Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 2800 Mayor Ajialu

Chapter 2801 Mayor Ajialu

There are almost no trade routes on the east coast of Belmare. Generally, when there is a trade demand for large quantities of goods, they are basically transported from land to the west coast, and then shipped to other cities or the Dros Empire.

vice versa.

If it were to be shipped from the east coast to the Dros Empire, it would not only have to pass through Nosmar, Vara Island, but also go around a huge land corner along the way.

We have to continue all the way east, passing through the southern valley and the Dark Elf Kingdom, and then through the torrent zone before we can reach the Dros Empire.

Some geographers believe that the continents of Belmare, Vannes, and the Dros Empire form a ring with a gap, so the sea on the west coast is actually an inland sea.

Later, as the virtual motherland opened its door to foreign exchanges, the long-dormant east coast sprouted several trade routes and emerging ports for exchanges and trade.

The east coast coastal city of Bellemare is located on the same side as Xuzu. In the past, because Xuzu rejected all outsiders, the east coast looked at the country and sighed, feeling powerless.

However, Askar mentioned that it is impossible to have a complete border blockade with no gaps like an egg shell. The two countries have always had fleets that communicate secretly...

In other words, smuggling.

When Sword Master Aganzuo followed Xilan to Suran to recuperate after the incident in the Screaming Cave, in a sense it could also be understood as... stowaway.

Boom! Boom!

Dong dong dong...

A group of strong men, wrapped in red clothes, beat the cowhide drum in front of them with a specific rhythm. The sound coming together was like thunder in the sky, and the vast sea in front of them seemed to be rippled by this thunder. .


Pinocchio had a slightly strange expression. He glanced at the drummer, then glanced at the red banners hung high, as well as the colorful balloons, the red carpet, and even the welcoming team holding flowers. He tilted his head and said to Reni. : "You invited them all?"

Renee pointed to his ear and said that I couldn't hear him. The sound of the drum was too loud.

Pinocchio waved his hand to create a soundproof barrier, pressed his forehead between his eyebrows, and complained: "This is so festive. Those who didn't know better thought it was a wedding reception."

Ye Lin had sent them a message in the group in advance to schedule a time when the team would successfully return to the east coast, and Celia asked Reni to prepare a welcome ceremony.

The voyage to the new world will leave a profound mark on the history of the Arad continent, so it is not too much to prepare a welcome ceremony.

Tana immediately calculated with her fingers that something was wrong. Nine out of ten things were wrong. These idiots had forgotten their household registration and hometown during a trip, and had collectively lost their minds.

The waters near the Arad continent already have very mature navigation charts.

So Tana deduced that the welcome ceremony should be at the current time, not three days later.

Celia also helped make excuses, thinking it was impossible. That was probably what the team said. When they returned to the familiar sea area, they had to hurry up and come back like lightning.

However, Celia and Tana waited on the east coast for a long time without seeing any sign of the ship. After thinking about it for a while, they went to board the ship in person to have a look. Oh, going out was really a collective wisdom.

"Yes." Reni scratched his head and said with a chuckle: "When there are weddings and birthdays in my hometown in Puloshan, they always do this, beat drums, set off firecrackers, and hang banners."

A large number of spectators and sailors gathered in the ports on the east coast. The crowds were bustling, and various news were spread, but they all pointed to the same meaning. The ship that set out to find the New World almost a month ago had returned.

The specific time that came out was rather vague, but it was barely certain that it was "today". It could be the morning, the afternoon, or the ship's mast could only be seen at night.

"Really or not, does the world across the sea really exist?" An old sailor frowned and doubted. His thoughts were the same as most people.

"It's hard to say, but it should be true." Another sailor glanced in a certain direction and said excitedly: "Look, the principal council members from Santorini are here. They are 70-80% reliable."

They don't doubt how the principality got the news in advance. It's magic. The principality must have power that ordinary people can't understand.

"I saw it, I saw it!" A woman with long white hair held up a telescope and said excitedly to another woman with long black hair, wearing purple sacrificial clothing, and a delicate and charming appearance: "Sister Ajialu , the ship is back."

"Nam, I have seen it." Ajialu's eyes were like a corona halo, with magic power surging, and she could easily see distant places.

At the extreme end of the telescope's sight, the "Everything for Sale" ship appeared on the gently wavy sea. From a small black spot to a behemoth, it broke through the waves and completely appeared in front of everyone on the east coast.

There was a crackling sound of firecrackers. It was Reni who lit the firecrackers for celebration...

"That ship is really back."

Many sailors couldn't help but stood up excitedly to take a look. This ship created a lot of momentum when it set sail. The principality's newspapers discussed the great voyage and the beautiful navigator "Sadoumai" for a week.

During this period, there was also the cynicism of some old sailors. A mere girl wanted to go to sea without recruiting sailors. Her whims seemed to indicate that the cruel sea had swallowed up many "dreamers".

Some people even bet on how many days Sadomai will return in despair, or when the wreckage of the ship will be discovered.

Even now, some people have sour voices and don't believe it, "Haha, maybe she parked outside for a month on purpose, then pretended to come back and said that her search was fruitless, and then let everyone commend her for her courage."

The ship is anchored in a new port on the east coast. The newly built port is located in the north of Nosmar, an inland sea like a wound on the continent.

The reason why the witch Ajialu will also appear here is because the location and jurisdiction of this port are in Nosmar, a new port chosen and established by Queen Skadi herself.

"Appropriation for construction..."

After the opening of future routes is confirmed, Northmar and its nearby cities will surely usher in a wave of brilliant development.

So Ajialu, as the mayor of Northmar, naturally came to welcome the return of the cross-sea ship, and her sister Namu, the enchantress, came with her.

The sound of the drums was louder, the sound was like thunder, and the sweat was like rain.

Penosio suppressed the sound of the drums and stopped them. It was enough. The shouts of Satomi at the bow could no longer be heard.

"I'm back!"

Satomai stood on a high place and waved vigorously, looking at the crowds of people on the coast. She felt mixed and excited. She understood that now was her time. The other half of the "deed of betrayal" was taking effect, and everyone's eyes were on her. .

"I found another continent, and I also drew a navigation map."

The people gathered on the coast were immediately in an uproar and then boiled over. There was a lot of discussion in the scene. If another continent really existed, many geography books today would have to be rewritten, and public common sense would have to accommodate new things.

"I found that continent. It's so far away that it would take half a month to reach it even if the sails were full. There is the Lost Desert, the Blade Valley, and... hoo hoo..."

She was so excited that she almost couldn't breathe. She took the horn handed over by Ye Lin, cleared her throat and said, "Everyone, please be patient. I also brought two guests from the Eternal Continent..."

Witch Ajialu smiled and nodded, and said: "Namu, pick her up safely and take her directly to the Northmar City Hall. The strange man next to Satomai should be Ye Lin. Ask him if he wants to go."

Although Ajialu is not in the family group, she can still get some gossip through Celia.

Soon, Namu led the guards of Nosmar City Hall to open a road and picked up Satomai and others who were still in a state of excitement. Councilor Santorini also got up and went with them.

At the same time, Reni also received a detailed list of goods and asked members of the Chamber of Commerce to quickly unload the goods. As for more detailed information, it is estimated that Northmar's evening newspaper will publish it.

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