Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 2953 Are you divorcing?

"What are you talking about, keep looking at me, Yuena?" She came back from the Forbidden City with narrowed eyes, a trace of suspicion in her beautiful eyes.

Are you gossiping about me? Such behavior is not civilized enough.

Besides, what kind of gossip can I have? I am loved by everyone, and the word "perfect" has been used to describe me since the day I was born.

Yuena was startled, then her mind whirled, and she came to her wits in a hurry, and said: "We are saying that you have solved an ancient cause and effect of Prana. From the beginning of time, the dust has settled, and there is no more debt, and the strength has improved slightly because of this. Do you also feel it? It’s that kind of change.”

She couldn't lie to her God, which was against her sacred heart, so she cleverly used another topic to hide the truth, deliberately avoiding the golden apple and talking about the end of cause and effect.

This way you can explain what you were just talking about without lying.

"Well, yes, very few, but yes." He squinted his eyes and nodded, feeling very happy. Being able to resolve a cause and effect was a release for the soul, and there was one less thing to worry about.

As for whether Prana and Venus will fight, there is a high probability that they will, but it has little to do with him. At most, he can just be careful about them destroying the living planet.

"I took the Garden of Eden into the Book of Order, and then I will place it on a branch of the tree of heaven. It will be moist and nourished. The kingdom of heaven will not be destroyed, and the spiritual seeds will last forever."

In this way, there was one less thing to deal with. He poured himself a cup of black tea with squinting eyes, sipping the tea with his red lips, and thinking about other things in his mind.

The war between gods in the devil's land revealed many very bad signs, including stronger alien gods, an increasingly fierce end, and dark-side subjects who are trying to catch fish... The trouble is, when will the great will issue its call and will? Explain His thoughts.

"Hey, where is Lord Mal?" Siatt looked for him, but both the great magicians Mal and Kelton were missing.

"Still in the Forbidden City, busy with his own work, he is looking for heroes with potential to inform him of the crisis in the dimension."

"That's it, Lord Remy, I have a question for a long time." Yuena pointed at the Forbidden City and said, "Is there also a Lord Mar there?"

Whether it is the mirror dimension, the beautiful world, or the dragon dimension, the continent of Arad is a two-layer structure. Doesn't it mean that there is also "Mar" who uses his extraordinary magic power to support the heaven and the earth.

According to the oldest data research, when the Yis continent in the heaven was still intact and not broken, it was exactly the same as the current Pero continent, and should have existed in the vacant inland sea of ​​the Arad continent.

Narrowing his eyes and nodding, he said: "Yes a long time ago, there was also Mal in the Forbidden City of Heaven, but not anymore."

"All dead?" Mavis asked subconsciously, then coughed slightly, which was not polite.

"No, with my help, they all merged into one."


They were all surprised, how could it be possible!

There are always only "things" that are completely similar, but two people who seem to be the same, like two flowers, will be different in many aspects.

Celia and Selimin, Alice and Alice, the two Queens Meia, Queen Skadi... They are like two flowers. They have all met up close in real life, and they have even been skin to skin. There has never been any appearance of them. Signs of fusion.

Especially the Celia sisters, Sugarcane often makes double the happiness in the same bed. When building an isosceles triangle, the two sisters will hold their waists and kiss, and there is no such thing as fusion.

"So, the important thing is my help." After seeing through their doubts, he narrowed his eyes and raised his white chin slightly, looking proud.

"You are right. Generally speaking, two flowers go to different futures. Even if they are in close contact, they will not merge because their souls are independent."

But there is a special situation, that is, all the "same people" have completely consistent consciousness and purpose, and have highly consistent ambitions in order to achieve an ideal goal.

I am willing to dedicate my life, burning my blood and soul, just to turn my ideal into reality.

Under such circumstances, awareness and ambition will override small differences in behavior, creating the possibility of integration.

