Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 2877 The Archbishop continues to be unhappy

The terrifying Astros, one of the Three Knights of Darkness, is a white-haired female devil with a sexy figure and thorns on her butt. She is the main culprit that caused the priest Neerbas to become an Avenger.

As soon as the name "Astros" was mentioned, Nirbas' strong and handsome face immediately showed a slight distortion. This kind of hatred was as hard as a mountain, and it was a sworn hatred.

The dignified priest, the eldest son of the famous saint family Gra, the Gesia family, and a loyal servant of God, was unexpectedly attacked by Astros in the chapel of God, and turned into a sinful pretender.

If he hadn't been as strong-willed as a mountain, with eternal light in his heart, and forcibly suppressed the boiling demon factor, he would have become a puppet in the hands of Astros, used to insult the Saint family.

"After the Second Dark Holy War, I am still looking for traces of the terrifying Astros, but I have found nothing." Nirbas frowned with his sword-shaped eyebrows flying into his temples. This was unusual.

After he transformed into an Avenger, he hunted down the Pretenders and Astros with an unquenchable rage. The white-haired female devil seemed to be deliberately playing tricks on him, often revealing some traces of herself to Ni. Erbas.

It's like a bad woman who fishes for a man. She can't catch him even if she's far away from him, but she occasionally gives him a little sweetness.

But this time it was different. Nirbas had never seen any trace of Astros after the second Dark Holy War, as if he had disappeared from the world.

"I've heard about your practice." Gru, who grew up with Nilbas and had a brotherly relationship, mused thoughtfully and said with a smile: "By chasing down Astros, using anger to suppress the devil Factor, keep sharpening yourself and looking for the light, which is also the fundamental reason why you can reach your current state."

Revenge against Astros and suppressing the demonic factor are two important events in his life. Now that Astros has disappeared, Neelbas has lost half of his life goals.

"Yes." Nilbasi nodded and smiled, what he said was not wrong at all.

Being able to have such a brother who understands him makes Nirbas, who has been wandering away for a long time, feel a warm current in his heart.

With a gentle voice, Archbishop Magello mentioned a related matter and said: "After the Second Dark Holy War, the Great Church compiled a detailed report. Among them, there was indeed no evidence of Astros' death, and there was no evidence of Trot's death. The whereabouts of Ka and Onyeshi are also unknown.”

The report was organized and written by granddaughter Obes, with Yuena, Lucille, Misha and Luo Fei also helping.

Gru continued the Archbishop's words and added: "Although the sect has split, the search for the missing Blooders, Fiercebloods and Purebloods has been ongoing. We did catch some remnants, but Astros has been No trace."

The white-haired female devil has been fighting with the Holy Order for hundreds of years. Her whereabouts are mysterious and unpredictable, and she has always been a thorn in their side.

After Ozma's death, Astros became the most wanted criminal.

"After the Dark Holy War ended, I went to the town of Chester, Veil Talon, the Fallen Black Earth, the Betrayer Plains and other places to look for it. Astros never appeared again." Nirbas frowned deeply. He raised his eyebrows and then wondered if the female devil was dead or hiding out of fear.

If he had not controlled the demonic factor in his body, Neerbas would definitely continue on the road to hunt down the female devil.

But now that he has received a new revelation of light, and has perfectly controlled the demon factor and turned it into his own power, Neelbas believes that his limited life cannot continue like this.

And I heard that the light of the archangel has descended on the Great Temple, and the strongest adventurer Ye Lin is here, so even if Astros appears in the future, he will not be able to cause any trouble.

"Brother Neerbas, the Great Temple needs you. You are the former priest..."

"Galantis." Nirbas smiled, with the tenderness of his brother looking at his sister, and said: "I am only leaving temporarily. I need a way to transition my way of practice."

Nowadays, the continent of Arad is peaceful and peaceful. Even if there are some minor heretics, the priests can quickly deal with them.

As the Avenger Nirbas who supported his will and spiritual practice with his anger, it was really difficult for him to accept that he was suddenly asked to calm down and sing prayers and hymns every day to cultivate his moral character.

