Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 2926 Prana runs away for the second time

Chapter 2927 Prana runs away for the second time

By placing several mirrors at specific angles and reflecting the mirrors in each other, a simple concept of "infinity" can be formed, as if there are countless mirrors reflecting the space.

In this way, Ye Lin imprisoned the Final Messenger, using space power to truly embody infinite levels of space, reflecting each other, forming an eternal prison. Only beings allowed by him can enter and leave at will.

The Messenger of the End was trapped in space. It was filled with the power of the end's encroachment. It was silent but terrifying. It was like a demon god of destruction, shattering layers of mirror space. Only the chain that tied the black hole remained. Outside.

Secret Technique·Light and Darkness!

Qianying was outside the mirror, holding Obsidian and White Fang in both hands and merging them into a long and narrow new weapon. The dark sword body was surrounded by bright runes, and launched his most powerful blow.

Silently, the sword blade passed by the chain of the Herald of the End. In an instant, the universe was like the heaven and earth opening up, and the chaos was clear. The chain that was indestructible just now was smoothly cut off, and then the lock ring exploded inch by inch, splattering out fragments with cannibalization. .

Qianying cut off the connection between the chain black hole and the deity in one breath, preventing the messenger from continuing to absorb the energy of the devil's land. She also paid a price, which was a lot of physical exertion, and the sunglasses on the bridge of her white nose were blown to pieces.

Ye Lin speculated that if the messenger was allowed to continue to plunder the energy of the devil's land, it would definitely be able to enter a higher realm and violate the normal path to the realm of gods.

"We're here to help."

Feng Ying, Mavis, and Guyu arrived like meteors and lightning, Xiaoyu continued to stay in the demon world to prevent accidents, Sophie and Isu and the others were in Perot Continent, and the curator and Mi Gao continued to fish in the secret world.

"Mo Mei, Yuena, you go and deal with the falling black hole, Feng Ying, Qian Ying, you go into the mirror world to eliminate the messenger, Mavis and Gu Yu go find threats that may still be born. According to past experience, , there is not necessarily only one messenger of the end.”

Siatt quickly assigned the tasks and tried his best to match their abilities. Then he looked worriedly at the stars emitting their last light and heat, recalling what Agnis and Xiaodou had said in his mind.

"In the "last time point" that has been confirmed by hundreds, all the stars will be destroyed without exception, and the universe will also usher in the end of death. 』

"Although powerful guardians, heroes, adventurers, and even gods from all dimensions tried to prevent the destruction, all to no avail. 』

Due to the extraordinary sensitivity of the God of Destiny, Siatt has a very strong intuition. Now they are writing the story that will happen in this paragraph according to the prophecy.

"Can't even fate be reversed?" Siatt's face gradually became heavy, and an incredible and strong sense of absurdity arose. They repeated the prophecy unconsciously.

"No, there must be a way."

The Devil's Land is a reflection of the main dimension, a matter of first and last.

"Cancer cells" that are constantly eroding and proliferating can be seen everywhere in the Devil's Land. They are spreading crazily. The dimension that was originally a bamboo basket to draw water from is becoming more and more riddled with holes, and the boundaries of the dimension are shattering and collapsing.

The will of each planet and the heroes who have stepped out are fighting against the final breath of evil.

Feng Ying and Qianying walked into the infinite space, carrying the enhanced state of an archangel. They each reflected a bright and immortal moon. Their long knives cut through the light and darkness after chaos. Together, they joined forces to completely kill the Final Messenger in the infinite space. , they have home field advantage.

"This celestial black hole is still expanding." On the other side, Mo Mei and Yuena reached the end of the chain. The black hole tore apart all concepts of existence and poured out a strong final encroaching aura.

"I will interfere with its stable structure at the moment to destroy it, Mo Mei, you will block the shock wave after the explosion." Yuena proposed a method, and then summoned the embodiment of Archangel Safire.

The dark and cold universe, the black hole that devours everything, and the omnipresent annihilation and encroachment all have a strong impact on the archangel's image.

She has a tall and slender body, a beautiful face, and her beautiful golden holy wings tremble slightly in the void storm. The light that blooms forms a sacred golden field, and rays of light are constantly being forced into the black hole in a twisted state.

Mo Mei lightly shrugged her shoulders. She never doubted Yuena's attack power. Even though she was a paladin who saved lives and healed the wounded, she would never be vague when beating someone up.

Mo Mei returned to his old profession, condensing a thunder and lightning in front of him, like a mental shield made of gold. It seems very small and delicate now, held in the palm of his hand, but when thrown out, it can cover a small universe.

"My god Remedios, your devout believers call here to borrow your great power..." Yuena murmured softly with a pious expression, raising her white and slender hands.

Suddenly, a beam of supreme and pure divine light penetrated the dimension, fell mightily, and then gradually transformed into a beautiful pure white holy sword.

The birth of the Holy Sword seems to be born to be in opposition to darkness. It shines with incomparable brilliance in the dimensional universe, illuminating a universe, and it is not affected by the black hole at all. Its existence is extremely conspicuous in the universe, and it is also Extraordinarily powerful.

Remedios heard the call of the believers and sent down the power of light.

Yuena adjusted her breathing gently, her eyes were firm, and then she threw the supreme holy light towards the greedy black hole. In an instant, the holy sword exploded like lightning and was nailed to the center of the black hole. She remained unmoved despite the terrifying tearing. The sword's light became brighter and brighter, becoming more and more dazzling, and then melted most of the final black hole, triggering a destructive explosion.

The golden mental energy shield is like a fairyland coming to the world. After expanding, it covers all directions, the sky and the world. It not only blocks the shock wave of the explosion, but also restrains the power of the final encroachment. It is a grand occasion and incredibly powerful.

Somewhere in the land of demons, the original sin god Prana, who was scared away by the archangel, returned with a gloomy and beautiful face. The end has completely come. Stars are exploding and extinguished every moment, and the fire of civilization turns into Ashes, there is not much time left for the entire dimension to hold on.

She has tried it casually, which can temporarily destroy cancer cells like terminal nibbling, but these purely destructive energies will always come back from the dead and exist in a way that violates the Book of Order.

Moreover, the stability of the dimension is collapsing more and more. It is so bad that there is almost only one frame left that has not collapsed. The final fire of the dimension is about to come.

It is the power of despair and the last fire of hope.


Prana, who had just returned, narrowed her beautiful eyes and was immediately frightened. Her face changed. This time, it was absolutely correct, it was the light power of that woman.

She is too familiar with it, because she was shattered by the power of light back then. No one understands the horror of the dual-power god better than her.

Prana turned around and wanted to run, but she was very reluctant to let go of the final fire that was about to be born. She was suddenly between running away directly and hesitating.

"What to do... let's try hiding it." Prana gritted her teeth and tried to control her aura, trying to fish in troubled waters.

Suddenly, something magical happened.

The Devil's Land, which was already in tatters with only a basic framework left, received a burst of fresh initial wind.

The shattered space is healing, and the dried water of time has been replenished. Although it has not yet been filled with elements, the Devil's Land is improving rapidly, and a breath of new life is emerging.

"Ah...what happened?" Prana didn't care to hide it, and was confused.

Is it the cooperation of the gods or the personal visit of the great will.

Her background in the divine realm deduced the general possibility of who could complete the attributes of the three basic concepts of space-time, thus healing the depleted body of the Devil's Land that was close to collapse.

If it were not for the concerted efforts of all the gods, the only being who could achieve many powers in one body would be the infinitely noble and great will.

"My last fire..." Prana was stunned, watching a wisp of initial wind pass by.


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