Then with the help of Remidios, life and soul are perfectly integrated, so as to obtain a more powerful and side-effect-free realm improvement more quickly, and to better complete one's goals.



The great magician Mar is such a "pure" person.

Although Mal in many dimensions has never encountered Celia and does not know the great will, they are all keenly aware of the crisis of the dimension, and their sincere hearts of wanting to protect everything they love are exactly the same.

After getting to know each other, they readily accepted the proposal of Main Dimension Mal and Remidios.

Of course, there is an exception, the invisible Sirok. After she evolved many times and finally became a god, she used her "invisible flower" characteristics to summon and manifest all the Sirok in the long river of time, including those who have fallen, to achieve The only characteristic of multidimensionality.

They can be separated when nothing happens, and several Siroccos play cards or something in different ways.

"Malta is very good. I appreciate this noble spirit, so I accepted his proposal and sought a trial blade independent of the universe."

Narrow eyes gave Maar a high evaluation. Being able to receive full praise from one of the most powerful gods in the beginning is enough to show the nobility and excellence of his quality.

"Next, let's discuss Terra..." Pushia's words just started. A bright stream of light flashed across the Devil's Land, and Prana, who had just left, ran back in a hurry.

Prana landed in the sanctuary, panting slightly. Just as she was about to speak, she saw that Mi Miyan was there. Her face immediately stiffened and she took a step towards the lady in black dress. She subconsciously felt that the two of them were opposites.

"What's wrong, do you want to hug Nimer?" Siatt joked, implying that her brain was not working well and that she should give her wiser self more care.

Prana rolled her eyes and immediately retorted mockingly: "Your man is in a life and death crisis outside, but you are here drinking tea leisurely. He is blind and lard has deceived his heart, so he married such an unvirtuous person like you. , you are not planning a divorce...that’s right, he has so many wives, it’s too much trouble.”

"What do you mean? Tell me more about what happened to him." Siatt's face changed slightly, she put down the cup of black tea and brought Prana back to the topic that was about to go off the rails.

She was drinking tea leisurely, and she relaxed a little because Sugar Cane's return to Taichu Sea was like going to a bathhouse.

Yuena and Mavis immediately cast worried and questioning looks, then looked at each other and shook their heads slightly in tacit understanding. They didn't understand the specific situation yet, so they shouldn't disturb Feng Ying and the others while they were recovering from their injuries.

Prana originally wanted to try to sell it off again, because Ye Lin himself said that he was fine, so why not delay her for a while and play with her fate.

Suddenly, Prana trembled. For some reason, Remi, Ushir, Pushya, and Nimer all looked at her with a faint oppression, warning her not to talk nonsense. Stop Riddler, come on.

"What are you guys all of a sudden..." Prana muttered in her heart, told her exactly what happened to her, and finally added: "He said it was okay, but I think it's okay. One cannot fail to repay kindness.”

"Don't make excuses. You just have weak hands. Why didn't I kill you?" He criticized with narrowed eyes, then walked behind Prana and looked at the half-blooded handprint on the back of her holy white robe.

Narrowing his eyes, he put his hand on Prana's shoulder. The latter suddenly trembled, opened her mouth, and did not dare to move.

"By the way, that was the blood mark left when he pushed me. I forgot to clean it up."

After saying that, Prana was about to use her magical power to shake off the blood beads on her clothes.

Squinting his eyes and exerting force with his five fingers, he said calmly: "Don't bother me."


Prana suddenly felt a chill on her back. Her snow-white shoulders and a large area of ​​soft skin were directly exposed. Every inch of her flawless skin shone with a beautiful glimmer of spirit and body.

He narrowed his eyes and tore off her clothes!

Remy glanced at the blood-stained piece of cloth in his hand, then glanced at Prana's smooth beautiful back, and chuckled: "I'm sorry, how did I know you weren't wearing anything underneath, bra?"

"Ah! Ah! Ah!"

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