A brand new environment, the Eternal Continent, will help him transition from his current way of practice.

"Besides, I am not settling in the Eternal Continent. I will come back."

Although Grandis was full of reluctance, he also knew that he was no longer a willful child. He nodded to express that I understand and support my brother's thoughts.

Moreover, brother Nirbas is no longer heard from, his traces are hard to trace, and the date of meeting is unclear. He has truly returned to the Great Cathedral and the Gracia family.

"Nilbas, if you have decided, I will arrange for you to come down for someone else." After Archbishop Magello finished speaking, he turned to look at Ye Lin with a somewhat unhappy look.

Even though Yelin paid all of Oubeis's betrothal gift, Majello was still unhappy.

I am your grandson-in-law... Yelin sighed and said, "The representative of the principality is Santorini. He will go to the Eternal Continent together, and I will introduce him to Nilbas."

If you don't like it, just be unhappy. Anyway, I married Obes.

"Do you still remember the time when the Pretenders gathered in the Canyon of the Dead?" Obes suddenly interjected, thinking that there was no need to hide some information.

And everyone present is absolutely trustworthy... Xiao Hina has fallen asleep on the table.

"I remember that it was a very abnormal gathering of pretenders." Gru fell into memories. Countless low-level blooders, false stigma holders, and members of the Dark Order gathered outside the Canyon of the Dead.

The evil aura soared into the sky, soaked hundreds of feet into the ground, and then was sprayed with corrosive poison by the "sewer" princess Paris, and then the arms dealer Kelly lit up a quantum bomb.

A very big "mushroom" grew outside the Canyon of the Dead.

The Dark Jihad Report recorded this strange gathering event. Subsequently, this event became the subject of many discussions and speculations. What exactly the pretenders wanted to do when they gathered together happened to be revealed.

You must know that due to the concealability of the pretender, only the identification magic circle created by the priests, Principal Shallan, Alice, Sothea, and the curator can distinguish them.

The problem for various countries has always been not how to eliminate the pretenders, but how to find the pretenders.

On the surface, the Canyon of the Dead is located in the middle of the three countries. It is an important hub area. After the pretenders gather, they have diversified choices, no matter which country they attack.

However, in another sense, the Canyon of the Dead is far away from important cities in the three countries.

So when the pretenders gathered together and were dealt with in one fell swoop, it turned into a mystery of the Dark Jihad Report.

"Actually, that was a trap created by us in cooperation with Astros's order." Obeis explained the whole story.

After the fall of Ozma of Chaos, Astros became the supreme leader of the Dark Order, and then she took the initiative to find Grandis and proposed the idea of ​​setting up a trap.

Otherwise, you priests will continue to catch scattered pretenders all over the world. It will not take more than ten years to clean them up, and more prices will have to be paid.

Facing the extremely shocked looks of Nilbas, Gru, and the Archbishop, Obes hurriedly said: "Astros had a glimpse of the power of time, and was subdued by a very high-ranking being. He has been taken away Another dimension.”

This matter was originally led by her and Grandis. The reason why it was not included in the report was because no one believed it even if it was included. Instead, it would create a lot of trouble out of thin air.

Some people will accuse them of working together with the devil, and the noble saint's bloodline has been contaminated.

"On the one hand, there are countless pretenders in the world, and on the other hand, there is Astros, one of the Three Knights of Darkness. After weighing it, I decided to try to cooperate with her."

"I am also involved in this matter." Galantis glared at Obes. What does "I weigh it" mean? It's clearly us.

Magello, who has always been gentle and tolerant, also stroked his beard and remained silent, frowning. This matter was a bit unclear and the ingredients were very complicated.

Indeed, only Astros, one of the Three Knights of Darkness, can gather pretenders all over the world and annihilate them in one fell swoop, thus saving a lot of manpower and material resources and reducing casualties in various countries.

"Obes, are you sure that Astros has been taken away by a high-ranking being? Who is that high-ranking being?"



Neerbas was confused. He didn't recognize it and had never heard of this name.

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