Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 2829 Swaying Camping

The cloudless night finally ended with the attack of the first hermit, Mar, which completely established his prestige as the number one person in the God Realm.

Cloudless Night also clearly revealed an extremely serious situation, that is, the Mist God of the Mist Plateau, the source of all mists, had serious physical problems more than a thousand years ago.

Siatt thought for a moment, combined the cloudless night with the current abnormality, and said: "When we left the God Realm, the navigator said that there was another abnormality in the fog in the God Realm, and the situation was completely opposite to the cloudless night. Scholar Ricky is investigating, but there is no result yet.”

A cloudless night means that the energy of the fog completely disappears overnight. All the fog machines have lost their energy and cannot operate. The development of civilization has been annihilated, and practitioners have also been severely damaged.

The current problem in the God Realm is that there is too much energy in the fog, and the substantial fog has blocked the sky and sun. It has begun to divide the three continents of the God Realm, blocking traffic, and the hallucinogenic nature of the fog will kill all people in the God Realm below the original level.

"You mean, Ricky?" Muse was obviously stunned for a moment, and then complained in a skeptical tone: "That Ricky who only knows theory, talks a lot, and has no works at all?"

Gee, I didn’t expect Ricky to be quite famous...even though he has a bad reputation.

"A little energy from God can affect a world, and a trace of abnormality can destroy a civilization..." Tana, who had been listening, nodded gently, and then gave Ye Lin a pretty wink.

I'm afraid that the person I share the same bed with at night is actually an unstable factor.

By the window, Held withdrew his gentle gaze from Akko. When he turned around, it had turned into plain water, still tinged with the coldness of late autumn. Half of the exquisite tear mask was still worn on his beautiful face. .

Her long-knuckled hands were closed in front of her body, and when she slowly opened them to both sides, a dark red light appeared in the middle. The light was extremely bright but restrained within a certain range. It was like a high-energy compressed crystal, without any Destructive.

"Held's blessing..." Alice blurted out the moment she saw this ball of light. She recognized the properties of this ball of light, and it awakened some bad memories.

According to the memory Held had engraved on her, this ball of light created from two materials can protect a person from any abnormal conditions for a certain period of time, and it is specifically stated that "blessing" can isolate Di Rui. The black plague of Kat.

In short, this ball of light was deliberately prepared by Held a long time ago to destroy Derich.

Ludmila felt a little familiar with this ball of light and said casually: "It's a bit similar to some of the supreme secret medicines in our divine world."

The secret medicine of the divine world, which is refined from a variety of rare herbs, has the effect of eliminating most of the negative curses, prolonging life, and stabilizing the realm. When the secret medicine is born, it shines with golden light and is full of treasure. It makes you feel relaxed and happy when you take a sip.

Moreover, the formula of this secret medicine is public and known to all herbalists.

Just because the raw materials are very rare, there have been few complete secret medicines in the history of the God Realm.

"It's the formula I got from your God Realm, and then I improved it and used it against Di Ruigi." Held replied calmly, how could she go to the God Realm and return empty-handed.

Ludmila's mouth twitched, "Okay, as expected of you."

Celia's eyes were bright, and she had new ideas, and said: "Held, can you give me your improved formula?"

"No problem." Held nodded, pointed his finger directly, and gave her the dark red light.

With Celia's ability, it is easy to analyze the raw materials and proportions.

The apostles have vaguely formed a united front. After raising her daughter, Held also knew that there was no possibility of overthrowing the will of the light side, and she could not achieve the same multi-dimensional unification as Shilok.

So she has high kindness and expectations for Celia.

However, the rich woman didn't think so much. The secret medicine of the God Realm optimized by Held should be able to cause a huge turmoil in the God Realm.

The source of herbal medicine in the God Realm is controlled by the Chamber of Commerce?

It doesn't matter, I don't use the herbs from the divine world at all.

"Not just me, Luke's Silent City should also have observed the divine world."

