Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 3295 The reply is too official

Guyu felt that he was getting smarter and started to analyze it for Shu Mo.

Your God Realm has no laws and no law enforcement agencies. It lacks a clear standard, and no one will specifically punish criminals who have committed crimes. This is a major problem.

Moreover, the power of law enforcement needs to be fair and trusted. It is not enough to just pull anyone. Our identity as adventurers is not suitable.

What maintains the stability of your God Realm now is the moral standards such as agreement and trust.

Of course, the punishment of God Realm on the moral level is much more severe than that of other worlds. For example, people who make marriage vows but cheat will be severely criticized and coldly excluded by their friends.

So it seems feasible to expect Shas to collect evidence of the Liyun Chamber of Commerce, but there are no corresponding laws and law enforcers to punish the Liyun Chamber of Commerce.

"The capitalists are thicker-skinned than you think. They don't care about moral condemnation." Guyu took out two newspapers that still smelled of ink and handed them to Shu Mo, motioning her to take a look.

Last night's Wulan Evening News used a clever writing style to create a feeling that the Liyun Chamber of Commerce and the adventurers rescued Shu Mo from the pirates, as if they had made an important contribution.

Today's morning newspaper also gave an additional account of Shu Mo's current situation, including that she accepted the dinner hosted by the Liyun Chamber of Commerce and stayed overnight in the Chamber of Commerce's building, etc., giving people a feeling that the Liyun Chamber of Commerce is warm and hospitable and provides Shu Mo with necessary security.

Guyu spread his hands and said helplessly: "I just wanted to have a meal and see what kind of moths the Liyun Chamber of Commerce could do. Who knew they would be so long-winded and write a whole newspaper about a trivial matter."

"Sister Guyu, you make sense. Collecting evidence is really useless." Shu Mo took the newspaper and simply scanned it, frowned slightly, thinking about how to deal with Sha Si who was still kneeling on the ground.

"Why not cut it up." Guyu was obsessed with the slicing action.

Sha Si, who was kneeling on the ground, immediately shuddered in fear.

Guyu once used the evening primrose to make random gestures in front of Ganzhe. The blade was sharp, as if it meant that sexual excess would lead to disasters, and cutting would cure it forever. Then that night, the parrot called seven times, foamed at the mouth, and swore that it would never make random gestures again.

"Not so good... Let me think about it again. Shas is the vice president. It would be a pity if she died." Shu Mo shook her head.

Although Shu Mo had no good feelings for her, it was definitely not okay to be cut into slices by Sister Guyu and spread evenly throughout the room. Death needs a reason and cannot be too casual.

"I thought of it."

Shu Mo clapped her hands lightly and said with a smile: "The God Realm does not have corresponding law enforcement agencies and legal provisions, but there is something that the God Realm recognizes as needing to be eliminated and is not recognized by the God Realm."

"Pirates." Guyu also thought of it.

The Liyun Chamber of Commerce privately cultivated several pirate groups to do some gray area things. If this matter was exposed, the Liyun Chamber of Commerce would become the target of public criticism in the God Realm and bear the pressure of accusations from all aspects of the God Realm.

I don't expect this incident to seriously damage the Liyun Chamber of Commerce, but it is an excuse. In addition, Shas can be used as a witness to expose the Liyun Chamber of Commerce's attempt to get involved in the God of Mist, so there is a sufficient reason for the hermit to intervene in the Liyun Chamber of Commerce.

There is a chance to cause the gods to attack together

After determining what Shas should do, Shu Mo looked at Guyu with an inquiring look, how should I do it to order her, and whether any magic ritual is required.

"Just say it directly, the more detailed the content, the better. Ambiguous orders will make her unable to find the target and make mistakes."

Shu Mo nodded, spent a few minutes thinking, and then ordered Shas to investigate the concrete evidence of the Liyun Chamber of Commerce's private training of pirates, and what plans the Liyun Chamber of Commerce has for the future.


Shas smiled and suggested that the Liyun Chamber of Commerce could send a convoy to send them back to the White Sea, but was rejected by Shu Mo. The fleet was too conspicuous and unsafe, and a low-key airship was more suitable.


Shas personally escorted the two of them out of the base of the Liyun Chamber of Commerce, and only turned back when she saw them disappear around the corner in the distance.

Her cheeks were still smiling, but her heart was quite bitter. She was wearing a set of invisible shackles, her soul was controlled by Shu Mo, and her life was no longer in her own hands.

In the past, she liked and was addicted to the feeling of dominating others. As a senior executive of the Liyun Chamber of Commerce and one of the vice presidents, her words could change the future lives of some people.

Those subordinates who raised a family all respected her, flattered her and smiled, and were terrified, fearing that she would cut off their jobs, lose their future income, and not be able to support their families.

A person's words can affect other people's lives. A word can make people feel like they have been pardoned, or fall into the abyss. This extremely wonderful feeling comes from the power called power.

Now it was her turn to be dominated by her future life. Shas was extremely bitter. No matter how much she planned, she could never have expected that Smila and the adventurer were familiar with each other, and they were obviously very good friends.

Half an hour later, an airship left the port of Wulan, and Shas set off for a Liyun base in Qianhaitian, where she needed to personally report to President Liyun about Shu Mo.


Qianhaitian was not like Baihai, where it rained all day. The sun was bright but it was also quite hot, with the temperature reaching over 30 degrees.

Shas walked into the pitch-black pavilion. Every window was covered with black material, without any light, and there was no light inside. A dark environment was artificially created, where one could not see a hand. The unique dark environment was required by President Liyun.

Shas stopped behind a door, reported Shu Mo's situation to President Liyun, and presented the dark gold ring of domination.

After Smila's transformation, the current ring of domination is no longer useful, and other people holding the ring of domination cannot command Shas.

"Shu Mo is definitely a part of the God of Mist, but because the God of Mist is suspected to be in a deep sleep, she cannot have any influence on the God of Mist. There is no information about the God of Mist in her memory. It is suspected that she is a brand new individual split from the God of Mist..."

The dark gold ring of domination flew into a deeper room, and a low voice came, "Why didn't you leave Shu Mo, bring her along."

"Shu Mo was with the adventurer and was stopped by the adventurer."

The deeper darkness was silent. After a few minutes, it asked some questions again, and finally ordered: "The God of Mist has been manipulated. Anyone who has revealed his tracks in this incident should be dealt with."



Guyu and Shu Mo left the Liyun Chamber of Commerce and turned a few streets to return to Baihai, but saw that pedestrians on the road were running in one direction. Eating melons is human nature.

Guyu nodded his chin, feeling more and more clever, and said: "That direction seems to be where the Fog Eye branch is."

"Yeah." Shu Mo nodded, and then the two of them were startled at the same time, as if they thought of something, and looked at each other quickly, and ran over together.

The Fog Eye branch exploded, and the flames burned a building, and the flames rose to dozens of meters. Although the flames were quickly extinguished after the rescue, the rescuers still moved out more than a dozen charred bodies from inside with regret, and even the specific identities could not be identified.

After the investigation, the statement given was that it was an accidental fire, and the "pirates" detained here yesterday were unfortunately burned to death.

Wulan City, as well as the believers of the Fog Eye here, expressed silence and regret for this, and issued a righteous announcement that we will immediately conduct inspections of relevant aspects of the city to eliminate safety hazards, and sincerely invite citizens to supervise.

Guyu touched his chin and complained: "Isn't this reply a bit too official? It's quite perfunctory." (End of this chapter)

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