Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 3417 Talent is fixed

The Sky Curtain Beast has always been one of the magical beasts in the God Realm. It lives in groups. It has the power to easily stir up the wind and clouds and stir up storms. It can change the climate of a piece of heaven and earth, and it also has a very long life.

In the realm of the sky, there is almost no race in the God Realm that can fight against the Sky Curtain Beast, especially these big guys often move in groups. It looks like islands floating in the sky. The scene when they swim together is extremely spectacular and shocking.

After having many advantages, there is a trivial flaw. The Sky Curtain Beast cannot be reborn in the Awakening Forest... At least no human has seen the Sky Curtain Beast hatching in the forest.

However, according to a very old and unverified legend, the Sky Curtain Beast does not necessarily maintain its original race after death. That is to say, after a Sky Curtain Beast dies, it may be a petite and soft poet or a chattering Komides after reincarnation.

There is a meaning that wealth and glory can only be enjoyed for one life, and the next life will be ordinary.

Qingyan, Duckweed Islands, Werner City... Any territory in the God Realm may have the magnificent scene of the Sky Curtain Beasts passing by. However, perhaps due to the influence of the fog god's fog, the White Sea area has not seen these big guys for quite some time.

Tana looked at the "mountains" swimming in the distance and frowned slightly. The Sky Curtain Beasts seemed to be swimming from the direction of the White Sea, breaking through the rainy clouds and heading straight for the heavy spring. The forward route is unknown, but it must pass through the fog on the way.

Some people in the White Sea did not know the abnormality, but were happy that the Sky Curtain Beasts broke the rain clouds and brought them precious sunshine... It rained for too long, and mushrooms grew on the beams.

"I remember Beiyana mentioned that the Liyun Chamber of Commerce once wanted to kill a Sky Curtain Beast to obtain the high-value goods on them."

Tana flashed in the Sky Curtain Beasts and landed on one of them. She also scanned the circle carefully and found that there was no Sky Curtain Beast with a blue belly.

This means that the group of sky-curtain beasts that Beiyana and the others encountered at the beginning is not the same group as the current group. There are three or four settlement groups of sky-curtain beasts in the God Realm.

Tana's eyes suddenly turned cold. After a little thought, she stretched out her finger and pointed at the void. A silver light door condensed into shape. Since Ye Lin obtained the power of space, everyone in the family who has ideas and abilities has a certain grasp of space ability.

Diana, the captain of the demon strike team, and Lucky Platinum Elif, who temporarily replaced the recorder of Wu Lan, were invited by her.

Captain Diana was amazed, surprised and yearning, and said: "What a powerful ability, ignoring the restrictions of terrain and weather, and traveling freely, which is much more convenient than taking off the airship. Your Arad continent's cultivation system is indeed rich and colorful."

Then she and Elif looked at Tana with expectation, hinting and almost explicitly, can we learn this "opening door" ability, which is too convenient in various meanings.

When our God Realm and your Arad have established a stable and friendly cooperative relationship, the cultivation systems of each other will definitely complement each other's strengths and weaknesses, which is something worth looking forward to.

Out of the professional habit of hunters, Captain Diana subconsciously asked: "How much money can I learn this skill?"

Tana smiled and shrugged helplessly, "If you want to learn spatial ability, you have to see if you have talent. If you don't have talent, you have to find my wife."

Just like magic, "talent" is a blessing that only a few people can have. Many people can't even perceive the most basic "magic power" in the world, and can't enter the state of meditation. How can they become a magician?

The Delos Empire certainly has a magic fighter experiment that turns ordinary people into magicians, allowing people to seize the fortune of heaven and earth and thus be glorious for a while, but the price behind it is a high mortality rate, shortened lifespan, and gradually indifferent and distorted personality.

The magic fighter group almost never has a good end and will die in collapse. The relevant experimental projects have been ordered to be shut down by Queen Josephine.

Spatial talent is even rarer, one in a million, and a magician without talent can't comprehend even a little bit in his life.

And Ye Lin, who holds the power of space, has the ability to grant talent.

But strictly speaking, the gift at this time is no longer a talent that the person is born with, but a gift that Ye Lin allows to use spatial ability.

"Then how can I know if I have talent?" Elifu asked.

She is a traveling merchant who travels to many places every year. Not only is the cost of airship riding a considerable expense, but she also has to arrange her itinerary according to the take-off time of the airship, which is not free enough.

"I'll test it for you after I'm done. Now..." Tana pointed to the densely grown forest in front, indicating that there was a problem there. She heard human voices in it.

The back of each sky curtain beast is covered with a thick layer of soil, and some have formed a small hill. Then, with the seeds brought by birds or wind, it is normal for a forest to grow on them.

Scholars generally believe that this is a way for the Sky Curtain Beast to protect its back, reducing attacks from the sky while also preventing exposure to sunlight... The big guys like humid environments.

Captain Diana nodded, rolled up her sleeves, revealing a pocket bow coated with anesthetic poison, and quietly turned into a gust of wind to sneak in. An excellent hunter cannot only have a conspicuous big bow.

Bianca is one of her disciples, and she has also heard about the fact that the Sky Curtain Beast "Green Belly" was almost hunted by the Liyun Chamber of Commerce.

Unfortunately, not only was there a lack of strong evidence, but the key was the lack of power to fight against the Liyun Chamber of Commerce, so the matter ended up in vain, which made those who knew about it very angry.

A few minutes later, several sudden screams broke the tranquility of this place... Although the arrows were coated with anesthetics, the flesh and blood torn apart at the moment when the arrowheads shot into the body would still cause great pain.

Tana and Elif quickly rushed over, stepping on the wet moss on the ground, and saw three strangers who were shot in the thighs and bloody in an open space in the woods.

They covered their thighs and screamed in pain, their faces were distorted, and then as time went by, the anesthetic effect spread throughout the body, and they gradually calmed down and seemed to fall asleep.

"My newly prepared anesthetic is quite effective." Captain Diana nodded, satisfied with her work. It took effect quickly. Under the premise of severe pain stimulation, it still took less than three minutes to knock down an adult man.

Choosing to shoot the legs can effectively prevent them from escaping. The single-person aircraft they carried was also easily removed by Captain Diana.

Unless they jumped directly from the Sky Curtain Beast, there was no possibility of escape. Diana didn't think these guys who were trembling with fear had the courage to be brave and fearless.

"Why do I feel like they are about to faint from excessive blood loss." Elifu complained, you shot the thigh with rich blood vessels, and now there is blood all over the ground.

Tana asked: "Diana, do they have anything that can prove their identity?"

"I don't know, I didn't search." Captain Diana spread her hands innocently. She has mysophobia, so she doesn't want to look through men's clothes.

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