Chapter 340 Held’s waiting! (Please subscribe~)

At this time, the EX Dornier, which was as huge as an aerial fortress, happened to sail into this lush mountain range.

Mintai seemed to be very interested in Naiyali's identity and kept asking about many things. Even Shallan didn't teach her much about the knowledge of life in other dimensions.

It must be said that fried food seems to have some unique attraction. The team members are eagerly waiting for Siatt to fry chicken wings, chicken legs, French fries, mushrooms, etc.

Because it is not marinated in advance, the taste will not be much weaker if you apply a little secret sauce afterwards.

"Mo Mei, do you know that Feng Zhen's mother, Feng Lian, the famous Nianqi master, is in the Canyon of the Dead."

Ye Lin looked mysterious, mainly because of the two brothers Feng Zhen and Feng Ling, and never mentioned Feng Lian much.

And even though Feng Zhen had shaved his head and looked like he was middle-aged in his forties, he was actually only a little over thirty. As for the wind chime, he was only in his early twenties, which was not much.

I don’t know how Feng Lian considered her son to be eight or nine years old before trying to have a second child...

"Huh? I also vaguely heard that Feng Zhen, the master of Nian Qi, has a very powerful mother."

Mo Mei shook her head and didn't understand that her boss was always holding her twin ponytails and making random gestures recently.

I had been lying next to the bar, drinking cold apple juice with ice, and waiting for the fried delicacies of malo and rice cakes to come out of the pot. Suddenly my eyes changed slightly, and I was not only surprised, but also extremely happy!

Mailu stood up quickly, ran to the cab and said urgently: "Sister, can you stop for a while? I have something to do."

"OK, all right."

Although he was a little surprised, the curator still controlled the EX Dornier to stop and land slowly. However, Mailu couldn't wait any longer and hugged the teleporting rice cake. She appeared directly outside the airship and rushed towards the forest. Green lake.

"Rice cake, do you feel it? It seems like my sister, and there is the aura of Mr. Caroso."

Mailu was excited and surprised. She followed the team and ventured across half of the continent of Arad, but she never found any fragments of the great will.

After all, the universe is so big, there are countless planets, and there are only a few dispersed forms of the great will. It would really take a huge coincidence to land on the Arad continent!

However, she really met, in the mountains on the border of Belmare, one of the forms of the great will, the mysterious warrior.

At first, Yelin laughed and discussed with Siatt whether Mailu had discovered some treasure. However, when his eyes glanced at Sophie and Astra, he realized that Mailu had found his sister.

The one who came here early but has never been seen is the real dragon knight, Sophie.

However, when he saw the mysterious warrior, his expression changed drastically in an instant, from horror, to fear, and even a hint of despair.

"Damn it, why is this guy still here!"

Gritting his teeth, he quickly jumped off the airship and ran towards the lake. At the same time, he roared back: "You run, drive Dornier to find Tana and find the protection of the Silver Holy Tree!"

However, he didn't notice that because he was too eager, his tone changed in fear, and Siatt and the others didn't understand the meaning clearly.



Two sisters who are not biological sisters but have a better relationship, fiercely collide with each other with the ball, and have a just and friendly exchange!

Although they are not characters of the same dimension and have never met each other before, they seem to have a tacit understanding and already know each other's name and identity.

However, Ye Lin, who was running behind, had no interest in saying hello. Instead, panting, he stopped in front of the mysterious warrior and looked at him carefully.

As expected, he had a haggard face, long brown hair, a beard with only one section at the bottom, and a bright blue sphere on his abdomen, exuding a mysterious light.

Ye Lin held his breath. If it weren't impossible, he would have stopped his heartbeat temporarily. He forced a smile: "Uncle, where are you from?"

In front of him was a nuclear bomb, a super nuclear bomb capable of destroying the continent of Arad!

The Mysterious Warrior is one of the forms of the great will. When Caroso fuses this part of the power, the aftermath that occasionally spills out is called...

Age of destruction!

"I have no idea."

The Mysterious Warrior, or Caroso's form, smiled in confusion: "I have been wandering in various dimensions for thousands of years, and I don't know my name."

