Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 2951 Never heard anything

One of the universally recognized laws of happiness is to watch your enemies suffer, and gods are no exception.

Only with contrast can we show a sense of superiority and happiness.

As soon as she heard that her old enemy, Venus, who had snatched the golden apple from her, had a bad luck, and seemed to have suffered a divine fall, Prana suddenly became very interested, and a strange electric current suddenly passed through her skin. , tingling, and comfortable, as if she had drank the water of life, and she was extremely happy.

Now I won't mention anything about my departure. I sit down and reach out to the snacks and fruits on the table. Let me have a taste~

"Tell me quickly, what's wrong with Venus? That woman's eyes are ridiculously high. She thinks she is the beauty of the beginning, the ultimate symbol of all beauty, and then belittles my existence in various ways. Haha, from so far away I can smell the arrogance on her."

Siatt glanced sideways at Prana, who was about to leave a moment ago, but now refused to leave. She eagerly waited for them to gossip and hear about Venus' bad luck.

Without stopping, he kept stuffing sugar biscuits, sweet-scented osmanthus cakes, jujube rolls and other snacks into his mouth. He also shared a bunch of oily and salty meat skewers from Sophie, and then took a swig of the hot skewers. The black tea he ordered was not satisfying enough, and he curiously stared at the soda drink in Yisu's hand, looking around for the same drink.

"Everything you eat is made by me." Siatt reminded her slowly, waiting for her to finish eating before speaking, wanting to see her expression.

Should he continue to say it tastes bad, or should he...

"I eat your food to give you face." Prana rolled her eyes, took the soda from Yisu, and continued: "The gods do not touch the spring water with their fingers, swallowing the glory of the sun and the moon, the splendor of the heaven and the earth, they have their own nobility. Only a mortal like you who becomes a god would still like these things."

"Your mouth is really annoying, spit it out! You don't deserve to eat my food."

After arguing for a while, and seeing that they really didn't mean to tell the embarrassing story about Venus, Prana said that she was really disappointed. Could you please stop being the Riddler and be more straightforward like me?

"I'm leaving, I'm going to find Venus, where is she." Prana was in a good mood, 100% satisfied, eager to see her old enemy from ancient times, and then laughed at her as hard as she could.

"It's probably Arad in the main dimension. Don't talk blindly there. The water in the main dimension is deeper. Those who become gods are more fierce than the other, and most of them control dual powers, namely power and sky, purification. The common power is great The dark energy of will." Nimer reminded Prana, who was relatively straight-minded, and then asked additionally: "Prana, do you remember what I just said, and how can you become stronger."

"Of course I remember." Prana was full of confidence, and then hesitated for a moment before slowly repeating: "When I fall into an emotion and behavior that I can't control, and then suddenly wake up, I will understand the power of the Seven Deadly Sins. The power on.”

You hesitated, right? Siatt held up her forehead, less than ten minutes had passed.

Is it because Nimer has occupied all the wisdom, so the original sin that was born from being entangled with life makes his brain difficult to use.

"I'm leaving. See you soon."

Plana disappeared and didn't want to stay here for a moment longer. Remedios, who was quarreling with her, was probably coming over and didn't want to meet her... He also took away a plate of sugar cookies on the table.

Although she suffered various grievances in the Devil's Land, she was not without gains. She witnessed several very terrifying divine battles, learned which people should not be provoked, and was "lucky" to eat about one-tenth of them in the end. The Last Fire also got a way to possibly become stronger.

Then Nimer, Pushia, and the others have a little weird attitude towards themselves, and the Riddler is still too hateful.

"Wait..." Prana, who was far away from the land of demons and traveling through dimensions, suddenly stopped and took out a drop of bright red active blood. Although the drop was small, the energy it emitted was like a bright sun.

It came from Ye Lin. It deliberately approached the source of the Eye of Darkness by showing its weakness to the enemy, and then beat the opponent violently until the source's body became "thin". The whole process was simply brutal and terrifying.

The true blood of God fell into her hands, and Prana had a hundred ways to analyze and curse it, especially when she had just completed the power of original sin and her self-confidence was soaring.

But when she thought of Ye Lin resisting the power of the abyss, the defects and diseases of the universe, and the great tear in the universe, Prana couldn't help but shudder, quickly shook her head, and gave up the idea of ​​using "Paradise Lost" to curse.

"Let's do some research. Why can he break through the limitations of dual powers? He is born with two powers, two begets three, and three begets all things. There is definitely something wrong with him."

Prana licked her red lips and couldn't help her strong curiosity. She pointed her slender fingers at Ye Lin's true blood, using her own rules to analyze the mysteries of blood, hoping to get something useful.

The divine realm seems to be the pinnacle of the universe, and there are so few ways to continue to become stronger. Every one of them is not to be missed.


An unimaginable force suddenly came. It was unbelievably terrifying and infinite. The void instantly shattered into pieces of broken mirrors. Each fragment reflected her mirror image, and everyone was surprised in the broken mirror. Look at her.

All "Prana" have shocked expressions, but the expressions are slightly different. It seems that they are not just reflections in the mirror, but like their real selves.

"what happened!"

How is it possible, God is beyond time and dimensions, apart from the kind of imitator artificial gods made by prophets, it is impossible for anything to split the power of God without God knowing.

"That's like me in the past and future... No, no, for God, the past and future are all present. There is no independent thought, independent of me, individuals in the past and future. That would create theoretically countless gods. Individuals, this kind of space theoretically does not exist.”

Prana's face changed completely, and she could not understand the current changes. However, her divine intuition felt the huge crisis, and she stayed away and quickly escaped from the horrific changes caused by Ye Lin's divine blood.

She raised the artifact golden apple, and the mark of original sin appeared in the heart of her forehead, exuding an incomparable holy aura to stabilize the chaotic time and space. Having supplemented the power of original sin, she was confident that she could break through the anomalies caused by Ye Lin's blood, and left quickly. .

Suddenly there was lightning. At the moment when Prana was about to activate her power, she suddenly felt horrified. Goosebumps appeared on her white porcelain skin, her scalp was about to explode, and her beautiful soft hair almost stood up. .

Because Prana, reflected in all the time and space fragments, also made the same choice as her, using golden apples and powers to break the current situation and want to escape.

Moreover, the fragments emitted substantial power fluctuations, which were very terrifying and real, not like illusory projections at all.

How many fragments are surrounding her now? A thousand fragments, ten thousand fragments... Once every fragment can explode with power as she expected, it is difficult to estimate how destructive this gathered force will be. Horrible, the gods will also be destroyed in form and spirit in an instant.

"Why am I so mean..." Prana was numb. For the first time, she felt the emotion of regret and fell into a state of being at a loss.

Suddenly, a bloody hand reached out from the void, pushed aside the criss-crossed lenses in the sky, pushed her shoulder, and said, "Hurry up, I'm fine, there's no need to tell them."

With the help of the passage of the lens and the force of pushing, Prana managed to escape from the mysterious realm caused by a drop of blood. She was already breaking out in a cold sweat. When she turned around, the void was calm and dark, as if nothing had happened.

She subconsciously formed two bright mirrors, reflecting each other's traces on her back. As expected, there were some blood stains on the snow-white divine clothes. Everything just happened definitely happened and was not an illusion.

Prana frowned hesitantly. It was correct that the person just now was Ye Lin, but the place he was in did not seem to be the Sea of ​​Absolute Beginning summoned by Mo Mei. There was no such aura.

"No, I have to inform Destiny and them. It's different from your guess."

Although Yelin told her not to tell her, Prana never listened well.

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