Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 328 Me? Magneto!

"You devils... I will challenge you to a duel in the name of a knight!"

A knight loyal to Sirens, who usually relies on the count behind him to dominate, is now frightened. The arm holding the sword is shaking, and his lips are white.

It's terrible. In just a few minutes, half of the guards have been lost.

Even the knight captain with a bad temper in the past, a powerful swordsman who had touched the threshold of the awakened one, was completely silenced under a mysterious silver light.

And the person with trembling lips who issued the challenge was a spear swordsman with a weird look.

I have to say that this frightened knight has some sharp eyesight, because the swordsman's swordsmanship is a unique swordsmanship specially created for Sky Eagle by "Master" O'Connell and the swordsmanship of Leo, the famous swordsman of the principality. fencing.

Therefore, in the eyes of ordinary swordsmen, their swordsmanship is somewhat nondescript.

Persimmon was picky, he was unwilling to face those death-like phantoms, and instead set his target on this swordsman who was "not good at swordsmanship".

"I challenge you, in the name of knight, I win, you let me go."

Although the glory of knights is no longer worth cherishing in Delos like a rat in a garbage dump, it can still be quite bluffing at times.

If you are a man, let’s have a one-on-one duel!

The spear swordsman with a helpless expression spread his hands to his companions, motioning you to stay away, okay, I'll take over this job!

He casually waved the mechanical sword in his hand. This action seemed to the trembling knight opposite to be full of flaws, and he was immediately overjoyed.

He has a 100% winning rate and uses his exquisite swordsmanship to defeat the opponent.



He blew a wisp of smoke from the muzzle of the gun, looked at the figure of the knight lying down slowly, and smiled scornfully: "You are a knight who is a waste who is not even a professional. Times have changed."

The bright moon over the sea finally turned into the bright moon hanging high in the sky, and the one-sided assassination (massacre) slowly came to an end.

Count Hillens was blocked on the top floor, or in other words he and Mercer had been on the top floor, watching the bloody feast below.

Minette took out a few bottles of red wine from the box and saw that the labels on the bottles were still expensive famous wines. After smiling, she simply started a makeshift celebration banquet.

"Everyone is up there, I leave it to you." Schmidt raised his glass and signaled with a smile.

They found a large amount of gold and silver jewelry in the earl's bedroom. As expected, Hilens was a rich man and made a small fortune.

"Messer, why don't you stop them?"

Hillens clenched the hilt of his sword, his heart bleeding. He couldn't understand why he was leading a knight guard of nearly a hundred people, and how could there be no one left in just ten minutes?

Moreover, the person who did it really didn’t know that he was an imperial noble?

Are they money-hungry lunatics?

"There is a strong man who has been watching me."

Messer's eyes were slightly stern. Suddenly, all the metal materials on the attic, including the sword that Hillens was holding tightly, were slowly distorting and deforming. He was so frightened that he threw it out.

Is this some kind of powerful magic, or is it a supernatural power?

Soon, Mercer got his answer.

Hilens's sword slowly twisted and stretched, forming her name on the ground!

Subtle man-made manipulation, non-magical elements!


New superpowers that don’t exist in Grozny?

But the most important thing now is that this superpower took a group of people and killed all the count's followers, which was almost like putting the superpower group and the empire on opposite sides.

Mercer was a little annoyed.

"Good evening, you two. Do you have a good night? I'm hungry."

Ye Lin held a glass of red wine just right in his hand, with a clean and sincere smile, and slowly walked from the stairs to the top floor, a room with the best lighting.

"I am the Earl of the Empire, the leader of the Guardian Knights, Sirens, a superpower, who are you?"

Although he was horrified that the other party led people to kill all his men, he really didn't think that this young man would dare to touch him.

In a sense, the nobility is the face of the country. Provoking the nobility is tantamount to provoking the empire.

In the entire Arad continent, there is no one who dares to mess with Delos!


Ye Lin swung the wine in his glass, seemed to introduce himself to his home, and chuckled: "You can call me Eric, or you can call me Magneto."

"Mr. Eric, can I take this as your provocation against the Delos Empire?"

Hillens pretended to be calm. He actually felt that the other person's appearance was a bit familiar, but no matter how he thought about it, he couldn't combine the identity of the superpower with a familiar face.

The top priority is to move the empire out and shock the place and show his identity.

"You can understand it that way, I have no objection."

Maisel's eyes widened and he felt a little weird that he actually admitted it openly.

As for the Earl, who was already a little panicked, his poor mind couldn't turn around for a while. He was also shocked by Ye Lin's indifferent attitude.

He is an imperial noble...

He threw away the wine glass and smashed it all over the floor. His knuckles made a popping sound. Yelin smiled evilly and slowly approached: "Masser, please give me a break. I'm going to beat this bastard. This guy is too rich. I'll take it." People fatten people and anoint them."

The earl, who had lost his sword, was hiding behind Mercer. His mind was still in a state of confusion, so he could only subconsciously seek help from a powerful person with supernatural powers.

Ye Lin's progress suddenly stopped, and his body seemed to have hit an invisible wall of air, making it difficult to move forward.

Maisel shook her head slightly, her left hand glowed with a strange glimmer of light, which was her signature telekinesis, which can be called the most terrifying power.

Other superpowers in Green City, such as Druid Meia, Insect Disan, Supersonic Lavitt and others, all have superpowers that are far inferior to her telekinesis.

The most disgusting thing about superpowers is that they don't know if this innate power has any limit?

Hard-working swordsmen and magicians gain strength through continuous practice, and they naturally know how to use this power.

