Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 3350 Trolley Problem

Chapter 3351 Trolley Problem

"Damn it, you guys with dirty characters, I should have killed you on the spot at all costs, and exchanged my life for yours."

Little Mar's pretty and fair face was obviously distorted, his fingers clenched into fists, and he stared at the weirdo Fend who was tied by the anti-star chain under the sky sea magic circle with extremely angry eyes.

The civilization of the God Realm advocates respecting teachers and respecting morality. The serious words "once a teacher, always a father" are not just casual talk.

In ancient times, a scholar proposed, "people are not born with knowledge, who can be without doubts?"

"Teachers are to teach, learn and solve doubts."

Teachers with noble character and who teach without reservation will naturally gain students who are grateful and repay their kindness. Teachers are parents in another sense of students, and students are non-blood children of teachers.

Even after more than ten years or decades, students should always remember the grace of teaching and solving doubts, and never forget it.

The master-disciple relationship has extraordinary significance in the God Realm, so the genius girl Hazel made up her mind to recognize Ye Lin as her master after careful consideration.

Although the weirdo Fender is unrestrained, too free and easy, and lacks a sense of shame, there is no doubt that Fender ignited the first civilization fire in the God Realm.

The initial knowledge of magic use in the God Realm came from Professor Fender.

The great magician Mal led the first golden age of the God Realm, the "Magic Age", and systematically proposed the theory of the five elements and the invention of the magic circle, which enabled some people in the God Realm to embark on the path of cultivation, gradually becoming qualified to fight against those naturally powerful beasts and able to go to more distant places to explore the unknown.

Mal has a calm mentality and always believes that he is just standing on the shoulders of giants, so he is fortunate to see more distant scenery and pick the fruits of the tree of wisdom.

The giant in every sense is the weirdo Fender, his master.

Many thoughts flashed through his mind in an instant, and Little Mal's voice was steady and low, "What do you want to do to Fender?"

The weirdo Fender's training had a big problem, and he almost died because of his demonic possession. Later, he has been sleeping in the depths of an island in Qianhaitian. Little Mal knew about this.

The five monsters suddenly kidnapped Fender, which has always worried Little Mal.

"Because we need you, hahahaha..." A laughing voice came from the demonic energy. Little Mal was not unfamiliar with it. He had fought with Mahnawa, one of the five monsters.

"Come on, Mal, we need you in this troubled place."

"Don't try to send out your divine consciousness for help. If your real body is here, it will be a little tricky, but you are just a 'past' that was born by chance. I still have the confidence to block your divine consciousness for help. Of course, if you want to run, I can't stop you."

Hua La La~

The chains of the anti-star text shook violently, as if a group of man-eating pythons strangled the sleeping Finder. Finder's rough skin cracked open one after another, and the flesh was bright red, but no blood flowed out.

The threat is self-evident. If you choose to escape, we will completely destroy Finder's flesh and blood body and wipe out the soul light in his head that is like a candle in the wind.

The fact that the transcendent is difficult to kill does not mean that it cannot be killed, especially Finder who has no power to resist now. Mahnawa of the same realm only needs to destroy Finder once to declare that the ancestor of civilization died of a monster.

For the God Realm that attaches great importance to the teacher, this is undoubtedly a kind of trampling on the face by a slipper, which is a great shame.

Little Mal couldn't just stand by and watch.

Little Mal took a step forward, and his face full of anger suddenly laughed, as if wiping away all the angry words, and said: "Do you want me to take the Heaven's Seal with you? It is a key item that can speed up the release of the seal. You must need it."

"Nonsense won't give you a chance to struggle, and I hate nonsense." The moment Mahnawa's low voice fell, the anti-star chain on Fend's body made a clear bone-breaking sound.

The Heaven's Seal is in the hands of the adventurer from the outside world, which is known to the entire God Realm.

And that adventurer is suspected to be at the same level as Mal himself, which means he has the strength to fight him head-on. If he comes, there will definitely be many variables.

Obviously, the monsters have no patience, except for Largo, who has worked in Baiyun Valley for several years.

Little Mal pulled the corner of his mouth, disappeared outside the empty sea, and appeared inside the empty sea in an instant. Looking at the weirdo Fender who still seemed to be dead, he sighed that he should have thrown Fender into the sun and opened a barrier to protect him.

At the same time, he also saw several ghosts with distorted appearances, pus flowing all over their bodies, and several eyes growing, and still with fresh blood and flesh. They were still wearing uniforms of the same style. They were the Wulan monitors who had just fallen into the empty sea.

"I will not open the seal of the empty sea, even if you threaten me with Fender." Little Mal looked at Mahnawa, who was burly and had muscles like dragons, with a firm look in his eyes.

Save Fender or save more people in the God Realm. Little Mal knew that he had encountered the famous trolley problem, but he did not fall into hesitation and dilemma because of this, and soon made a decision.

If the price of saving Fender is that more people in the God Realm are devoured by monsters, Little Mal is willing to bear the infamy of being unfaithful and unfilial.

Besides, the monsters would not talk to him about any agreement or credibility. If they threatened him once, there might be a second time, a third time, and maybe they would ask him to kill the gods in the future.

So sometimes, noble character can be abandoned according to the situation.

"No need, just follow us." Mahnawa waved his hand and a thick and heavy demonic aura emerged, enveloping the weirdo Fend and Little Mal.

The demonic aura that had hit the sky and sea barrier several times disappeared, and it seemed that everything had returned to calm.


The Land of Disaster

In front of Largo, who was in the form of a half-demon beast, there was a black gate twisted like a vortex. Behind him were densely packed, terrifying numbers of flying demon beasts in various shapes. At first glance, it looked like a locust plague that had destroyed all living things. Screaming, wailing, chewing... the shrill sound made people's scalps numb.

"How could a person in the God Realm who only looks at the sun know that a new passage has been opened up in the land of disaster under his feet."

Largo slowly raised a cold and mocking smile at the corner of his mouth, turned around, bent his waist towards the deep darkness in the distance, and then turned again and walked towards the black vortex, his cloak rustling.

"The passage can only be opened for a quarter of an hour at a time. Let's taste the delicious flesh and blood of the people in the God Realm."


Wu Lan

Celia and Tana stopped their movements at the same time and looked through the window at the sky that should have been clear and bright. It was Bai Hai that was raining all the time, and it had nothing to do with Chongquan.

But now, a dark green tornado with strong malice and demonic energy rose from each of the four directions of Wu Lan. The wind was so loud that it blocked most of the bright sunlight and trapped the Miracle City in the middle.


The four tornadoes that were rising up suddenly exploded, and four thunder-like sounds were heard in succession. The demonic energy turned into a turbulent tsunami and swept towards the unprepared Wu Lan. In the demonic energy that blocked the sun, countless demonic beasts emerged, showing greedy and hungry eyes to Wu Lan.

In just less than half a minute, the Miracle City Wu Lan was submerged by the demonic energy and turned into an isolated island in the storm.

"Kerton's painstaking work is indeed extraordinary." Tana looked up at a huge energy shield, which was as clear as crystal and contained an indestructible defense.

Even if the crazy monsters smashed their heads and broke their teeth around the crystal shield, they could not leave any trace.

Lucky Platinum Elif, I can't find her information in the Korean server DFU, but she should have a portrait.

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