Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 3132 Shu Mo didn’t buy it either

Mo Mei turned around and glanced at the door of the Baiyun Palace. The moist and vaporous ground cast tiny bits of sunlight through the branches, each one shining brightly and brightly like gold.

It has completely cleared up in the Baiyun Valley. The branches in early spring are covered with plump buds, and have not yet formed a covering green shade.

No one looked in the direction of the door, nor did they care who passed by just now.

"Yue Na, do you mean there is a malicious person hiding in Baiyun Valley?" Mo Mei didn't bother to trace the past a minute ago, so she could just ask Yuena directly.

"I'm not sure if he has malicious intentions for the moment. I felt strong negative energy approaching in my Archangel Realm, so I used the Holy Eye Secret Technique to take a look, and then I found that there was a soul that was completely different from human beings hidden under that person's skin. It was very interesting. ”

Yuena's expression was calm, and she transmitted the message secretly. She did not conclude that the other party was a heinous devil, because of two considerations.

First, the good or evil of power depends on the will of the user. The most obvious example is "death and darkness" that are hated and feared by people. In many story plots, they are subconsciously classified as "evil", but this is not the case. .

The power of the lady in black dress is only to maintain the balance of order, and she also hates large-scale deaths, especially wars initiated by careerists, which are also "man-made disasters."

In addition, the other party should be a member of Baiyun Valley. Judging from his appearance, he seems to be a junior high-level official. Maybe Great Elder Lu Tan and the others know the true situation of the other party, and their presumptuous suppression will cause an unnecessary misunderstanding.

Yuena remained silent, thinking that she would just ask Elici later what was going on with that somewhat casual and frivolous man.


It can be seen that the Great Elder Lu Tan is very proud, and his laughter almost never stops during the conversation. The guests outside the mist confirm the significance of the existence of Baiyun Valley, and the thousand-year-long agreement has come to a perfect end in his hands.

There is a sense of accomplishment that a mission has been accomplished!

When Ye Lin was away, the eldest lady was the representative of the team. She and Lu Tan talked about the past and present. Both parties showed very knowledgeable knowledge, and the atmosphere was very pleasant.

Siatt also gave Lu Tan an impromptu gift, a crystal ornament from the Arad continent. It was not expensive and had no special effects. It was just beautiful and exquisite.

Lu Tan laughed loudly and said that he liked it very much. Everyone does not like gifts. Even if the other person gave him a stone from heaven, it still had its special witnessing significance.

Elici, who has a childlike face, big breasts and white stockings, has been listening quietly, occasionally interjecting a few words. The little mythical beast Percy swam around Mailu a few times, her big eyes shining brightly, and then she was pulled away by the rice cake. There was muttering in the corner.

Your attribute is water and you like liquids, so do you like drinking?

"When Shu Mo comes back, we will complete the agreement made a thousand years ago under the witness of the guardian of the earth. Baiyun Valley will definitely help with future navigation and trade." The great elder Lu Tan suddenly patted his head and remembered something. After getting up, he said:

"Excuse me, I want to find out if the original agreement document is still there. Eric, entertain the guests well, everything in Baiyun Valley is open to you."

"Ah? Okay." Elici seemed to be in a daze. She was stunned for a moment when she heard the great elder calling her name, and then nodded quickly.

"Let me take you on a walk through the Baiyun Valley. Let's go to the highest Baiyun Lighthouse first to see how it goes. The light of your heavenly lighthouse has been connected to our lighthouse." Alice called back the mythical beast Percy, a little bit I'm confused as to why the little guy's blue body turned into wine red.

On the way to the lighthouse, she passed through a forest. Mo Mei carefully sensed the flow of all things. The "mindfulness" of Baiyun Valley was very strong and vivid. It was a holy place of practice no less than Yuelun Mountain. What made her regretful was that In Baiyun Valley, archery and magic are the main means of cultivation, and there is no spiritual energy.

Mo Mei retracted her regretful thoughts and said casually: "I didn't expect the Great Elder's acceptance level to be as high as Kamerin's."

It didn't take long to chat before I believed that they came from the world outside the mist, which was a bit surprising. I thought that the Great Elder would be wary of them for a long time with suspicion.

"The Protector of Chongquan's Realm?" Erici was surprised. How could they know Shu Mo's sister? Of course they were not related by blood.

"Well, we were actually affected by the storm and went to Chongquan as our first stop..."

