Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 3255: Mother takes care of baby

Chapter 3256: Mom takes care of the baby

Yu Zhen fell to the ground and fell into a brief silence. He thought that his escape posture was wrong, and he turned into a gust of wind again and tried to escape.

There was no way to stay in the Dark Island. There were very scary things inside.

"Come back. You have evil spirits." Ye Lin raised his hand and pulled Yu Zhen down again, turning the gust of wind into tranquility.

Many people who turned into ghosts and hurt others did not realize that they were infected with evil spirits, and thus mutated unconsciously.

In fact, human self-control is not as strong as imagined. Many people cannot even correct some bad habits. For example, asking Sophie to eat some green vegetables is regarded as a provocation to the majesty of the original dragon. Gu Yu feels uncomfortable if he does not stay up late at night, and Gan Cane refuses to drink normal water.

Not to mention the tyranny and killing desire caused by the evil spirit entering the body.

Yu Zhen has never seen Ye Lin and does not know who he is. Shortly after the battle between Solidaris and the Wulan Fleet, he came to the Dark Island to track down Lopez, the culprit who spread the evil spirit, and left the main battlefield.

But it did not prevent him from having a storm in his heart after being dragged down by Ye Lin twice. Captain Batty could not have such power.

"The demonic energy is just a visible and tangible energy. I always use the power of wind to protect myself. How could I be infected with the demonic energy?" You Zhen spread his hands and shrugged his shoulders, looking bored. He was very confident in controlling the wind.

Demonic energy, nothing special.

You Zhen did have the capital to be proud. At that time, the Solidaris fleet was unilaterally crushed by Mahnava, and the demonic energy was surging, sweeping across the sky and sea. It was he who used all his strength to control the hurricane to blow away the demonic energy, so that the Blue Eagle did not turn into a demon.

"Is he a wind mage?" Yimi Wu narrowed his eyes slightly. Wind mages are also rare in the demon world. Most of them are active near the Storm Hill, actively challenging the never-ending storm every day.

Some people have gained stronger storm power, and some people have been crushed to pieces.

Yimi Wu muttered "Is he fast at moving bricks?" and stopped talking.

Ye Lin laughed, pointed at You Zhen's heart, and reminded him: "Wind can penetrate everywhere. When used to describe defense, we would say it is airtight, but as a defensive attribute, wind is not outstanding."

"I am a friend of Ludmila and Captain Batty. Ludmila asked me to find your trace. She said that you are casual by nature and strong, so you tend to neglect details."

Hearing Ye Lin's serious warning, You Zhen frowned and re-examined his own state. After all, honest advice is unpleasant to the ear but beneficial to action.

The other party has already solemnly reminded him and mentioned the old friend of Blue Eagle in a calm tone.

After checking, You Zhen was shocked, his face turned pale, and his blue hair stood up. He didn't know when a rune emitting dim light appeared at the position of his heart, tightly attached to the surface of his heart, like a harmless light film.

You Zhen's expression instantly sank, and his body turned into a madly rotating hurricane in the next second, turning his whole body into elements, and then spurting out a stream of warm and bright red blood.

The Phantom Star Reverse was also thrown out along with the blood, shattered by the wind blade, and disappeared.

What a close call!

If it weren't for the reminder from the man in front of him who was almost as handsome as himself, he would have brought the Phantom Star Reverse back to Blue Eagle without doubt causing many uncontrollable factors, and he and everyone else would have been in danger.

"I don't need to thank you for your great favor." You Zhen bowed his hands, and used the wind to blow away the cold sweat without a trace, and his breath was obviously much weaker.

Ye Lin said "tsk", the meaning of the phrase "I don't need to thank you for your great favor" is that the favor is so great that it cannot be expressed in words at this moment, and he is willing to serve you in the future, even if he dies, to repay the favor.

It was because of his emotions that he couldn't speak.

But if it was said by You Zhen, it meant that he would definitely repay it if he had the chance in the future, but now he didn't want to rack his brains, so he couldn't say any words of thanks or take any actions of thanks.

He can speak but is lazy...

You Zhen is definitely a "lazy dog". In Ludmila's words, the reason why this guy learns wind magic is not because of his talent, but because he doesn't want to walk, and he has a wind bed to lie down and rest anytime and anywhere.

