Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 3197 I am too great

Chapter 3198 I am too great

"Hiss, you are actually a pirate at such a young age?" Bayana showed a strange expression. The girl named Alusa was fully armed and wrapped like a turtle, but her face looked really childish. She was twelve or thirteen at most. Year old look.

The reason is actually that Alusa's body is relatively delicate. After all, she has not grown up yet. Her bones and muscles are still developing and need close protection.

Bayana then thought about it and realized that it was the case. When she was that old, she had already gone through so much trouble in Central Park that Aunt Katie had black lines on her forehead. She had the potential to be a demonic bully.

Wanzi wasn't doing much better either. He and Iqi were making trouble every day in the ancient library and messing around every day. Director Monica was equally tired.

Alusa at least seems polite now.

Ludmila, a name she hadn't heard for a long time, made Alusha excited. She learned her archery skills from her.

But later, Alusha became obsessed with the research of fog machinery and changed her profession. The weapon changed from a bow and arrow to a huge fog war hammer.

After all, Alusha is still a young girl. There are some cartoon-style stickers on the war hammer, and there are also fish and mouse puppets hanging on the hammer, similar to the bears hanging by Galantis.

Alusha looked at the fighting god-turned-Biana in surprise. She was tall and mature in appearance, so she asked in a rather eager and respectful tone, "What did you just say? How do you know Ludmila?"

"I want to see your boss." Beyana was busy making meritorious deeds. It seemed like this little girl was not the talker and she had to go to the boss.

"I am fourth..."

"Oh oh oh..."

A mythical beast that was taller than a human suddenly ran out, standing on two legs, with its chest and abdomen high. The fur in front of it was gray, with a V-shaped yellow fur in the middle, like its scarf, and the fur behind it. He is black and wearing a neat set of clothes. He looks like a black and white gentleman.

The mythical beast suddenly ran over and covered Alusha's mouth with his hand, but he couldn't say that he couldn't say it, because he was not sure of the other party's identity, and maybe he was deliberately tricking the top management of Blue Eagle to show up.

Alusa is the captain of the fourth team of Blue Eagles.

Biana's lack of knowledge about the divine world froze instantly, and her eyes were full of doubts. What was this divine beast running over, a penguin? Or something?

He looks like a fat penguin, but his face has clear and three-dimensional features and two long yellow eyebrows, which stand straight up to the sky and look very impressive.

And he also wears clothes, just like Crazy Bear.

Fat Penguin is Pan Ruide, the vice-captain of the second team, a highly intelligent beast. The Blue Eagle structure does not actually have a dedicated vice-captain position, and Pan Ruide is an exception.

"Sir Pan Rede, your hands have such a strong fishy smell..." Alusha whimpered and struggled. Pan Rede's favorite foods are herbs and fish, which span a wide range of food types, so his hands will have the scent of herbs. There will be a fishy smell on it.

"Pan Ruide, we have to ask her why she knows Ludmila. Do you remember Ludmila, the former captain of the third brigade?"

Pan Ruide nodded slightly, remembering that that woman had the best shooting skills in Blue Eagle.

Within a few minutes, Wanzi and the others also arrived smoothly. After landing on the deck, they were immediately surrounded by Blue Eagle's people holding fog weapons.

Some people from the Blue Eagle Pirate Group also used aircraft to approach Wu Lan's warship, carrying weapons. After all, destruction is always easier than creation.

"I forgot again~" Wanzi muttered, forgetting to ask where Ludmila was in the group. If she came in person, it would definitely be better than them.

Bayana continued to shout, "Ludmila, you know, we are friends, forget it... you fell into the trap, it's still too late to leave now, go quickly, go quickly..."

Woohoo, I'm so handsome and great!

Biana's eyes were almost wet. She felt that she was now the lone hero who saved the world. She alone held the truth to save the world. In the face of horrific disasters, she let the weak go first.

The military advisor Natya was still thinking clearly and said quickly: "The demonic energy, the demonic energy is coming! Ban En knew that the demonic energy will explode today, and he has a conspiracy against Blue Eagle."