Elici smiled and said it didn't matter, and told her that a prank broke out in Baiyun Valley a long time ago. A few brave people pretended to be from the world outside the fog, and received a grand reception after arriving in Baiyun Valley.

After discovering that it was a huge scam, everyone in the Baiyun Valley was humiliated and severely punished the deceivers, knocking out all their teeth.

Later, Baiyun Valley implemented very strict verification of the identity of outsiders.

It was speculated that Aili Xi and Shu Mo were responsible. They fell across the sea and were rescued. This was strong evidence and made the great elder Lu Tan feel mentally prepared.

Coupled with the lighting of the navigation lighthouse and a beam of light shooting from the world outside the fog, it was easy to gain the trust of the great elder.

"The Great Elder and I trust you, but other people in the Baiyun Valley will probably doubt your identity before it is witnessed by the Guardian of the Earth. That incident was of a very bad nature," said Ellie.

At the end of the woods, the sound of water flowing in the valley could be heard faintly. The moist breath made the water divine beast Percy feel relaxed and happy. The ethereal voice asked everyone if they wanted to go play in the water together. The other side of the woods is also famous in the White Sea. "Liuyu Waterfall" Oh.

Liuyu Falls is located in the center of the Baiyun Valley area, between tall cliffs. The surging waterfalls are intertwined with water vapor and mist, forming a very spectacular scene.

Because the splashing water of the waterfall is dense and never-ending, it got this beautiful name. Many mythical animals like to drink water and rest near Liuyu Waterfall.

Baiyun Valley can also be called a mythical beast amusement park. There are many kinds of mythical beasts from the divine world, they can fly, run, and swim...

Eilish told her friend, "Persi, go and play, but don't disturb Lord Rugaru."

Lugaru is the most powerful mythical beast living in the Baiyun Valley. It is a "bear" with a body the size of a house. It is said that its strength is only weaker than that of the Great Elder and Rui Er in the Baiyun Valley, but there is no way to fight. , lack of combat skills.

Elici continued to introduce the important people in Baiyun Valley and talked about their characteristics.

First of all, the red-haired sister Riel is very cold and her expression is not rich enough. At the same time, she has a very serious personality and her eyes cannot tolerate careless people.

When the Great Elder was away, Rui'er was the talker in Baiyun Valley. Even sometimes when Rui Er had a cold expression and spoke slowly, the Great Elder had to listen to her.

At this time, Rui'er is in a rage and no one should mess with him.

There is also Baiyun Monitor Largo, a young man with an optimistic personality and a bit of a silly feeling. He was not born in Baiyun Valley. He was an outsider who offered to join Baiyun Valley a few years ago.

Elici and Rui Er, their ancestors all lived in Baiyun Valley.

"That guy is from outside." Yuena raised her eyebrows, looking at Ailixi as if she didn't know the huge dark energy hidden in her body.

Gu Yu's eyes hinted, "Do you want me to stab him?" !


On the other side, on Qingyan's way to Baiyun Valley, Yelin shouted to a pretty figure in the sky: "Shu Mo, are you okay?"

Shu Mo, who was riding on the constellation turtle, was flying to Baiyun Valley. He blinked after hearing the sound and looked around curiously. Then he discovered the existence of Ye Lin. He patted the turtle shell and said hurriedly: "Your Excellency Wumu, let's go down quickly, there are distinguished guests coming from afar."


Wu Mu was obviously much more clever than Camerin's "turtle". He turned around and landed about three meters in front of Ye Lin. Wu Mu thought this distance was safe enough, as he had never seen Ye Lin before.

Shu Mo jumped off Wu Mu's back. The girl's thick hair was very beautiful, like the blue sky exaggerating the sunset. She stuttered and said: "Adventurer... Your Excellency, why are you here?"

The adventurer had saved his life, so Shu Mo was not wary.

Ye Lin was very satisfied with Shu Mo's white silk stockings and said with a smile: "I'm going to Baiyun Valley now. Shu Mo, are you coming back from Qingyan too? We seem to be on the way."

"Well, we're on our way! I heard that Chongquan's number one musician and Lady Mo Ni are back. I thought this was something worth recording, so I went to Qingyan..."

"Then what?" Ye Lin understood the responsibility of the guardian of the earth, but there was a lingering regret on Shu Mo's expression.

Shu Mo's cheeks turned red, she poked each other with her index fingers in front of her body, and said awkwardly: "I... didn't buy a ticket for the concert." (End of Chapter)

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