Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 3089 There are parties involved

Chapter 3090 There are parties involved

Queen Meia's eyes instantly became serious, her mind was calm, and her beautiful eyes looked directly at the beauty goddess Venus, showing no trace of the awe that mortals have for the gods.

Sure enough, what Ye Lin once mentioned happened.

The goddess of beauty Venus placed an evil curse on the dark elves, making them darken and cold, afraid of the midday sun, irritable, with reduced magic talents, etc. With Ye Lin's power, there are already a hundred ways to do this. Get rid of.

Lifting the curse will have a certain impact on the existing cultivation system of Vanness Kingdom, but overall, the benefits outweigh the disadvantages, and there are more benefits.

For example, the Dark Elves, as a former elven clan, have absolutely no doubt about their outstanding magical talents. The Dark Elves also possess the richest magical mysteries in the Arad continent.

In the past, the ancestor of the Night Destroyer, 'Mistral Hareth', was captured alive in a trap while robbing the Peruvian royal family. The exchange offered by the Peruvian Empire to the Dark Elf King at the time, Holy Lord Aled, was the Dark Elf. magical knowledge.

At least half of mankind's existing magical knowledge comes from that world-famous transaction. The Perus Empire obtained the power of magic. Under the influence of Hareth's allegiance, the Dark Elves emerged as the Night Destroyer, also known as the Assassin.

However, the four most well-known training systems of the Dark Elf race today are assassins, shadow dancers, necromancers and ninjas of the Xuzu. The magical abilities they were proud of in the past have been eclipsed over the years, and they have not been able to form a stable training system. system.

It's because the dark elves' magical talents are limited.

The magic school run by Principal Shalan is well-known in the world and is a holy place for magic, having trained many magicians.

But she also knew in her heart that compared to the magical talents of the elves in the era, the dark elves of today are far inferior.

The power of magic is not enough to overwhelm the current four major systems. You must know that the four major systems are all rising stars.

If the curse of Venus, the goddess of beauty, can be unlocked, the dark elves' magical knowledge that has been dormant for many years will surely have an opportunity to flourish, continue to create new secrets, magical knowledge, and even form a stable cultivation sect.

So Ye Lin did not break the curse of Venus, but comforted Queen Meia and said: "Compared with my power, you actually hope that the beauty goddess Venus will apologize to you in person and break the curse."

The injustice has its owner, and the debt has its owner. Queen Meia immediately nodded and was moved. Dark elves have a long lifespan. Normally they can live a thousand years, and they don't care about waiting a few more years.

ten years!

It is the number that Queen Meia secretly set in her heart.

She knew that Venus had been resurrected and had basically restored all her power, and could come to the Dark Elf Kingdom at any time.

If the period of ten years is exceeded, it proves that the resurrected Venus is still arrogant in her bones, has no shame, and does not remember the mistakes she has committed. The power of original sin will definitely haunt her for life after life.

Old dark elves will die within ten years, and it would be a pity not to see the day when the curse is lifted.

But compared to the great significance of the entire ethnic group and the improvement of the self-confidence of the dark elves, Queen Meia thinks it is worth it.

She waited for Venus for ten years.

On the other side, the beauty goddess Venus secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

She understands Ye Lin's true power better than Queen Meia, and there are a thousand ways to solve the curse she cast.

The power of the curse still remains in the dark elf's bloodline, and it was clearly Ye Lin who deliberately left it to her to resolve.

If Ye Lin had lifted the curse of the dark elf in advance, she would definitely have left a stubborn knot in her heart, which would affect her level of divine realm. Maybe the knot in her heart would turn into an inner demon that would devour her again in the future.

The pain of many things is not that mistakes have been made, but that there is no chance to make amends.

So Ye Lin clearly took care of her deliberately. Venus was so moved that she kept this feeling in her heart.

Fortunately, I still have a chance to make amends.

So now they have the best of all three, Meia and Venus have each achieved the results they wanted, and Ye Lin is also favoring them both.

"Okay, I will tell you to go down and hold your ceremony immediately." Queen Meia agreed. She had been waiting for this moment for a long time, but she lacked a formal announcement.

Meia breathed a long sigh of relief, with a slight smile of joy on her lips. The regrets of the era of Lord Rommel and His Majesty Aragon finally had the opportunity to come to an end.

Venus handed a wing-shaped token to Meia. If you are ready, crush it. I will definitely come and show up as promised to understand the cause and effect of our past.


As Meia took the token, Venus felt that the knot in her heart had loosened a little. She smiled slightly and pushed Prana who was in a daze next to her. My matter has been solved. Let's go back.

She has been living with the red witch Lorian recently, and is also planning to open up a kingdom of gods that transcends dimensions and time.

There are still six virtue crystals that have no master, a transcendent being who can shape the paths of the six gods.

Prana was all excited, and then waved to Venus, "You go first, I still have something to deal with."

"You don't really want to spread religion in Arad, do you?" Venus raised her eyebrows and took the first step without paying attention to her. Prana had a mental problem but she still knew the way home.

After confirming that Venus was gone, Prana cleared her throat and looked at Meia seriously, "I want to know the details of the curse and what love is."

She is not looking for the dark history of Venus, but wants to understand the complete incident of the beauty's fall from more details.

Venus snatched the first golden apple from herself. They had a big feud with each other before, but no matter what, they were the true Gods of the Beginning. They were so mighty that they could destroy the world with every move they made.

It is incredible that he has fallen so low that his body has been reorganized.

What role does mysterious love play in it?

She asked Venus for details, but the latter was obviously unwilling to talk to her more. After all, it was her own dark history, so Prana approached the dark elf.

Queen Meia guessed Prana's intention and was slightly worried about the other party's purpose. Ye Lin's permission suddenly sounded in her mind, and she smiled and said:

"It is inevitable that there will be omissions when I tell the story. I am not a party involved, but I can give you a book that records this incident. It contains detailed information about us elves, dwarves, Venus, and Laetia. But all the cause and effect between Soth, Rommel, and Aragon were sorted out by our Dark Elf ancestors."

"Well, hurry up and get it to me." Prana stretched out her hand, and then Ye Lin tapped her palm, warning:

"Why do you look so natural and say thank you?"

Prana immediately glared at the person who knocked her palm, impatient, right? When she found out it was Ye Lin, she immediately turned her eyes and became scared quickly.


"I've already returned the favor to you." After getting the book, Prana turned around and wanted to run away. She didn't want to be afraid of this guy being in the same room.

Ye Lin held Prana down with a simple word and said with a smile: "There is still one person involved in the Venus incident who is still alive. Her memory must be more careful than books."

As expected, Prana stopped moving and asked reluctantly: "Who is it? Please introduce it."

"She is coming."

Queen Meia and her maid Letia from the mirror dimension came to the main dimension through the space gate.

I have a picture of Letia, which I think I’ve posted before, but I can’t find it.

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