Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 3192 The Era of Monsters Begins

Chapter 3193 The Era of Monsters Begins

Except for the big-breasted girl with an eyepatch, the other four transcendent demons from the land of trouble were all blocked by Ye Lin from the White Sea.

The majestic and terrifying demon body is shrouded in a vague demon aura, exuding very alarming fluctuations. With every move of his hand, the sky and the earth can collapse, shocking the world, but he has never been able to step foot into the White Sea.

"Mal, Kelton, Wu, since you are here, why don't you show up and fight. The debt you owe us should be repaid!"

The mysterious monster of the Dark Island casts a twisted snake shadow in the flickering thunder, wielding a snake spear with a whimpering demon wind, tearing the void and splitting the purple sea. The suffocating demonic energy is rolling in, and it is about to force a landing. The nearest Watcher village.

The Purple Sea is the ocean between the Watcher Village and the Dark Island.

"Oh my God!"

The faces of the residents of the Monitor Village changed wildly, thunder roared and the demonic energy swept across. When the lightning flashed, the projection of the demonic snake was taller than the mountain. There was an indescribable, evil and terrifying spiritual pollution flowing, which was invading the land. direction.

Village chief Bonas couldn't help shouting: "Where are the strong men of Baihai, when should you pay attention to us ordinary people? The big demon is coming."


Suddenly, there was an earth-shattering loud noise, and the waves of the purple sea stirred into angry waves. The invisible energy turned into God's punishment. The five monsters hiding in the dark clouds of the rain suddenly let out painful howls, and a bright red blood flow fell from the sky. Rain makes the purple sea dye red.

The powerful vitality allowed him to reorganize the body of Yaksha with human body and snake legs, and stood in the purple sea. His cold eyes scanned the Dark Island in confusion, but he never dared to try to land again.

After a moment, the evil demon Yaksha shouted angrily again: "You are much stronger than Elgon, Mal! Is it you!"

Yasha's cold shouts spread throughout the Dark Island and the Watcher Village, shocking the residents of the village. The terrifying monster seemed to be injured and mentioned Lord Mal's name.

"It's strange that I'm not allowed to land, but he turns a blind eye to the demonic energy that fills the white sea. Is he sure he can control the overall situation?" Yasha tightened his grip on the snake spear, his sinister face deep in thought.

"Is he helpless, or is he discovering the secret of demonic energy?"

As soon as this thought appeared, Yasha couldn't help but his face became darker, secretly thinking that you are indeed the number one hermit, Mal, you are so amazingly talented.

Monsters and monsters accompany each other, and the secret that took nearly a thousand years to be understood has been discovered by you, a hermit who walks in the light.

"It doesn't matter. The demonic energy we brought out is just demonic energy. The most important source of demonic energy is still in the place of trouble."


Ye Lin stood alone on the top rooftop of the Misty Palace. This is the highest point of Qingyan. It is second only to Baihai's Sky Courtyard and Epiphany Peak in height. The field of vision is very wide, and ordinary people can see the land in all directions with their naked eyes.

The demonic energy from five directions surged into the sky, turning into floods that broke through the embankments and swept across the White Sea. The sky and the earth have lost their clear light. Even when the sun breaks through the clouds and shines on the earth, it is dyed into a strange yellow-green mist. color.

The Horned Deer Plain, the Mistweave Mountains, the Duckweed Islands...the demonic energy is spreading crazily, layer by layer, passing through the earth like ripples. Wherever it passes, whether humans, mythical beasts or ordinary animals, they are trembling in the demonic aura. , the sober consciousness began to be hazy, which strongly affected the original state.

There is a relatively accepted common sense in the divine world that ordinary animals can turn into spiritual beasts if they live in a foggy environment for a long time, and vice versa. Monster beasts are also born in this way.

It stands to reason that the God Realm should be filled with mythical beasts, but this is not the case. It takes a lot of time for ordinary creatures to transform into mythical beasts.

For example, when an egg hatches, breaks its shell, and grows into a chicken, it often dies due to various reasons before it can transform into a mythical beast...

Finally, at a certain moment while Ye Lin was waiting, the concentration of the demonic energy suddenly reached a level where it could be infected without breaking the skin, and the air alone began to transform humans into ghosts and divine beasts into monsters. level.