Yes, all the fragments of Caroso's body are wandering between dimensions, and they have a unique sense of mission, but they have no idea who they are, what they are called, and what they want to do?

"Then you happened to stop in this world?"

Ye Lin gritted his teeth secretly. This guy is the form of a great will. Who knows when, he will attract Caroso out!

"Yes, this is a beautiful world, suitable for a temporary rest, isn't it?"

"Caroso" smiled, raised his arm suddenly, and a foot-long herring rose into the air, reflecting little bits of light in the sun.

After taking off the hook, he casually fed the fish to the little black dragon on Sophie's shoulder and continued fishing with a line. Moreover, this guy didn't put any bait!

Ye Lin took a deep breath and said solemnly: "Dear Sir, I know some prophecies and predict that you will bring disaster to this world. Can you please go fishing in another world?"

He was scared, really scared, more scared than Rena's sixth bullet, a fear that penetrated deep into his bones.

The Mysterious Warrior was actually not at fault. He was just a confused time traveler who happened to stop in the continent of Arad.

There is nothing wrong with the great will. The energy of Destruction Ji is just a tiny bit of the aftermath that spreads out after he absorbs the form!

But the people of Arad Continent are not wrong either!

"Disaster? Another world?"

"Caroso" was slightly startled when he heard this, laughed, shook his head and said: "I don't have the power to open another dimension. I just ran out of power and accidentally fell into this world. I need time to rest."

"I'll help you, but you can take it as my request. You must leave here!"

Ye Lin hurriedly offered help, and the three runes engraved on his left hand suddenly lit up!

The summoning rune of Apostle Lotus activated its effect at this moment, and an extremely dark space crack appeared behind it.

The vast power of the apostle spurted out, surprising "Caroso" and causing Mailu and Sophie, who were having a party, to quickly come to their senses and react.

"Boss, what are you doing? He is the fragment I am looking for!"

Mailu hurriedly stood between Ye Lin and "Caroso". She didn't know that the fusion of the mysterious warrior and the great will would lead to an era of destruction beyond the timeline. She simply thought that Ye Lin had a few words with her uncle. Not close, angry.

"Apostle's breath?"

Sophie's eyes turned cold. The predecessor of the apostle was the artificial god "Biana" who broke up the form of the great will.

As one of the incarnations of Nimer, the God of Wisdom, she shoulders the responsibility of finding the dispersed form of the great will. She has no favorable impression of the ultimate life form in the universe, the "apostle" of the dark side of the great will, and is even a little disgusted.


Roar~! !

The black dragon roared, and the strong wind pressure caused huge waves in the lake, causing the forest to collapse. The loud dragon roar made Siatt and the others who were coming from behind have to stop and fight against the wind pressure and mud dust. .

It has the same transformation ability as Mi Gao, but in terms of cool appearance, Mi Gao is obviously not on the same level as Astra.

"younger sister!"

Mailu was even more anxious. What was going on? Why did they start fighting as soon as they met? You two haven't even said a word yet.

"Stop what you're doing, you despicable person!"

Sophie solemnly issued a warning to stop spreading space cracks to "Caroso", otherwise she would be rude!

The "Guardians" span countless worlds and dimensions in order to find the "form of the great will". This is their supreme mission and glorious responsibility!

Naturally, we will ruthlessly eradicate all obstacles on the road of "searching"!


At the same time, the distant starry sky, the strange world, and the demon world are embedded in the planet Arad like a bullet that invades the human body.

A enchanting woman wearing a half-mask, with mysterious tears in the corners of her eyes, touched the stone tablet in front of her with ancient Terran writings with her fingertips, and let out a contemptuous laugh.

The remaining Lotus and Dirich?


The reason why she had not intervened in the various strange actions of the "spoiler" was because she was waiting for the arrival of this "form".

She saw the future!

Under the infinite energy of the Destruction Era, an apostle with only one percent of the peak strength would naturally not survive.

Look, how easy it is to kill someone with a borrowed knife.

So who is the next apostle?

I heard that there are recent rumors in the demon world that Luke, the maker, has the ability to transform living beings?