"It's okay. Is there any information you can share?" Ye Lin said as he looked into the depths of the Dark Island, with a little golden light flashing in his eyes.

Everything hidden here can't be hidden from his eyes, but he doesn't want to read the secrets hidden in the souls of some guys, because there are too many dirty and malicious things.

The underworld is the destination of the dead, and the real demons are in the world.


"Information, not much. I figured out that the guy with glasses who spread the evil spirit is named Lopez, a senior member of the Eye of Mist." You Zhen didn't persuade Ye Lin that it was dangerous inside and he shouldn't go there easily. After all, the guy who saw through the hidden anti-star text at a glance is probably super strong, so he shouldn't worry about it.

And since Ye Lin mentioned the names of Batti and Ludmila one after another, it proved that the Blue Eagle's losses in the war were not serious, and it seemed that there was a reason for his intervention.

"I had a fight with Lopez, and we were evenly matched, but the environment here is too bad, which is seriously disadvantageous to me." Youzhen clapped his hands and then spread them out helplessly, indicating that Lopez was on the Dark Island.

Although Lopez had done something tricky to him and buried the demonic rune in his heart, Youzhen also felt that if the environment of the Dark Island was not too bad, he would definitely not be easily tricked, and the other party had the blessing of the environment.

"There are a lot of monsters hidden in the depths, be careful, come on." Youzhen waved his hand and rested against a huge rock, making it clear that I can't fight side by side with you.

Ye Lin didn't care and threw an apple to him, "Everyone in Blue Eagle is worried about you, go back."

The apple was stopped by a gust of wind in front of You Zhen. Seeing that Ye Lin was about to walk towards the place where the demonic energy was surging, he belatedly asked, "Who are you?"

Not only did he mention the names of the Blue Eagle members, but he also pointed out that Nixingwen saved his life, and he also knew that he liked to eat apples. All signs showed that this person had a special relationship with Blue Eagle.

"I am your... brother-in-law."

Dark Island is an island with a terrain from northwest to southeast. Ye Lin and them landed on the island from the northwest of Dark Island, and their figures were quickly submerged by the demonic energy, leaving You Zhen with a question mark on his head.


You Zhen has always been casual and lazy, but his strength is indeed one of the best in Blue Eagle. There are only two people who are qualified to be his sister.

The first one is Captain Batty of Blue Eagle. He is powerful and chivalrous. You Zhen respects the captain from the bottom of his heart.

Another one is Ludmilla, who is a great archer and a warm person. Ludmilla took good care of him before she left Blue Eagle.

As for Dandel, Edin Reis, etc., they are not good enough.

After meeting the Blue Eagle, Ye Lin complained that Captain Batty was just a mother raising many children!

Ludmilla, Edin Reis, Alusha, Dandel... were almost all raised by Batty with great difficulty. They had been in the Solidaris Fleet for various reasons when they were very young.

Although Youzhen was invited by Batty to join the Blue Eagle Pirates, he was not very old when he joined. He was a teenager, about the same age as Brimu now.

So, whose brother-in-law is he...?

Youzhen weighed the apple in his hand and turned into a gust of wind to rush to the Duckweed Islands.


The broken buildings were covered with a layer of damp moss, and the large bluestone surfaces were carved with delicate patterns and climbed with twisted vines. At a glance, the Dark Island seemed to have fallen for decades.

There was also a surveillance tower here, but it collapsed and shattered.

Shu Mo poked the mind shield wrapped around her body with her finger, feeling surprised, and then said: "This place is close to Chongquan in terms of location. It used to be a place to monitor and resist monsters and pirates."

Ye Lin found some equipment that had lost its use value in the depths of the ruins, including five-element armor that had lost its magic power, a broken surveillance sword, and boots with intact leather but damaged internal patterns.

"It should be more than just the weapons of the previous surveillance, it can be traced back to the demon era." Ye Lin speculated.

Since the God Realm entered the fog mechanical era, there are very few equipment on the market that uses pure five-element magic, let alone swords.

Fog, this fast and "infinite" energy is deeply loved by the people of the God Realm.

A plot that the God Realm can't hold back, the fog curtain spreads demonic energy to the Blue Eagle, causing everyone to fall into a nightmare, and then only Youzhen is fine, because it is said that the demonic energy can be blown away, and later it also blows away the adventurer, which is quite... well, weird...

But it also proves that demonic energy is material energy.

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