Chapter 31: I haven’t awakened yet, why am I a teenager?

"Before I get you a pass to the Principality of Belmare, you must master the ghost sword technique as soon as possible."

"Whether it is a giant sword, a tachi or a lightsaber, the weapon is the life of the sword soul. A sword soul without a weapon is a goblin at the mercy of others!"

Ye Lin was stunned, frowned and recalled: "Luo Lei Kainuo is quite powerful..."

"Do you want to learn from Buwanga to become a sword spirit?" Linus puffed his beard and glared. Although he was right, he couldn't lose this respect.

"Among them, Ghost Swordsmanship is the foundation of this lineage of ghost swordsmen. It is related to your subsequent skill learning, just like Siatt's magic sword secret."

"Yeah, I'll try my best."

Ye Lin is full of expectations for the Principality of Belmare.

After the demise of the Peruvian Empire, wars continued between the feudal lords of the Arad continent. A group of people who hated war gathered at the place where the great magician Marr set up a magic circle, and established the absolutely neutral Principality of Belmael.

Belmare is the brightest pearl on the continent of Arad. Dark elf Shalan’s magic academy is here, Xuzu Fengzhen’s dojo is here, Remedia Cathedral, Norton Alchemy Association, etc., all are here. In Bellemare.

But unfortunately, the Delos Empire was jealous of Belmare's prosperity and sent troops to easily capture the little-defense principality.

Although the Belmare regime is still in the hands of Queen Skadi and three councilors, the Delos Empire claims to be helping Belmare "build a defense force" and blatantly sends troops to Huttonmare. everything.

However, there were too many people who were against the empire, such as the Ghost Sword Girl, the Resistance Army, the Alchemy Association, etc., so the empire used what it thought was a smart move. Without a pass issued by Queen Skadi, it would not be allowed. Travel to Hutton Mar and important cities.

But the arrogant empire did not realize that the people of Belmare were different from the highly cohesive citizens of the Delos Empire. They were a group of people who truly yearned for peace, and they were not residents who completely surrendered after being occupied.

So the so-called credentials became a useful but recognized joke...

Queen Skadi's immediate confidant Boken and the wandering adventurer Carakas helped the adventurers establish a guild, and they seemed to be selecting something...

Belmare's dissatisfaction with the Delos Empire is also the reason why Siatt can live in Hedunmare with peace of mind.

A few days later, he went to Linus to pick up three passes, and two more from Krach and Penosio.

"Have you successfully transferred to another job?"

Siatt was basking in the sun at the door of the hotel and looked at Ye Lin in surprise, as if he had been reborn. His breath became calmer. When he just practiced with Linus, his sharp sword intent was definitely a trait that only professionals can have. .

How long has it been since the time when I fell into Lekainuo until I changed my job?

The growth rate is astonishing.

Ye Lin leaned against the wall and said with a smile that he thought was very charming, "How about it, little girl, my quilt is too big. It would be a waste to cover it by myself. Do you want to come with me?"

"It's so shameless."

Siatt rolled her eyes and was about to leave, but suddenly stopped and glanced at him suspiciously.

"Strange, why does your sword intention seem to resonate with mine?"

Picking up a branch and making random gestures, she had to admit that when she attacked, she seemed to be able to use Ye Lin's sword intention to make her sword control skills stronger.

"Haha, it is indeed a crane..."

Ye Lin's lips twitched at the side. He hadn't reached the level of an awakener yet, so he could attack Siatt in advance. Was it an unexpected surprise?

hotel lobby

"I transferred the hotel to another hotel owner, including Linus's Smithy."

When everyone was preparing to leave, Celia announced a very surprising news.

"Didn't you say that if you sink to the ground, you might come back and wander around?"

Tana was also a little surprised. This hotel was where Celia started, and it had special memories.

"A tree house is enough. The tree house is the most peaceful place. The hotel is just a tool for me to make a living."

Celia seemed to see things very clearly. After solving the memory problem, she became more and more cheerful.

"to be honest!"

"Sister Tana, just sink the tree house into the ground and protect it with a magic circle."

"Honestly, why transfer the hotel?"

"Because the boss gave me too much money."


Linus rented a carriage, two horses pulling a medium-sized boxcar, which could accommodate seven people.

Linus worked as a coachman, and his smithy's work was also sold cheaply, carrying a heavy burden.

"I always feel like we'll come back."

Siatt turned over and stood on the carport, looking at the Grand Forest with a somewhat nostalgic look.

"Yeah, I'll be back..."

Looking at the earthen jar hiding in a corner of the crowd, Ye Lin seemed to agree casually.

Billmark and the Wailing Cave are both nearby.

He had a vague premonition that what happened inside Billmark would be the first trigger to destroy the reputation of the Delos Empire.

The imperial investigators like the earthen jars were unable to deal with the bull-headed weapon king that had been transformed and possessed the power of fire, thunder and summons.

As the birthplace of the power of transfer, Billmark is not just a place to worry about with just an immunity capsule, maybe only the awakened ones can get a glimpse of it.

No one knew when the incident happened, but he hoped it would be later, preferably after he became an awakened person.

The Elvin Defense Line was some distance away from Hutton Maar. With the speed of only two horses, they had to spend a night in the mountains and forests before reaching Hutton Maar the next day.

In the middle of the night, I huddled in a tent with Linus, who smelled of alcohol and was snoring. I missed the days when there were teleportation potions...

He gently poked Linus' belly and lamented that the softness was really not the feeling he wanted.

Really unable to sleep, he opened the tent and prepared to go out for a walk. At worst, he would just catch up on his sleep on the carriage tomorrow.

The moonlight was like water and the air was slightly cold. Sitting on a huge rock, he was actually in a daze. The dinner fire was surrounded by stones and had been extinguished. Anyway, Pinocio was here, so it was easy to light a fire.

"Excuse me, do you have anything to eat? Can you sell me some? I rushed from the Erwin Defense Line to Hutton Mar without any dry food, but I didn't expect it to be so far away..."

The clean and soft voice made Ye Lin suddenly come back to his senses. Someone was actually approaching the camp in the middle of the night?

A girl with pink hair and hairy hair seemed to touch her belly shyly, and with a white unicorn, she politely stopped ten meters away from the camp, under a tree.

When he saw the other person for the first time, a very unpromising word instantly echoed in his mind... Big, big, big, big, big!

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