Chapter 292 Alice’s Hair

The two suddenly fell into a delicate atmosphere of silence. Except for the sounds of killing Gu and the squad fighting in the depths, they suddenly agreed and were silent together.

Ye Lin was recollecting the unexpected discovery in his mind, slowly sorting out Luxi's situation from "being" to "nothing", and thinking about how to reverse the invisibility.

In view of the fact that Shilok was already half-crazy before his death, this act of extracting souls for resurrection requires a boss who is absolutely safe and able to control the situation.

Such as the Realm of Nothingness and Gaunis.

The magic sword did not dare to move purely out of fear. Those weapons stained with the strong apostolic aura were still lying around.

Although he had just saved a sword life, judging from the current situation, the guy in front of him would not let it go until he squeezed out everything he knew.

Five minutes later, it wasn't until a screaming fire ant fell due to the tremor of the earth that it happened to land on his head, and Ye Lin suddenly came back to his senses.

"So this is Sirocco's intangibility. Forcibly erasing it is really powerful."

I crossed my arms and rubbed them a few times. Coupled with the already cold environment of the Wailing Cave, I had goosebumps all over my body without realizing it.

"What else do you know about Sirocco?"

If you want to try to resurrect Shilok and reverse the invisible ending, and turn Luxi from "nothing" to "being" again, you must naturally have no less information about the apostle.

"The embryo of a seed fell on Zhuyalopa. The roots penetrated the entire planet, swallowing the warm energy, and gave birth to a black flower. The fruit in the center of the flower... is called Shilok."

The demonic sword carefully flew out of the sword array and landed on his right hand. It no longer had the violent aura it had at first, but instead had some calmness and expectation: "Hold me, I can take you to see the birth of Sirocco."

It has independent consciousness, controls the lives of puppets arbitrarily, devours souls and memories, and looks down on any swordsman who wants to conquer it.

But the sword master in front of him actually had incomprehensible entanglements with many apostles of the ultimate life form.

If he really needs a powerful sword wielder, he seems to be the best choice, at least the best choice so far.

"No, I can already imagine it."

Ye Lin waved his hand and rejected the Demon Sword's proposal, not because he was afraid that the other party would take the opportunity to try to control him, but because it was unnecessary.

Just as the magic sword said, at the beginning of the destruction of Terra, the twelve artificial gods were defeated and because of the big explosion of Terra, they were scattered throughout the universe in various ways, looking for different planets.

Among them, Sirok is a seed-like existence floating in the universe.

It loved the warm light so much that it took root after landing on Zhuyalopa. This root penetrated the entire planet, absorbing all the warm power for itself to sprout and grow.

The black flower was born by gathering the warmth of an entire planet. The fruit after the petals open is the Apostle Sirok.

In other words, in a sense, Sirok is actually an invasive alien species in Juyalopa.

It seems that no additional information can be extracted from the demon sword. After all, it is just a resentment. It is an absolute surprise to get the truth about Luxi being erased.


After putting down the magic sword, Ye Lin turned his attention to the trembling skeleton Kane in the corner. The once notorious leader of the Purple Mist Group has now become an empty, fleshless skeleton.

After his arm was cut off and the magic sword fell, it was completely stagnant in the corner, like a rotten dead thing.

"You were once very high-spirited, able to confront the Sword Master, and dared to face the apostle directly. If your age is correct, you should have a part in the Second Snow Battle."

The Second Snowy Battle took place twelve years before Shilok's death, and Kane was thirty-seven when he died, so the battle that almost wiped out the Bantu tribe should have involved Kane in his youth.

Because Kane's notoriety had been spread a long time ago, and even Xi Lan and Aganzuo knew about it.

As for Kane, who had a brief conflict with the Four Swordsmen outside the Wailing Cave, why he was not beaten to death by Bwanga with a stick. It is probably because Bwanga focused on the overall situation, or maybe he did not recognize Kane.

After all, twelve years have passed, and the appearance will naturally change greatly.

Ye Lin knelt down and looked at the extremely rickety skeleton in front of him. It was difficult to connect him with the thin and slender swordsman, and his eyes couldn't help but feel a little sad.

"Free me..."

Unexpectedly, Kane's skull moved his upper and lower jaws, and he actually made an extremely hoarse and dry sound.

"I have been controlled by the magic sword for more than ten years. I can't live or die. I have received the punishment I deserve, so... please free me."

At the end of his words, Kane's tone actually took on a pleading tone. He had had enough.

Alice's magic resurrected his body and made him immortal, while the magic sword controlled his thoughts and actions. After that battle, he became an existence like an earthbound spirit, suffering forever in the Screaming Cave until his flesh and blood fell off. , only a body of bones is left.

"Kane, who used to be so vicious in the past, actually one day took the initiative to seek death."

He sighed silently, found an invisible strand of hair on the other person's body, and took it out.


Skeleton Kane, who was still talking to him just now, collapsed into a pile of bone fragments in just one breath, and became silent again.

"What a pity~" Ye Lin licked the purple hair with his fingertips and muttered to himself: "After Alice's evil spirit spell was broken, she no longer has such terrible magic power. Otherwise, if she had been given a short haircut, With a flat head, they are an undead army!"

Of course, this idea was just a thought. If he really expressed this idea, Alice could use Mariette to make him dance for a whole day.

"I'm leaving. According to the original agreement, you can leave."

They retracted the previously thrown weapons one by one and prepared to go to the place where the sound of fighting gradually subsided. Siatt and the others should have almost finished packing the Insect King's Gu.

As for Apophis, he really doesn’t have much desire to acquire.

Firstly, the other party's independent consciousness counts as half a life, and also because the magic sword has already told him a lot of useful information, there is no need to force anything more.

As for whether the Demon Sword can leave this ghost place in the future, that is not a place he is willing to take care of.

In fact, in theory, the best place for the magic sword is the Violent Hunting Group, not only because there are seven prophets who have inherited souls there, but Sodros, who is practicing in the Tower of Despair, should be interested in the second magic sword.


Demon Sword hesitated for a moment, and the light in his one eye flickered uncertainly, and said: "If this deity is not fully powerful when she is resurrected, I will be her most beneficial source of power."

"So..." Ye Lin spread his hands helplessly, "You want to temporarily follow me, the person who wants to resurrect the fifth sister."

Seeing that the demon sword began to hesitate again, he smiled and walked into the darker and deeper passage first, waving and teasing: "Don't worry, I won't use you as a barbecue board. You have chopped down a lot of people and monsters, right? It’s disgusting and I can’t eat it.”

Apophis was silent again. He should be very happy, but when he said it, he seemed to be worse than a kitchen knife...

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