The most essential form of life will be reconstructed, the White Sea will change drastically, the harmonious civilization of humans and mythical beasts will be obliterated and replaced, and the era of monsters is coming.

"There's still one last step left!" The girl with the eyepatch was excited. The monster environment has been constructed. All that's left to do is to connect the white sea with the most essential "yin" attribute.

"The prophesied adventurer, you are clearly not weaker than me, but why are you still waiting? It's a pity that I won't wait for you." The eye-patch goddess looked disappointed, and raised her slender hands, as white as mutton-fat jade, with black nails. But it seemed to be filled with intense poison.

One after another, the evil inverse stars emerged from the void, and the iron-painted silver hooks formed thick and majestic chains of evil spirits. They fell from the sky to the earth with an incomparable heaviness, and rumbled straight into the ground. Underground, the sky and the earth are dim, and the evil wind is blowing.

The same situation occurred in the Dark Island, White Cloud Valley, Forest of Awakening, and Shadow Bay at the same time. The five demon-afflicted monsters acted together, and the chains of demonic energy composed of reverse astrology fell from the sky to the earth, and smashed into the unknown underground. , as if to penetrate this world.

At a certain moment, the chain suddenly straightened, and then made an overwhelming creaking sound. It was obvious that something was locked, and then the straight reverse star chain was slowly pulled upwards, churning the wet soil, and gradually A powerful and terrifying aura was revealed.

Ye Lin's eyes suddenly lit up brightly, and he saw a corner of the old era in the hazy and illusory monster aura. Largo and the girl with the eyepatch had both said... The White Sea was once a world of monsters.

He had long suspected that as a real magic system that could control demonic energy, Ni Xingwen had both the writing function and the cultivation effect. It could not be something that was born without reason.

In the oldest White Sea era, the birth of Ni Xingwen was very much like the prototype of a civilization.

However, the meaning of the reverse star writing has been almost lost now. Very few people understand it, even Hazel does not know it. The only thing left is to manipulate the demonic energy based on the magic of the text.

"White Sea is indeed a world of monsters. Perhaps it can be called a clan of monsters." Ye Lin whispered, and in the hazy mist, he saw a corner of the past.

Countless races that cultivated themselves with monster energy lived in the White Sea. At that time, there was no Misty Palace, no Qingyan, no human beings, not even the ancient Forest of Awakening. The world was like a barbaric wilderness, filled with vicious birds. Wild beasts, hollow fish, and giant beasts from the sky, every corner is filled with primitive momentum.

The highly intelligent monsters began to explore the origin of the world, and the original flame of civilization began to burn... This was the beginning of the White Sea.

Ye Lin also discovered something different, that is, the demonic energy of the old era was not as malicious as it is now. Although it was called "demon energy", it gave him a feeling similar to the fighting energy of the planet Aiken, a kind of A training system and corresponding resources with relatively strong attributes.

"The reason why people from the God Realm seal monsters cannot be because they are incompatible with their attributes." Ye Lin vaguely speculated on a possibility in the future.

Hazel said that almost no one can control the reverse star text.

The initial fire of civilization of the people of the gods started in Qianhaitian. Through the teachings of the weirdo Fender, the people of the gods gave birth to the first golden age, a magical age using the five elements and magic circles.

The ubiquitous "fog" was clearly known to the people of the God Realm for the first time.

Then the fire of civilization burned towards the Chongquan Continent in the east. The people of the God Realm who opened up the wilderness discovered rich metal veins here, so the second golden age of the "Mist Machine" era came. With Kelton the Hermit, there are still centuries. The genius Werner is the representative figure.

At the same time, the God of Mist officially entered the attention of people in the divine world and gradually became a kind of praise and belief.

The third golden age is the harmonious era of the White Sea. Human beings and mythical beasts have established a harmonious relationship. At the same time, the belief in the God of Mist has further matured and strengthened. Organizations full of faith such as the Eye of Mist, the Misty Palace, and the Palace of Mist were born. and architecture.

As for the fourth expected Golden Age of Discovery, it is currently in progress...

In the era of monsters, the people of the gods were completely sealed into the "Land of Trouble" in another dimension.

Ye Lin sighed softly, with complicated eyes, and murmured: "The God of Mist may not have lived in the White Sea at first, but was invited to replace the evil spirit with mist."

Thanks to the boss "Ling Duyu" for the 1000 point reward.

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