Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 3267 Let the bear go

Yimiwu walked through the corridor, walking through the office area in beautiful high heels, with skin as white as pearls, gorgeous gothic dress and pretty and charming face, attracting the attention of all newspaper staff.

If it weren't for the fact that there is no concept of princess in the divine world, the little witch would be worthy of the title... but her chest is a little flat.

"Is that sick guy working as a double undercover? From his point of view, revealing Shu Mo's true identity is indeed the most helpless and most effective method." The little witch muttered and left the newspaper office, and the loyal servant went crazy. Crazy Bear follows.

Just a few steps before leaving the newspaper office, Crazy Crazy Bear suddenly turned around and opened his teeth and claws. Wah kaka! People in the room were frightened, and all the office tools in his hands were thrown away.

Yimi Wu also turned around and smiled sweetly, warning: "Those who wantonly stir up trouble and stir up trouble will be plagued by bad luck. On the contrary, those who pursue the truth will be protected by this witch, and will be protected from illness and have a prosperous future."

She could see through the filth and hidden malice at a glance. She didn't know how much nonsense news there had been since the establishment of the newspaper.

The little witch left a rule restriction here, and the specific content is her words.


The second newspaper has been printed and widely sold. The number of people who can prove Shu Mo's identity is extremely limited. Cladis is the one who can communicate with the God of Fog. One stone stirred up a thousand waves, and Qingyan City was the first to boil.

The great mist god!

The foundation of the civilization of the Divine Realm is also the solid belief and pillar of the people of the Divine Realm.

However, the God of Mist is too mysterious, and very few people know her true appearance. The God Realm has a history of thousands of years, and there have been three golden ages. However, there are less than twenty people who have seen the appearance of the God of Mist.

Occasionally, there are rumors from the Eye of Mist that the God of Mist is a beautiful and refined woman. Her divine body embodies the beauty of heaven and earth, embodying the splendor of mountains and rivers, and her hair is like the essence of the sea and a corner of the sky. She is so beautiful that people are intoxicated.

It has nothing to do with any ill will or kindness toward Shu Mo, it's just pure curiosity. Many people in Qingyan want to visit Shu Mo, and they all go to the Piaomiao Palace where Shu Mo once appeared to inquire.

After learning that it was not here, I wanted to go to Baiyun Valley again. I heard that Goddess Shumo once lived there for a long time.

Xiaoyu smiled and took a wooden comb to carefully comb Shu Mo's thick and smooth hair, and joked: "It turns out that our God of Mist is the number one idol in the God Realm, and Mo Ni is eclipsed in comparison. Shu Mo, Do you want to debut as an idol?”

They had already read the second newspaper, and also learned about Kradis's operation from Yimi Wu. In addition to the "demon" like Lopez from the God Realm who openly turned his back, there were also some people who wore human skins and did it. Something worse than a monster.

Shu Mo was also greatly relieved because of this. Cladis was not really corrupted. He must be secretly planning something famous and had his painstaking efforts.

As for the fact that I am the God of Mist, Shu Mo is a little confused. If I am the God of Mist, then who is the goddess living on the Mist Plateau.

Qianying, who had entered the realm of memories with her before, pursed her lips and smiled, and explained softly that you are the soul and will of the God of Mist that represents kindness and beauty, and you are not the complete self of the God of Mist. The God of Mist and you can call each other sisters or mothers. female.

"It feels a bit messy." Shu Mo looked at the newspaper and muttered in a low voice.

Siatt and the others spread their hands, all with a familiar expression. The relationship between you and Wu Shen is a little complicated, but you can understand it after a little analysis. It is far less complicated than the relationship between some people in our family. .

Alice and her daughter Xiaoyi, Held and the eldest girl Akko, the relationship between these four people was a mess at first, but now they are talking about their own affairs.

What's more, there is also the mysterious relationship between Sugarcane and Sirocco giving birth to Sirocco~

After combing Shu Mo's beautiful hair and tying it with a blue bow, Xiaoyu put down the wooden comb, lowered her head and rubbed Shu Mo's face with her cheek, and said with a smile: "Click to the mist god, feel happy. "


"Sister Xiaoyu~~" Shu Mo blushed slightly. After getting acquainted with everyone, everyone unanimously asked her not to speak "Your Excellency so-and-so" in the future. It was too formal, so she changed her name to sister.

Moreover, Shu Mo has always felt that she is not as good as the genius girl Hazel, so how can she be happy if she rubs her cheeks?

"By the way, Shu Mo, you have to remember, there is one person you can rub against, and you must not rub against that person." Xiaoyu stood up with a smile, then walked to the eldest lady, and introduced in a serious manner that Fei Liu could rub against him as he pleased. , you will really have good luck.

And you must not listen to Ganzhe's words of "I'll just rub it in", he is lying, and every time he will pull Fat Ci to the side and take advantage of the situation.

"Shu Mo, Cladis or Ye Lin, who do you like more?" Xiaoyu suddenly asked.

"They are all very important people to me, and I like them all." Shu Mo replied without thinking, her eyes were clear and clean, and it was obvious that what she meant by "like" and what Xiao Yuzhi meant by "like" were not the same.

Xiaoyu came closer and added with a smile: "I mean...deeper love~"


Shu Mo blushed and seemed a little at a loss. As a smart and knowledgeable guardian of the realm, he naturally knew something about that kind of thing.

The girl's heart is green and hazy, with secrets that cannot be told. How can she tell these things to others?

But if you don't answer, it will be impolite and not sincere.

Ailixi happened to walk in, unintentionally relieved Shu Mo's shyness, and said: "The lighthouse in Baiyun Valley has been mostly repaired. The Great Elder would like to ask you to help correct the direction of the navigation light. We have no experience here."

At what angle and how much energy level should it erupt to penetrate the fog barrier and accurately shoot to the heavens?

Percy, who was lying on Elici's shoulder, had his head drooped, seemingly in a depressed mood, because the white sea had been cleared by the night forest, and it stopped raining, so he couldn't play in the water.

"Why don't you let Crazy Bear go to Baiyun Valley?" Yimi Wu suggested that Crazy Bear just needs to teach him. No problem, he is a scholar bear.

Yuena rolled her eyes and poked the little witch on the head with her finger, "Crazy Bear is going to be unlucky for eight lifetimes if he follows you. Let Crazy Bear go."

"We will help." Siatt nodded and promised, then took out a ball of dark blue water. The moment the ball of light appeared, the entire room was filled with beautiful water patterns. The aura of water attribute was much stronger, as if being at the bottom of the sea. .

The exhausted Percy suddenly raised his head and swam around the water balloon a few times. His big eyes showed strong desire, and his voice was clear and full of joy: "What a rich water element."

"We killed the Poseidon and extracted the elemental essence." Feng Ying's face turned serious, and she saw that Percy suddenly froze, and watery tears appeared in her big eyes.

The mythical beast of the water tribe, "Poseidon", may be Percy's mother.

Feng Ying raised the corner of her mouth and said with a smile: "I lied to you, this is the essence we extracted after Yasha's death, divided into three."

One is for the mythical beast Percy, and the other two are for Ellie and Hazel, the latter of which is now focused on hatching the water dragon egg.

Siatt and the others decided to split up after relaxing for an afternoon tea. There were three things to deal with.

The Baiyun Lighthouse in Baiyun Valley went to correct the route, and then informed the Blue Eagle Pirates that the route had been opened. The Liyun Chamber of Commerce would definitely not give up.

And go to the Forest of Awakening to meet up with Curator Monica and Elgon the Hermit.

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