But people with superpowers are different. Their natural power makes people obsessed and addicted, which makes it difficult to discipline themselves.

In the principality, before the people with supernatural powers were driven to Green City, there were indeed some terrible incidents of people with supernatural powers hurting people.

Hillens was actually right, people's fear of superpowers cannot disappear!

As long as there is one person with special abilities who has evil intentions and hurts others, all people with special abilities will receive the same strange treatment.

As for Maisel's willingness to communicate with humans, it was because she was rescued by an unknown swordsman at a certain moment of life crisis.

"Messer." Ye Lin frowned slightly and persuaded: "Your appearance has disrupted some of my plans. I don't want to do anything with you. The future of superpowers depends on ourselves, not on the charity of nobles. "

The members of Skyhawk and Death Ball who were tasting wine suddenly saw all the metal cutlery and utensils flying to the top floor through the stairs.

There was also a piece of delicious sausage that Minette had just cut, and it flew away as soon as I poked it with a fork...

Ye Lin casually ate the piece of sausage, and then controlled all the metal to slowly twist behind him into spiral spikes, aiming at Hillens from a distance.

The reason why he didn't use swordsmanship or magic was because being a person with powers would prevent Mercer from feeling conflicted about his status.

The metal spike slowly pressed against Hillens, who was sweating on his forehead, while Mercer tried to wrap the spike with telekinesis and move back.

But after a stalemate, she was extremely shocked. This mysterious Magneto had super powers that were not weaker than hers.

Mercer gradually lost patience, and her telekinesis began to wrap around the entire villa. Now if she wanted to take the count away, she had to create irresistible chaos.

For example, blow up the entire mountainside!

"People with special abilities are hiding in hiding, accumulating the anger of unfair treatment in their hearts. Maisel, you know clearly that if we don't solve it, the green city of Grozny will not be a long-term solution."

After realizing Maisel's intentions, Ye Lin could only retreat and seek stability, taking the initiative to relax his control.

"I have a way to solve the conflict between superpowers. The question now is whether you believe him or me. I'll give you half a minute."

After saying that, he completely gave up controlling his abilities and dropped a pile of spikes on the floor with a clanging sound.

He gave Mercer the choice to trust the nobles of the empire or a tribesman who was also a superpower.

Mercer is a very responsible leader who has been working hard for the future of superpowers. If both parties can accept a frank announcement, he does not mind helping the other party.

Of course, this so-called choice, in fact, Mercer had no choice at all, because there was still a body that was getting colder lying underneath...

Hillens's sword had been scrapped. He was about to struggle when he saw Messer's strange behavior, but Ye Lin slapped him in the face with the pollen from the Dream-Eating Tree.

After seeing the Earl sleeping, he immediately breathed a sigh of relief. It was quite smooth and acceptable, and there was no danger.

"After he wakes up, he may not remember what happened within half an hour, and even if he does remember it, it will be very hazy."

With a snap of his fingers, a shadow dancer came forward in response, with a dagger in his hand that seemed impatient.

"Inflict minor injuries on him, make it miserable, but don't die. There are also a few people you deliberately kept alive. They also knocked him unconscious and threw them all over the villa. Then he sprinkled gold coins everywhere in the villa to lure tourists early in the morning. They come here to pick up money to make a fortune, and then stuff the formula of the immune capsule into his arms, and be sure to hide it in his underwear. Don’t worry, he will be discovered, because the super-rich count may not have any pants left the next day.”

After giving the instructions, Yelin waved to Messer to follow him and go to the balcony so as not to delay the Death Dance.

"You are definitely not Eric, who exactly are you?"

Maisel believed that it was absolutely impossible for such a powerful superpower to exist and to control the dark elves.

People with superpowers are not respected by others, and the dark elves are all arrogant masters.

"It doesn't matter who I am. What matters is the solution for you superpowers, which is to take the initiative to get out of Grozny and use your skills to let the world know that you are not dangerous and can be approached."

He looked like he was talking eloquently, but Mercer's long hair instantly fluttered, an extremely violent telepathic aura surged, and his eyes exuded a cold light.

That's it?

The so-called idea to solve the problem of people with superpowers is this stupid method. Could it be that he is deliberately trying to make her happy?

Is this seeking death?

Worthy of being the most powerful person with powers, the angry Messer showed signs of controlling his actions. His legs were no longer able to move on their own.

Mercer was extremely angry and felt that he had been ridiculously deceived.

Although Hillens was not a good person, tonight's double blow made her feel extremely bad.

Her whole body was filled with light cyan telepathy. Maisel's pupils were originally a normal color, but it was the telekinesis that made them change into a different color. At this moment, they were filled with green light, and they were filled with murderous intent.

"Girl, I advise you to be sensible."

Minette chuckled and shook her finger. Even the strongest superpower user would never be able to escape the pursuit of so many people.

You Yu snorted coldly. Although she liked seeing him in such distress, she still hid her figure secretly, ready to give Mercer a fatal blow at any time.

"Girl, he seems to have something to say, why don't you listen again?" Schmidt also smiled, but he was not worried about Ye Lin because he didn't need it.

In the eyes of Messer in disbelief, Ye Lin suddenly acted like he was fine, casually moved his hands and feet, and jumped up and down, then looked up at the bright moon, with a tone that seemed filled with countless emotions:

"Eight hundred years ago, after the death of General Kazan of the Peruvian Empire, Kazan Syndrome was triggered. Severe cases also gave birth to Ghost Hands. At that time, the owners of Ghost Hands were just as disgusted as you superpowers. And fear, what now? Ghost Hand is already one of the most widely recognized mutant energies. Can you people with superpowers copy it according to the book?"

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