Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 2998 Ex-wife? ?

When the time came, Siatt and the others left the "river of time" one by one and returned to the sanctuary of the Devil's Land. Their thoughts went from awake to confused and then to clarity. After experiencing a complicated state, they finally opened their eyes with satisfaction. .

They have gained a lot from this time journey. They have made some progress in the divine realm, which is not easy.

The Transcendents are also getting closer to the realm of gods. Even the goddesses look thoughtful, which is obviously something to gain.

When they came back to their senses, Siatt and the others stared blankly at the unfamiliar-looking woman who was tied up and sitting on a stool nearby. Her skin was covered with special lines of different colors, she was tall and slender, and she had a piece of soft tissue stuffed in her mouth. cloth.

A series of question marks slowly emerged?

Naiyali left a sticky note on the tea table, which said that she had returned to Perot Continent to play, so the other party was obviously not the special interest Niari had become.

Ye Lin, who was standing aside, saw that they had all woken up. He stuffed the ring-breaking components into his pocket and sealed them with the power of chaos. Even if the Ring of Creation used the summoning secret method face to face, it would never be exposed.

He was the first to come back, after all, he had to deal with the follow-up quickly.

Siatt rubbed her numb calves, raised her white chin slightly, gestured to the strange woman, and said, "Intruder?"

"No, I was bound to become a god. The man-made god has been sealed by me." Ye Lin smiled proudly, with an expression of "I'm not awesome". What you are getting is experience and insights, what I am getting is A big living person with beautiful appearance.

Mo Mei looked at the other party for a few times. The rope binding on her body was very artistic. There happened to be a rope passing between her thighs, and it also tightened the other party's plump chest and fat into a round shape. It was hard to tell. Did the boss do it on purpose?

"It's amazing." Yuena gave a perfunctory compliment. She also looked at Daiyin a few more times and asked doubtfully: "Isn't the artificial god's whole body glowing with gold? His skin has a texture like gold. It hurts the eyes if it's so bright."

"Those are artificial gods reappeared by prophets. The one I tied up is the original Glorious Biana, and I deceived it with just a few words without even fighting."

Of course, Daiyin will also shine brightly when she wakes up, which is due to her extremely powerful blood and energy.

After reaching a certain level, every move and every move has extremely destructive power.

"Original? Genuine?" Yuena raised her slender eyebrows. It's not like she has never seen genuine before.

Monica in the ancient library collects a primitive artificial god who has never experienced dark energy entering her body and is the thirteenth.

Later, Master Di got in, but the apostle's energy was far less than before, and he was unable to display his peak combat power, so he was completely defeated by Ye Lin with elemental power.

Mr. Di is quite happy now, with fresh bamboo shoots in his mouth, ranging from the annoying "wild boar" to the lovable black and white bear.

Gu Yu frowned incomprehensively, and suddenly became wiser, and asked: "Since she has been sealed by you and has fallen into deep sleep, why do you still need to stuff a piece of cloth into her mouth, and the cloth can't actually stuff her mouth." , unless you fill her entire mouth.”

"Forgot..." Ye Lin raised his forehead and said that he had forgotten that he didn't need to gag after sealing.

As for why cloth balls were used, he explained that it would be strange to use a mouth ball.

"Hiss~" Yuena suddenly took a breath of the air of the sanctuary, her tone became weird, and she said slowly: "Glorious Beyana, doesn't it mean that the body in front of me has been dominated by a certain apostle we are familiar with before."

Because the light of spiritual consciousness of the female artificial god in front of me was born later.

Combined with a past story mentioned by Held, the twelve radiant Beyana were originally created to pursue perfection. They were originally genderless. Later, in the process of leading the world of Terra, they gradually acquired gender and form. Mutations.

Held didn't understand the reason at first. Later, after a detailed discussion, Yelin came up with a very likely guess. Light and darkness, life and death are the basic order of the universe. Maybe races of life also have duality. sexual order.

