Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 2803 You go take a shower first

A mysterious weirdo suddenly appeared in the shadows of the street. An evil triangular mask covered the upper half of his face. His shaved chin revealed a dark blue color. His tall body was enough to block half of the light from the street lights.

Not only did he appear very suddenly, but he also said a few words that were incomprehensible. What kind of religion did he join... The three girls were startled and quickly took a few steps back, summoned the wand or did something Out-of-body fighting stance.

Sadomai had a horrifying thought. Could the other party be a bloody and evil heretic? He had to quickly contact the official clergy in the Northmar area and ask them to deal with the heresy.

It would have been better if the flames of the Inquisitor were there.

"Violent Pursuit Team...Esla, didn't your organization change its name a long time ago? Moreover, the way you pull people is very similar to the leader of GBL." Ye Lin smiled and told them that this was an old acquaintance of mine. Unexpectedly, Met here.

Ethra the Prophet, the first leader of the Violent Hunting Group, was a farmer who inherited one-seventh of the apostle power of Shilok, and later returned all the power during the resurrection of the apostle.

After Sirocco was resurrected, the noble and proud queen gave Aesla a little more power and ordered the violent hunting team to be disbanded, renamed and reorganized. From now on, it is enough to only respect me.

However, Shilok had no idea of ​​developing religious beliefs. He simply thought it seemed interesting at the time and thanked Esla and others for their efforts. By the way, he and Nian Yanyan tried to gain some faith.

Another meaning of the name of the Violent Search Group is "those who strictly pursue the truth." Although the "Volent Search Group" no longer exists, this strict doctrine has remained.

The lower half of the prophet Esla's livid face smiled, and he said quietly: "I have always thought that the name of the Violent Pursuit Team is really good. On the surface, it gives people a chaotic and cold feeling. In fact, it is the pursuit of fate and great truth, implying that truth exists in chaos."

Under the streetlight, Esla said that the remaining members of their group have been active near the North Mar area, because Hedun Mar is the headquarters of the Order of the Holy Order, and it is difficult for other religions to become active.

The backstreet slums of Huttonmar are actually a good place. The Violent Pursuit Group first became active in the slums and civilian areas, and developed quite a number of believers.

But there is a boss in the slums of Hedunmar, Paris, the princess of the stinking ditch.

"Dimensional Warlock Razia, Blue-faced Shura Rozberen...we are all still together." Ethra said the names of several old friends in succession. Some of them died in the resurrection incident, and some of them survived with good luck. down.

There were also people who chose to leave during the dissolution process, such as physician Miraz, Sauron, etc.

The conversation started, and Ye Lin asked with great interest what kind of work you usually do, and whether you continue to develop Shilok's faith.

After the Shilok incident, Esra, who was no longer under the pressure of a mission, was obviously different from her previous solemn and solemn image.

Although his attire has not changed much, he is obviously talkative and much more easy-going.

Esla turned her wrist and took out a business card. On the business card was his title and address, "Vice President of the Invisible Wish Charity."


Ye Lin held the business card and twitched the corner of his mouth, feeling a little absurd in his heart. The prophet Esla actually started doing charity work.

However, if you think about it carefully, you can understand that most of the violent hunting team came from the slums in the past. They were ordinary and simple, so they were well aware of the pain and suffering of some ordinary people in life.

Now that he has a relatively strong power, he has not lost his original intention, and in turn helps those in need, which is commendable.

"Is the president Sirok?"


Esla stretched out her hands with thick knuckles and raised them on both sides of her body, like a fair and majestic scale. She raised her head slightly and solemnly said: "My god, she is invisible, wordless, and selfless..."

"My God" was originally just a title of respect, but with Shilok's multiple evolutions having successfully reached the realm of God, and currently in retreat in Zhuyalopa, this title has real meaning.

"Moreover, we are an organization recognized by the principality." Esla smiled cheerfully again.

It was purely by chance that I met you tonight, and I just finished my work... The wish of a little boy in the slums. He wanted his parents to have a decent new set of clothes, so that his family would not have to wear patched clothes when visiting relatives and friends. old clothes,

"Northmar, this is a cursed place after the arrival of the apostles. Development lags behind, and the lives of people who love their homeland are not easy. We will satisfy some small wishes that are not excessive, but only once, and our abilities are also limited. .”