"Strange, isn't he a good-for-nothing old man who has lost both light and darkness?"

The thoughtful Held no longer needed to see what happened to Arad. Instead, he turned into an ordinary mage and mingled among the registration groups for the transformation experiment.


"If you want to follow this person, just go with him. I want to ask him to leave. He will bring unknown things."

Ye Lin is naturally not afraid. He must find a way to send "Caroso" away and completely send him away from Arad instead of letting him fish and wander around in this world.

Every minute, every second, he couldn't calm down, as if he was approaching a nuclear bomb that had entered a countdown.

"Get away! Astra, destroy him!"

Sophie was completely impatient. Although this person looked familiar to her sister, their responsibility, their mission, and their glory were right in front of them!


In his left hand, the second rune suddenly flashed, and the space channel that had previously cracked a huge gap suddenly pulled out half of a huge turquoise dragon body from the inside!


The next moment, the giant dragon soared in the sky, and at the same time, the whole body was filled with thick poisonous mist, and it faced Astra tit for tat.

The evil dragon Spitz, the first dragon he conquered, has recovered about half of his strength.

Of course, judging from the current situation, the evil dragon Spitz is still smaller than the black dragon Astra.

Firstly, his strength has not been fully restored after all, and secondly, Astra is speculated by the four dragon guards to be the illegitimate son of Tyrannosaurus King Bakar, possibly due to his bloodline advantage.

However, Spitz has fused part of the body of Apostle Dirich. Now, at least in terms of combat effectiveness, Spitz will definitely not be inferior to Astra.

Even with the characteristic of "immortality", if you fight for a long time, you can still gain the upper hand!



The two giant dragons collided violently in the air. In the blink of an eye, Astra bit off a piece of Spitz's neck flesh. However, the poison in the evil dragon's mouth also caused Astra's scales to crack and dragon blood to flow. black.

Siatt, who was watching the giant dragon fighting not far away, took a breath of air and was filled with horror.

Since Ye Lin didn't ask them for help, it means there are only two situations. One, he can handle it on his own, and two, you are invincible. Please ask for help!

But Ye Lin actually used the evil dragon Spitz's trump card in an instant. No matter how you look at it, it doesn't look like the former.

"Gu Yu!"


Needless to say, the team already had a tacit understanding. Gu Yu already understood that Siatt was asking her to use Magadha, which was smaller in size than Dornier but a little faster, to return to Elvin's defense line to ask for help!

"Director, please take EX Dornier and retreat. Mintai and Naiyali are still inside."


On the other side, in the Great Cathedral of Remedia, the three great priests Teda, Glentis, and Obes, as well as Archbishop Magello, as well as the oracle witch Xiaoyu, and the seducer Luo Fei, all gathered together with serious expressions. together.

"I'll show you again..."

Xiaoyu's lips were trembling and her face was pale. She tremblingly took out a bamboo stick, wrote the customary words representing many fortunes, such as "bad luck", "big luck", "little luck", etc., and then stuffed it back into the bamboo tube.

Then, there was a phantom of a divine dragon flying behind her, various mantras and runes filled the air, and rosary beads flew into the sky, apparently using the prophetic ability of the "oracle".

When the rosary slowly calmed down, the impatient priest Teda crushed the bamboo tube with one hand.


Everyone was surprised. Even Majello, who had always been calm and untroubled, suddenly broke a few beards.

The bamboo stick written in front of everyone turned blank again, with no words?

"Xiaoyu, has Shenlong told you any news? Is this a prank? Or is it some kind of sign?" Majello asked seriously.


Xiaoyu's face jumped and she said in confusion: "It asked me to stay away from Hedunmar, find an underground fortress a hundred meters deep, jump down and squat for a month."


TEDA was always outspoken and said in a deep voice: "Is it possible that there will be a catastrophe? But, what disaster can be more intense than the Dark Holy War hundreds of years ago?"

The Dark Holy War is recognized as the most tragic event in the Arad continent, affecting the entire continent. It is the Snow-Colored Battle. It is not even worthy of carrying the shoes of the Dark Holy War.

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