the secretary took her place.

Lord Weimar opened the door of his office, and the first thing that caught his eye was an old man standing by the window. He had white hair, slightly wrinkled face, but his eyes were very energetic, and he was neatly dressed. Judging from the lines on his face, he must have been a handsome man when he was young.

"Lord Kelton." Weimar's eyes suddenly became hot, and her uneasy heart fell into an unprecedented peace.

The founder of the second golden age of the God Realm, the true leader of the three major scholar forces, the creator of the miracle city Wulan, the hermit Kelton, he is finally back.

"The little girl has grown up." Kelton nodded slightly and smiled.

"Lord Kelton, the old leader of the Beast Fang Judgment, Amusto, died not long ago. He gathered the power of the five elements of the God Realm to try to break through and surpass, but he went crazy and died."

"Rogetev and Linska, one of them is in Chongquan and the other is in Baihai. I will convey the news to them immediately."


The miracle city Wulan, even if it occasionally moves due to the seasons and the passing of the Tianwei giant beast tribe, is maintained within a reasonable range and always keeps the seal on the sky sea.

Now something unprecedented has happened. Wulan has left all the areas where it originally belonged and flew all the way to the direction of Qianhaitian, followed by a huge fog storm.

The sky sea, and the land of disaster hidden in it, ushered in the light of light.

Kelton thought that since the symbolic harmony of yin and yang had been achieved, it was meaningless to continue to seal with mist, and it would increase the risk of being attacked by the demon king in the future.

The best strategy was to leave temporarily.

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