The existence of male and female symbolizes an opposing attribute.

Therefore, the ancient glorious Beiana Daiyin who was kidnapped by Ye Lin, the original light of spiritual consciousness in her body may be Shilok or Saifupo... Held has not experienced the destruction of her body, and became the only remaining one. Apostle of memory.

"It is indeed possible." Ye Lin was stunned. He had ignored this detail. Now Yue Na reminded her, and the look he looked at Dai Yin suddenly became strange.

My wife’s predecessor?



Soon, Queen Sirocco also came back. She licked the corners of her black and red mouth, her movements were beautiful and seductive, and her face had an unfinished expression. The time journey was great, she became a little stronger.

It would be nice to come here more times.

However, Ye Lin seriously reminded that time travel should not be frequent, otherwise it is easy to cause serious situations where the soul is lost.

"Huh? Suspected to be my predecessor?"

After hearing the description, Shilok was stunned for a moment, and then stared at the sleeping Daiyin with solemn eyes. He raised his hand to pinch his arm, touch his leg, and used his invisible power to invade Daiyin's body. body, trying to find something.

After a long time, Shilok shook his head, unsure whether there was any contact with him.

Her reincarnation and transformation were very complete, and now she and Daiyin are two completely different people in every sense.

Even if there is an old causal connection, it is because of the relationship between the origin of darkness and the man-made god that it is impossible to trace back who the light of aura was between the other party's eyebrows in the past.

From another perspective, it doesn't matter even if it is really her own body. She doesn't need it at all now. The divine body transformed from the invisible flower is already extremely powerful. It can strongly interfere with time and space, completely erase the traces of a certain existence, or manifest some lost things. Complete scene.

"Give it to me if you don't want it!" Little Shilok in the Sea of ​​Consciousness shouted loudly, "Give me this artificial divine shark. Give me the divine body. I don't want to share thoughts and memories with this woman anymore."

Shilok quickly and righteously refused, "If you still have spiritual consciousness, you can't be so unreasonable. Just be patient. Why don't we share the realm of God?"

"No! You will do some lewd things out of the blue, so you can just ask Held to do it for me."

Shilok, who comes from the beautiful world, has been silent and has long been used to it.

The "ghost" goddesses of Taichu finally stood up. As expected of them, they had extraordinary insight and recognized the kidnapped artificial god at a glance.

"Tsk, tsk, this man-made god seems to have given himself a name, what's it called... Daiyin." He nodded with squinted eyes, then looked at Ye Lin suspiciously, where have you been and how did you get her here.

Although the Radiant Beyana is not as good as the God of the Beginning in terms of meaning, their powerful power does not completely depend on the laws of the Ring of Creation. Those different-colored lines are proof of their power.

Therefore, the status of these ancient man-made gods is actually very high. They can talk peacefully with the gods. The followers of the gods also have to bow when they see the glorious Biana. They are just not as good as the Arbiter and the Ring of Creation. Just a giant among gods.

How did Ye Lin steal one?

"What do you mean by stealing? It's obvious that I am very charming and she came here on her own."

They all sneered and didn't believe it.

"You are very skilled in binding." The lady in black skirt glanced at the rope on Daiyin's body, which perfectly outlined her figure and highlighted two important parts of her chest and buttocks.

"No, I tied it casually." Ye Lin explained that he really didn't do it deliberately, it was just out of habit.

Ye Lin continued to complain, besides, Daiyin's figure was just average, so there was no need to deliberately be artistic.


Everyone immediately took a closer look at the figure of the artificial god Daiyin. Although it was not as plump, sexy and fruitful as a fat man, it was definitely not an ordinary figure, with the front and back curved, and a proper model level.

"The older ones will be picky if they eat too much." Yuena commented.

I suggest that this guy be locked up with the Third Princess and starve him for ten days and a half to see if he is still picky. (End of chapter)

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