Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 3129 Ruiqi who suddenly got rich

Chapter 3130 Ruiqi who suddenly got rich

Baihai, a certain bookstall

"Fifteen dollars, thank you for your patronage."

"Isn't the suggested retail price ten yuan?" Ye Lin glanced at the price tag at the back.

"That's ten dollars."

Ye Lin bought an academic magazine published in Qingyan's bookstore in recent days, flipped through a few pages, and said with a smile: "Ruiqi is really famous. It's not easy to be positive."

The cover of the color magazine is a photo of Sweet and Sour Ricky's Ruiqi, with the words "Scholar Who Opens Up the Future of the Divine Realm" written in large colorful fonts. Her bright clothes and Qingyu's refined temperament make her look like nothing else in the photo. Not a scholar, but a fashion model.

I don’t know if there is “pioneering”. Appropriate bragging is normal for “magazines”, that is, eye-catching headlines.

The academic magazine he bought was mainly about popular science, not a serious paper journal.

"And look at her jewelry." Siatt pointed to Ruiqi on the cover of the magazine. Her fingers, wrists, neck, and earrings were all covered with shining and beautiful jewelry, showing her proud nobility.

From the perspective of the Feitiao nobles, they should all be real luxuries.

Recalling the past, Ruiqi was beautiful in fashionable clothes but without any jewelry. She only had a set of gold wire and gemstone glasses. Now she is different from the past, and she almost has "suddenly rich" written on her face.

Ye Lin flipped through a few pages, and it read that scholar Ruiqi had invented a new generation of monster energy exploration device, which played a proactive role in dealing with monsters and was of great significance.

If Ruiqi, a theoretical scholar, had already shocked many scholars when she started to work hard and produced results, then her subsequent actions deeply shocked the entire Baihai scholar community. They were not only impressed, but deeply moved by it. Impressed.

Ruiqi disclosed the design of the demonic energy exploration device to the God Realm for free, and stated that she would not hold a patent and would dedicate this "tiny" achievement to the God Realm to contribute her small amount to the future.

Therefore, any scholar, any chamber of commerce, and any capable person can create a demonic energy exploration device based on the design drawings.

Since Ruiqi disclosed the manufacturing materials of the device, interested people can get its basic value by just making an estimate, which also puts an end to the idea of ​​big chambers of commerce trying to make huge profits from it.

Large chambers of commerce and scholar organizations can still set up production lines, produce in batches, and make small profits but quick turnover. The market has been laid out, and at least they can make a profit.

With this move, Ruiqi turned around in one fell swoop. Not only did she get rid of the bad reputation of a "theoretical school" in the past, but she also gained a lot of favor from the divine world. Many scholar organizations offered her an olive branch.

Some people also questioned whether there was something wrong with the demonic energy exploration device that often made noise outside.

If you think about it carefully, it's creepy.

"Boss, how about introducing Ruiqi to Celia." Mo Mei is thoughtful and delicate. Her rich woman has arrived in her future Wulan and is conducting field inspections and market research.

Establishing a cooperative relationship with celebrities in the divine world is a reasonable business method.

Celia's favorite spokesperson, Kamelin, the guardian of the earth realm, has status restrictions, but Ruiqi does not. Moreover, she also prefers to make money, and has a temperament like the God Realm version of Kelly.

"Well, let's introduce each other after the rich lady's research is completed." Ye Lin also thought this suggestion was good, and then bought an extra entertainment magazine in the bookstore, with the most beautiful girl in Chongquan and Mo Ni on the cover.

The cold-white complexion of the face is extremely soft, and the eyes are like multi-faceted diamonds, extremely beautiful but also symbolic of fatality.

The boss selling the magazine seemed to be a fan of He Mo Ni. When he saw Ye Lin buying the magazine, he said happily and helplessly: "The tickets have been sold out for a long time. The scalpers don't even have them. No one is willing to grab the tickets and sell them again." , we fans are waiting for the follow-up Gramophone.”

"Yes, yes, you can't buy tickets." Ye Lin agreed with a smile, then pushed the magazine to them and said, "I'll go see Ruiqi, you go to Baiyun Valley first."

"Let's go find Mr. Mo Ni!" Muse couldn't wait, and then winked at everyone and said, "I'll try to get some tickets back."