At this moment, the Holy Sage's Call was surrounded by magic runes, breaking through the layers of clouds and mist in the Shadow Bay, and sailing from the direction of Chongquan. The key person finally arrived belatedly.

Ludmila's expression was indifferent, her dark center string was tight, and she drove all the way straight to the mothership Blues. She had long known about the Kiran Fleet, but because a certain former friend she met by chance did not believe her, she could not rush to the battlefield. Report the news.

As a last resort, Ludmila slapped her unconscious.

"It's the Sage's Call!" Alusha slowly opened her beautiful eyes and blinked hard. It was really the old ship with the horn of the unicorn Kraken as the keel.

Ludmila eagerly shouted the same warning: "Bati, Yuzhen, Fandel, quickly command Solidaris to leave the battlefield, leave Qingyan, and leave the Shadow Bay, the evil spirit is coming up."

"Sister Ludmila." Alusha was anxious, no, Captain Barty left Solidaris and went to find Ban.

The battle between the strong men in the original realm is no less than a battle between fleets. Ordinary fog machines can no longer harm them. The ignition of hatred can only evolve into a face-to-face battle to the death.

"Ludemila is back? Demonic?" Yuzhen, who has always had a casual personality, was surprised, and then frowned fiercely.

Silently, a man wearing glasses and a sinister expression appeared behind Solidaris. There was a strong demonic energy flowing around him, and Ni Xingwen was walking through it. All the magic power, including the fog, was around him. disorder.

"Solidaris, it turned out that he was hiding here and became Mokia's sacrifice." The man slowly raised his hand, and the palm of his hand suddenly lit up with dense inverse stars, and the energy called "demon energy" turned into a The black hole then rose into the sky, with a sudden rumbling explosion, and the mighty demonic energy turned into circles of ripples and swept towards the Solidaris fleet.

After the attack, the man turned around and was about to leave. The plan of the five evil monsters was sniped by an unknown strong man. The chain was broken and his own situation was also very dangerous.

"Stop, who are you?"

Youzhen noticed the ripples the first moment they exploded. He was manipulating the power of the wind and immediately noticed the man's evil hand.


Lopez continued to leave, and Nixing Culture enveloped Xiang Youzhen in chains.

"You stay here!" The ribbons on Youzhen's body were dancing wildly. He raised his hand and clenched it, and a hurricane roared across the sky. The dense wind blades made a terrifying scream, and the chains of the inverse stars were Cut off inch by inch.

Lopez raised his eyebrows and had to deal with Yuzhen's attack, "It's kind of interesting. He actually used the wind to push away the demonic energy near him."


On another battlefield, Captain Barty and Bann clashed with each other. They were both members of the Five Elements Fire Clan. They were fighting to the death without any sign of kinship. They were fighting to the death.


Each other's bows and arrows were like lightning when they streaked across the sky. The two figures were constantly chasing and fighting. The originally pleasant melody turned into a killing force, forcing Bann to yell and then block. I have to say that Barty's cello was really awesome. Bright.

"Blue Eagle, it's time to end, just like the blues before." The man with the scorpion tattoo from Huitong Public Bureau appeared indifferently in the sky.

Keyak, who had become mute, looked annoyed and formed a triangle to surround Barty. At the same time, figures with powerful auras came one after another, carrying a cold and murderous intention.

"Rogue Blues, haha, I still remember the way he died. I have a share of the credit. That guy was so stupid that I even sympathized with him." Bann directly taunted Barty's face, constantly stimulating Barty's spirit.

The Scorpion Man also reminded: "You Blue Eagles have been enveloped by the evil spirit, Barty."


Barty was startled when he heard this, and turned around subconsciously. The direction of the Blue Eagle fleet was indeed full of demonic aura. The dark green mist was an ominous one that made one dizzy at a glance. She knew what the demonic aura represented better than anyone else.


A lightning arrow grazed Barty's neck, cutting the surface of the skin, and a bright red drop of blood flowed out.

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