"Um...what's the benefit of joining you?" Tarin was very interested. She didn't really want to join, but she was very curious about everything in the new world.

Strength, wisdom, money, or powerful equipment?

Ye Lin said that joining the cosmic demon camp would give him a set of super powerful equipment.

Esla shook her head slowly. The triangular metal mask and square iron-blue chin made him look scary. However, he was very popular among the civilians of Northmar and was called the Triangle Head of Justice. .

"Your piety may impress the invisible god, thereby gaining extraordinary power and gaining a group of friends."

It's possible to gain power... It sounds like a very subtle word.

"Joining us may help you find your own meaning."

"What is the meaning of self?" Taryn muttered and repeated.

As the strongest of the Seven Prophets and the first leader of the violent hunting team, Esra used to be a diligent farmer and one of those people who "get rich suddenly", but still has a calm and mature mentality and extraordinary wisdom.

Ye Lin didn't know what level Esla's state of mind was now. He was very much like a wise man who had an epiphany.

He traveled against the long river of time and traveled through the fires of civilization, and confirmed one very important thing. There are intuitive strong and weak levels of power, but it is difficult to distinguish between high and low levels of wisdom.

A strong person may not necessarily have the bearing of wisdom, but the thoughts of mortals can also shine with eternal light.

Esla took out a Principality banknote from her sleeve and handed it to Tarin. The denomination was small and she said with a smile: "Go and hand it to the first person you meet at the corner, and then ask him what he wants to use the money for."

After Tarin obediently took the banknote, Esla nodded slightly to Ye Lin and said, "Send greetings to Lord Sirocco for us, and... I hope there will be a chance to cooperate with Miss Celia."

Shilok was probably also infected by Ye Lin. He had the character of being a hands-off shopkeeper. He often didn't even look at the raiding team for a long time, and basically let the "maid" the charming Hanil pass the news on his behalf.

As for cooperation, Ye Lin suddenly understood that Esla probably wanted to sponsor the hunting team!

Taryn walked through the street with curiosity. When she turned the first corner, she immediately saw a black mass on the ground. A ragged beggar was curled up with his legs crossed. There was inevitably a bit of an unpleasant smell about him.

Passing the banknote over, the black mass slowly "squirmed" a few times. He raised his gray head and heard a hoarse old voice, "Thank you for your kindness. I wish you health and a long life."

"What do you want to do with the money?" Taryn asked truthfully.

"It's strange. Just now a tall man gave me the same share of money and asked me this question. I'm going to use it to buy some food and medicine. Now, I might be able to buy another rough but warm old set. Quilts and sheets, go to a sheltered place to spend this winter.”

Taryn was stunned for a moment, and then she stopped laughing. She remembered what Esla said, that he would only help others once.

She seemed to understand something... practicing shouldn't just be to make yourself stronger.


On the way back, Tarin put her hands behind her head and couldn't help but look left and right along the way. Her temperament was lively and youthful.

Her height is about the same as her sister Xi Rui, who is eleven years older, but a little shorter than Satomai, but it doesn't matter, there is still room for growth.

"There are many strange people in your Arad continent."

The fox demon Namu, Ajialu who was resurrected from the dead, and Ethra just now, especially the latter's aura is very strong, it is speculated that she is at least in the legendary realm.

It has only been a day, and the combat power they encountered is comparable to their Antana Port, which is really scary...

Ciri and Tarin were arranged to live together, and Namu accompanied them. Tomorrow they will go to Hedunmar to meet Queen Skadi.

"This is for you." Namu handed Ye Lin a folded note.

Ye Lin took a look at it and then nodded helplessly, and glanced at Sha Doumai, "You take a shower first, I'll be back as soon as I can."

The note was from Santorini, inviting him to coffee.


"Don't worry about drinking coffee and not being able to sleep at night." Ye Lin walked to the rooftop and opened the seat next to Santorini.

"Those who seek knowledge often borrow time from the night."

"My sister Beyana also said the second part, but she stayed up late playing games."

Santorini smiled silently and got straight to the point, "I have something to ask of you, diplomat of the Eternal Continent, how about you let me go."

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