As one of He Mo Ni's die-hard fans, the book stall owner carefully recognized the muse's eyebrows and jumped up in surprise, "You are the Muse of the Wood tribe, He Mo Ni's student."

Most of the artists in the God Realm are from the water tribe, including He Mo Ni. They have soft and slender bodies, ethereal and heavenly voices, and a keen hearing that is beyond ordinary people, making the water tribe unique in music.

However, the "Muse" who once caused a sensation turned out to be a girl from the Wood tribe and a student of He Mo Ni.

As a die-hard fan of He Mo Ni, the stall owner naturally pays attention to everything about his idol, including who her students are.

"Please, Lord Muse, can you give me a whole ticket, even for the edge position, or for standing at the door, I'll pay double the price."


"Tsk, tsk, it feels so wonderful." Rui Qi was tall and beautiful, walking proudly in the Baihai branch of the Beast Tooth Judgment, walking through it, enjoying the envious and jealous eyes of other scholars, and she felt more than satisfied in her heart. Honey is still sweet.

Yes, that’s right, it’s this kind of show-off slap in the face, it’s so cool!

"Follow me." Ye Lin appeared in front of her and pulled Ruiqi to an empty room where some semi-finished sculptures were placed.

Ruiqi smiled immediately after seeing the person clearly and said, "I'm just looking for you. Please take a look at my materialization magic and give me some pointers."

Ruiqi concentrated her mind, and magic power surged out from her fingertips, transforming into a white plastic chair commonly seen in food stalls. Then Shi Shiran sat down, and suddenly a strong man's demeanor mysteriously emerged, saying:

"I can only achieve this level for the time being. I can't realize more sophisticated things. Is my strength too low? Please teach me how to do it better."

"It should be due to strength. Since you are asking for advice humbly, I will definitely give you all I have." Ye Lin nodded, then pulled Ruiqi up from the chair, sat down himself, and then asked Ruiqi to sit with him.

If you come across the road to welcome me, I will try my best to help you. If you repay me with a spring of water, I will pour out all my resources to help you.

"What you said about imparting everything to others should be knowledge, right?" Ruiqi held her forehead with her long and distinct fingers. She felt that she had underestimated this guy's desire, but she was also very proud of her own charm.

"Of course, I will definitely give you advice on your materialization magic, but there is a threshold for my advice. I have to check the depth of your academic qualifications."

Ye Lin looked at Xiaotang and Xiaoju, the mechanical assistants given by Maxell, who were flying next to Ruiqi, and ordered: "You guys turn off your phones first."


After doing it twice, Ruiqi turned out many dry and soft tissues between her fingers, frowned and said, "Aren't you married? How come you still have so many savings?"

"I am infinite."

"Infinite? That violates the laws of physics, right?"

Ruiqi asked: "The hallucinogenic nature of demonic energy is becoming more and more serious. What do you think I and the God Realm should do next?"

It was Ye Lin's suggestion to give up the invention patent for the monster energy exploration device.

If you invent a great thing, you will be a great inventor. If you disclose your patent for free and benefit the whole world of God, you will be a great inventor.

Because Ruiqi still has a dream to become a figure on the level of Werner, the genius of the century.

So first turn around your bad reputation, and then there will naturally be thousands of ways to make money from you. People may even come to you and give you money, just for your name or signature.

The more selfless you are, the harder you will be slapped in the face.

This is also true. Several scholars who had angrily criticized Mizuuki as a beauty in Kukai had to apologize with complicated faces after Mizuuki disclosed the patent.

Then the Beast Tooth Judgment, the Gear Workshop, the Clockwork House, and the three major scholar organizations in the God Realm all extended olive branches to Ruiqi.

The suggestions given by Ye Lin can be declined appropriately, but in the end you must accept them. After all, it would be strange if you don't join other people's organizations and keep running there all day long.

Xiaotang and Xiaojiu have restarted and secretly use the screen to talk. Master Ruiqi has to go to the Beast Fang Judgment every day. It seems that she is very "vindictive".

Ruiqi used to be a student of Beast Tooth Judgment. Later she felt that it was a waste of life in school so she dropped out. When she dropped out, she was looked down upon by many people.

"Just wait and see, the abscess will burst on its own."

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