Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 3238 Tata Open!

Chapter 3239 Tata opens!

Ye Lin leaned on the beams of the corridor in a melancholy manner, looking at the white sea. The rain had not stopped. It made a pitter-patter sound when it hit the tree in Ruiqi's yard, and said to Ursula. :

"People have to find something to do while they are alive, and I am referring to the general direction of the future."

You can't always be in the current state of "you are not the same as you in the divine world". Everything in the world changes. Temporary comfort is not forever. The Hanhao bird who muddles along will only be frozen to death in the winter. In dreams, See the sun.

In short, Ursula desperately needed change.

But if Beyana were here, she would definitely say loudly and confidently that she wanted to play games all her life and live a life where she could open her mouth when she had enough food to wear. This was the general direction of her life.

I'm a waste, I'm happy with it! ‘On condition that you don’t get beaten’

Nowadays, due to the special nature of the demon guardian, there are not many ways left for Ursula in the future.

"You can choose to remain anonymous and be an ordinary person in the God Realm, and live in a different place every once in a while. If you don't use force, it will be difficult for anyone to discover your true identity."

"Or you can follow me in the future and settle in my Arad continent. As long as you don't take the initiative to use demon energy to harm others, the people there are very tolerant and will accept demon guardians."

"The last thing is to give full play to your existing abilities. Your help is very important to other demon guardians. It is a life-saving grace and the importance of master and disciple."

Ye Lin had already talked with the director of the Star Turtle Library about the Demon Guardian. The director told him that according to library records, around the time of the Blue Eagle Pirates' Battle of Chongquan, the evil monsters were in the God Realm. The frequency of activity is getting higher and higher, and there are frequent attacks on humans.

Behind the brutal battles, filled with despair and pain, in addition to death, occasionally someone would burst out with an amazing will to survive, roaring and suppressing the demonic energy to become a demon guardian.

The number of demon guardians is directly proportional to the frequency of demon beasts attacking the divine world, which is a kind of pain and helplessness.

Since the demon guardians lack experienced teachers to guide them, and they are always hostile to all aspects of the divine world, and they are constantly tortured by the demonic side of their hearts. This triple dilemma leads to the majority of the demon guardians eventually becoming Being counterattacked by the evil spirit and spiritual pain, he became a monster.

This leads to what Ursula calls a "no happy ending" situation.

"My wife told me that it is conservatively estimated that there are dozens of struggling demon guardians in the God Realm, who may turn into demon beasts and die at any time. As your demon beasts become more and more rampant in the mainland, this number will increase. Keep improving.”

Ursula frowned slowly after hearing this, not because of the number of people, but because she actually felt a little unhappy about Ye Lin's words "you monsters", as if she was listening to someone scolding her "you" It feels like a dog.

She seems to be beginning to feel disgusted with her identity as a "monster", and her human personality is gradually gaining the upper hand.

"We demon guardians are not integrated with the divine world in the first place. When you ask me to gather them, are you waiting to be lumped together?" Ursula asked sharply, and the question was also very precise, on the key points.

Ye Lin smiled, but instead of answering her question, he said in a formal and serious tone: "What's wrong with becoming a demon guardian? They just want to survive. What's wrong with that?"

The moment he finished speaking, the demon cultivating in the room suddenly opened his vertical pupils, slowly turning into warm, round pupils of human beings, filled with softness and emotion like water.

Yes, the demon guardians just want to survive desperately. Being infected with demonic energy is not their original intention at all, but an unavoidable disaster and a nightmare that will never go away.

A small group of special people huddle together for warmth just for the small goal of "surviving".

If the gods are to be indifferent and kill them all, then what is the difference between the inhumane gods and the ferocious monsters?

The first sign of civilization is a healed bone.

Yaoyao nodded. Sure enough, Bayana was right. Her brother in Arad was a very charming adventurer who could see into many details... but she had a lot of sisters-in-law.


The thing that left Bayana most speechless was Yimi Wu. Obviously, we are all about the same age as people from the demon world. I treat you as a good friend, but you actually secretly climbed into my brother's bed and became my sister-in-law!

Biana couldn't help but blush when she thought of the little witches of the same age and her brother without clothes on at night, hugging each other like this.

Except for her brother, she has never even held a boy's hand.

The hand she has held for the longest time is the game console controller.


Ye Lin continued: "Furthermore, the gathering of demon guardians can also help control hidden dangerous factors, and can quickly discover and solve people with broken hearts."

It is said that open guns are easy to hide, but hidden arrows are difficult to guard against. People with some brains will not be unaware of the gathered demon guardians, and the threat will be reduced.

"Then, I will also ask Kamelin, Shu Mo, and Rui Er to make an agreement for you in my capacity, at least to give the demon guardians a place."

The rain from the White Sea made a ticking sound when it hit the leaves. It gathered into a thin water surface in the yard and then flowed out along the drainage channel. The weather in the White Sea kept raining, but Ursula felt the darkness deep in her heart. It cleared up slowly, and a bright light shone in.

Ye Lin is still "chattering", "Let's think about the worst, can your situation be worse than it is now? If we think about the good, the demon protector has a chance to be completely recognized by the gods, and it is also a win-win opportunity for you."

Not only did he find the meaning of his future life, but he also won a good reputation in the gods.

Only a very few people happened to know the existence of the name "Ursula", such as Camilla, the hermit's apprentice.

Then, under the premise that the traces of the Fog Eye Record Room were artificially erased, it is estimated that only the hermit still remembers a human who fell into the demon clan.

Ursula has a promising future, provided that she stops messing around.

Win-win, equals winning twice.

"Speaking of which, Ursula, why did you want to kidnap hundreds of scholars instead of directly detonating the Piaomiao Palace?"

"The God Realm values ​​the master-disciple relationship and inheritance. Removing the teacher is equivalent to destroying the future and letting the God Realm slowly die."

Ursula raised her head and took a deep breath, as if she wanted to inhale the cold rain all over the sky. After a pause, she nodded and said, "I promise you, I will try to become the teacher of the Demon Guardian."

"I will keep my promise." Ye Lin sincerely blessed the Demon Guardian and hoped that everyone who survived desperately could find their own future.

There was another silence with only the sound of rain. Ursula turned her head and looked at Ye Lin seriously, and asked, "What if, I mean if, the gathering of the Demon Guardians really failed to get the recognition of the people in the God Realm?"

Ye Lin casually spread his hands, his tone suddenly became sonorous, and he said loudly: "Needless to say, explode with those who look down on you, screw him, and fight for a piece of territory for yourself!"


Ursula was stunned for a moment, and unconsciously adjusted her eye mask.

Adventurer, your attitude changes a little fast, let me slow down.

"Liyun Chamber of Commerce is rampant in the God Realm and monopolizes resources. It is still doing well now. As long as you demon guards work together, it is not difficult to conquer a piece of land."

No one said that you demon guards must swallow your anger. I didn't say that either. I really didn't say that.

As the old saying goes, "First courtesy, then force." If courtesy doesn't work, then use weapons.

You talk to the people in the God Realm, they don't listen. When you show enough strength, they will have to smile and move the table over to talk about reason.

Ye Lin also tried hard to hint that they should go to grab Liyun's territory. I heard that they monopolized several sky floating islands.

"You are really a very interesting and charming person. So," Ursula raised her hand to gather her drooping hair, and continued to look at Ye Lin, her red lips slightly parted, bewitching her mind, "When should we do it, now, or in the evening, tomorrow."


Ye Lin immediately made a puzzled expression of "what are you talking about". Why don't I understand a little bit, Miss, you are very sexy but please be more reserved.

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