As for why the divine realm was not used to kill the apostles, Herder's explanation was similar to that of Xuzu. There were extremely high-ranking powers there. If you were not careful, you could easily burn yourself by playing with fire.

Ye Lin also brought some photos of the God Realm taken by the curator. The beautiful buildings, fertile soil, and ubiquitous mist energy made several representatives of the Demon Realm look strange.

Smilla crossed her hands on her chest with a casual attitude, frowned slightly as if recalling, and speculated: "Do you still remember the legend of another world in the demon world?"

"The land is filled with cattle and sheep, the forests are rich, the rivers are flowing with milk and honey, and the trees are covered with bread..."

After the Silent City incident, everyone thought it was the poet using a romantic and exaggerated style to describe what was in his heart. Now, looking back, he suddenly realized that the legend seemed to be realistic.

Cattle and sheep are everywhere, which means that the divine world is full of mythical beasts, coexisting peacefully with humans.

In the eyes of the demon people who were so hungry that their eyes turned green, they were not just pieces of meat!

Needless to say, wealth, the rivers flowing with milk and honey actually refer to the omnipresent mist energy.

You must know that the resources and energy in the demon world are scarce, and many people have to dig poisonous Terra stones in exchange for food rations.

The two apostles Sirocco and Anton often fought over a mouthful of electricity created by Luke, so one can imagine how poor they were.

So could the legend of the demon world actually refer to the divine world?

"Ahaha... what a coincidence." Muse's bright and beautiful cheeks were now a little stiff, but the eyes of the powerful men from the demon world were shining, looking eager to try.

It’s broken, our world of gods is in danger!

Ye Lin also gave Ludmila half a broken pirate flag, belongings of the Blue Eagle Pirates found in Kukai, where a ship was broken, and the whereabouts of the members were unknown, which was very dangerous.

At first Siatt planned to hide it from Ludmila. Sister Ludmila was eager to return to the God Realm. If she found out that they were going to the God Realm without her, she might be angry.

Later, after discussion, everyone decided to confess. Sooner or later, they would enter the divine realm again. White lies can easily lead to more unhappiness.

Ludmila was also ecstatic after learning that there was a way to go to the God Realm. She recovered quickly and understood their thoughts.

She also teased herself that she had waited until she was almost 30 when she was a teenager, which was not a short amount of time.

Ye Lin also brought back some music stones for Muse and her band, including a very expensive stone that recorded He Mo Ni's music, which topped all the others.

Leaf also had a gift, but Leaf was away and went camping. She seemed to be obsessed with camping.

Grand Forest

Leaf set up a waterproof tent, took out the small camping stove and seats, cleared a safe area, boiled a pot of good tea, and then slowly simmered the meat, vegetables, tofu, and sauce together.

The fat of the meat soaks the vegetables and tofu, and the aroma and flames bring a very warm feeling. I will just add some salt later. The salt in Arad continent is really cheap.

The sun has not yet set, and a beautiful red sun can be seen through the dense branches of the forest.

When Ye Feng was resting and camping, a short girl with loose hair and small freckles on her cheeks, holding a staff, walked over from the forest and said slightly: "You... hello, Grand Forest, You can’t just light a fire casually.”


"sorry Sorry."

Lingfeng was embarrassed, suddenly blushed, and went to enjoy the beautiful scenery of Grand Forest, forgetting this basic knowledge of camping.

She heard that this forest had suffered from fire disasters, so she paid special attention to fire prevention. A wisp of smoke in the forest would lead to three days of detention.

"Hello, I'm Shilin, a student of Lord Miraz. Why don't you go to the hospital with me... But I'll watch from here, and you can go there later."

Shilin was very considerate. She smelled the aroma of the stew and knew that Liang Feng's dinner was ready. It would be troublesome to take her to the hospital, so she just waited.

"Do you always eat so early?" Shilin found a place to sit down, with the wand on her lap and her chin in one hand, looking like I was very curious.

"Well, when camping, cooking at night will be dangerous, and the light is not good, so we eat early. Do you want to try it?"

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