Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 3199 But I refuse!

Chapter 3200 But...I refuse!

Mahnava was previously frightened away by Niu's ancient divine light, but now he was confronting Ergon without any incident. He seemed to have forgotten the past and said with utmost mockery:

"It's just some high-sounding rhetoric. With your reputation as a hermit, you can't stop the civil war."

Elgon's lowered eyebrows contained unknown emotions. He could temporarily stop Luck and Blue Eagle, but what would happen next.

It doesn't matter if the sky is always gloomy. It's better to have a heavy rain to wash away the impetuousness and dirtiness of everything. After that, the sun will show up and shine brightly.

Mahnava laughed wildly, his face suddenly filled with murderous intent, "Since my shadow reappears in another direction, then Barty will be the second Ursula."

"It's not necessarily..." Ergon's power turned into the five elements of holy light, staring at Mahnava firmly, and asked casually: "How many people have switched to you monsters."

"There are Ursula, Lopez, and many more. Do you want to know the list? The desires in the hearts of your gods are deeper than Kukai." Mahnava said meaningfully and did not mind exposing Lopez's identity.

"Ergon, I'm afraid you haven't noticed that Lopez is actually a person who came back from the dead. He died in the God Realm for a long time, but the great King of Demons gave him new life."

Ergon's ears twitched unconsciously, and his heart sank slightly. Resurrection, does the Demon King really have the ability to seize the soul from the God of Death? This may become Barty's weakness.


The pinched scorpion man's arm was stained with a layer of bright red blood. He shook his huge palm and blood splashed, which was extremely horrifying.

The faces of Ban En and others were very ugly. For the first time, the origin-level strong man died, and he was killed instantly in front of him, both physically and mentally.

Barty held his head with one hand and shook it vigorously. His head seemed to be turning upside down, and many almost forgotten memories were reflected in the forefront.

She saw endless monsters and ghosts climbing onto the deck of the Azure. The crew's terrified voices suddenly stopped after the unknown tearing sound. Death, blood, broken arms and limbs were everywhere...


Barty made a painful sound. She also saw that Blues was the name of the ship and the name of her master and savior. His mouth was bleeding and he was dying, but he still had a face because of his success in saving her. Laughing.

Mahnava, who had manifested the memory of Blue Eagle's fear and demonic aura, came out, almost identical to the original figure in the Awakening Forest. The difference was that his body occasionally showed a flickering illusion.

First of all, he is unusually tall. Mahnava is twice as tall and burly as the Fire Tribe, the tallest race in the God Realm. The difference in size is the most intuitive fear engraved in the bones of life.

His face was stern, with an expression of indifference to life. His head was covered with blue-black bone armor of shark horns, and his long hair was like a man-eating grey eel, covered with slippery spots.

Just standing there without saying a word, there was an indescribable sense of oppression permeating the air, a vicious spirit rising into the sky, and evil intent. It was as if he saw endless ghosts wailing miserably on his body.

"Blue Eagle is indeed having an affair with a monster!" A strong man from the gear workshop shouted, his expression sinister and a little uneasy.

The oppressive feeling of that figure is so strong that just looking at it makes you feel like you have fallen into an ice cellar.

The tall figure showed a disdainful sneer and said slowly: "I am the ancient demon Mahnava of Wuren. The projection was reproduced through her memory. The me now is the me during the Battle of Chongquan."

He could have taken the opportunity to get involved with Barty and confuse the relationship between them, but there was no need. He disdained such low-level and despicable methods.

"Bati, have you seen this hypocritical veil in the God Realm, with gold and jade on the outside and crumbs inside." Mahnava stretched out his hand to Bati, his palms stained with blood, and said: "If you hadn't resisted with all your life, I would have overthrown it long ago. However, they don’t have this sense of gratitude.”

"How about joining us? The Demon King likes you very much."

Batty's eyes were bulging and she was bleeding all over. She did not answer Mahnawa's invitation. There seemed to be a chopstick stirring up her brain, and past memories came up like a randomly spliced ​​video.

"Wake up, no one is willing to stand up for Blue Eagle!" Mahnava's magic voice kept getting into Batty's mind, with the intention of strongly bewitching, "Qingyan, hermit, no one is willing to stand up for Blue Eagle." The thought of clearing your name, your good intentions are being trampled on, and your blood is completely wasted..."

"As long as you agree, I can help you kill everyone present..."

"As long as you agree, I can return the Azure Blue to you..."

"As long as you agree, I can help you resurrect...your master, Blues..."

Buddy, who was in an unconscious state, could instinctively show a strong conative expression. The first two things were her lifelong wishes, and she was willing to do whatever it took and pay any price to accomplish them.

As for the third thing, she had only thought about it in her dreams.



The shadow of memories flickered. Barty grabbed the brief flash of inspiration in his mind and spat out the blood seeping out of his mouth. His eyes were stronger than ever before, "I...refuse!"


Mahnava showed an expression of extreme surprise. He was already like this. He was about to die. How could he still cling to that ridiculous will and belief?

Obviously as long as you agree, everything will come true in an instant.

Rogue Blues, what is his charm and what does he teach you.

"Because there are still people who always trust Blue Eagle and trust us." Barty suddenly wanted to laugh, laughing at himself for abandoning the three hopes he had pursued throughout his life because of the trust of a person he had never met.

Rui'er, the manager of Baiyun Valley, told her that someone took a clear stand at the adjudication meeting and firmly believed in Blue Eagle and believed that they had nothing to do with the monsters.

Her thoughts were disordered just now, with her desire for survival and endless anger for revenge, and she almost agreed to Mahnawa's bewitchment.

There are still people who believe in Blue Eagle...

Barty summoned all his strength, "If I join and surrender to you, how can I have the face to face those nearly a thousand brothers and sisters who died at your hands!"

Mahnava stared deeply at the dying Batty, and after a long time he said: "You have a purer will than Ursula, but you are also stupider. After you die, they are still free and easy, with rich clothes and fine food. Your name will be stained with endless infamy... How stupid."

"The blues tell me that you should have a clear conscience as a human being." Barty's shining aura just now was like a flashback, and then her aura quickly weakened. There was evil energy in her wounds, and she lost more and more blood.

Barty's body was crumbling, and she glanced at the strong men who surrounded her one by one with anger and contempt. No one dared to look at her, and they all subconsciously avoided her eyes.

"You are very despicable." Mahnava glanced at everyone, "I will not kill you, because keeping you is a good thing for the God Realm."

He specifically emphasized the word "good thing" and was extremely sarcastic.

Ha ha……


Mahnava took one last look at the shaky Barty. The tall monster body slowly disappeared. She rejected his invitation twice, so... she would die at the hands of the person she hated the most.


Keyak tried his best to squeeze out a word. Batty's nobility made them extremely despicable. The sun shone on the mud. If Batty did not die, they would have trouble sleeping and eating day and night.

"Only those who are alive are qualified to comment on the rights and wrongs of the future." Ban En also spoke and pulled the Full Moon Bow in the direction of Barty.

After a brief hesitation, the surrounding strong men raised their weapons one after another, killed Barty, and then destroyed Blue Eagle. This battle was finally over, and it was perfect.

The truth is that the Blue Eagle pirates had an affair with a monster and refused to change their ways. They were killed on the spot by various organizations.

No one can tell more than one, two, three...


Brilliant and terrifying arrows engulfed Barty one after another. Not even blood flowed out after the explosion. Everyone breathed a sigh of relief and hinted to each other with their eyes that everything today should be buried.


Ban En's pupils suddenly shrank, and after the light dissipated, a very young man appeared next to Barty, blocking all attacks.

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