Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 2634 Messenger of the God of Beauty

The hem of Venus's skirt was bound by the abominable gravity. It lifted up for a moment, and her beautiful legs were white and slender, and then slowly fell down again.

The goddess was not displeased by Xiaoyu's actions. First of all, she had a deep causal connection with Ye Lin and knew certain aspects of his personality.

Also, I heard that Usiel, the goddess of death and darkness, also had her skirt lifted.

Usiel's power is much stronger than hers, isn't Sugarcane still alive and well?

Then, she is the representative of the seven virtues, the virtues admonition to be tolerant and tolerant.


A few muffled thunders in the afternoon revealed the usual unpredictable weather in summer. A few minutes later, there was pouring rain, the wind was like a raging mountain, and the splashing water spray filled the entire campus, and the tough wailing grass also faintly Bend over in a defensive stance.

The glazed doors and windows of the room were closed, and the floral curtains were closed. Mu Ya was a little scared and hugged Ai Luo's hand tightly, while Hepona stood outside happily and lively like a frog after the rain.

It's raining, it's raining!

Also enjoying it was Biana.

The place they were in was a girls' school built by the Luolian family after registering as a duchy to teach literacy and skills. The students were currently on summer vacation.

Classrooms, tables, chairs, blackboards, and all kinds of school-flavored objects are all available. In a trance, the five graduates returned to their student days.

Biana asked Luo Lian for a bunch of keys, found a spacious classroom, and then found a position that almost corresponded to her seat in the magic school, and took out her laptop.

"Yeah! It's like I'm playing games in class~ It's so cool."

The computer uses special technology and can have network signals all over the continent of Arad. However, because it is too far away from the signal transfer station Sky City, there is still a bit of delay, but it is basically insignificant.

"Let me see if there are any new activities in the game and whether the rewards are good... Damn it, why are you just giving me mosquito legs as a reward? Who are you sending me away? Can the game planner die?" Bejana was furious in an instant and then slapped the table. When I got up, if the distance wasn't too far, I really wanted to pick up the Gu-killing spear and rush to the heaven to stab those cubs to death.

On the other side, regarding the meaning of beauty, Venus taught the narcissistic Luolian a good lesson, and also told everyone the true meaning of "beauty".

Appearance beauty is only a small part of the tip of the iceberg. Inner beauty represented by the seven virtues is another important part. It can even be said that the importance far exceeds appearance beauty.

Venus is beautiful and flawless, with a gentle and dignified temperament. The two feather-shaped hair accessories beside her ears are beautiful, delicate and contain powerful magic power. She said: "I have seen too many people who are well-dressed and glamorous on the outside, but on the inside they are dirty and full of evil. .”

There are men who appear to be polite, handsome and elegant on the outside, but are actually despicable on the inside. Behind their backs, they are cruel executioners, with their hands dripping with blood.

There are also women who are beautiful and graceful, but they have a vicious heart, the most poisonous one.

Of course, this does not mean that Venus completely denies the significance of appearance, but rather that she must not neglect her inner self-cultivation due to anxiety about appearance.

"Appearance comes from nature, appearance comes from the heart." Venus finally smiled gently and said: "We should cultivate both internal and external aspects, so that beauty and virtue go hand in hand. This is the true meaning of beauty."

Having a beautiful face and figure is a gift of beauty. Do not live up to this gift and become complacent.

You should cultivate your moral character and improve your inner self-cultivation, otherwise the seeds of arrogance will take root under the skin of beauty.

Although Luo Lian is a bit...well, very narcissistic, when she was in Hutton Mar, she and Yanis often sewed for free for children, repaired dolls, and sold their own gemstone jewelry to help those in need. people.

In the Green Witch's Forest, although she had a bit of a venomous mouth, she boasted about it every day. Facing the orcs who had fled to the Witch's Forest before, other races also tried their best to help.

Siatt thought for a moment, then cast a questioning look at Ye Lin.

From this look, Venus seems to be very satisfied with the narcissistic Loriane, and has the idea of ​​accepting her as a follower of the God of Beauty.

That is to say, she is given the unique power of the God of Beauty. Her status is similar to that of Yuena to Squint Eyes and Mavis to Usiel. She is a messenger of God in the true sense.

"Lolian is indeed suitable for her in terms of talent, virtue, and beauty." Ye Lin also saw that Venus had that intention.

As for the issue of narcissism, that is not a big problem. Luo Lian's narcissism is self-admiration, but she will not deliberately belittle other people's looks to set off her own.

Moreover, Lorian is immune to Beauty God's passive ability, which is quite an accident.

There is another reason. After the beauty goddess Venus was resurrected, she was raised by Nimer as a child, and then spent some time with Pushia in heaven.

The concept of truth, goodness and beauty plays an irreplaceable and important role in the burning fire of civilization. Venus believers are all over the world, so they should develop their own power.

Remidios, who holds the kingdom of heaven, has seven angels under his command, and there are countless angels of other ranks.

Usil, the world of darkness and death is under his command, and there are countless people who embrace death.

Moros has a world of the undead, Pushya can call upon the ancient gods of war, as well as Niwu, Yelin, and all practitioners of dazzling patterns.

Including Nimer, who had been severely injured, there is also a mysterious kingdom of wisdom, and several of Mailu's sisters have already rushed there.

"I would suggest Venus, if you can bring Taylor along as well."

One person's bad beauty can easily breed the arrogance of original sin, and the quarrel and balance between two people will strengthen their belief in the God of Beauty.

Luo Lian benefited a lot and had a peaceful mind. She asked with a smile: "Lord Venus, you are not only the god of truth, goodness and beauty, but also the god of noble marriage and love."

Men and women who yearn for love believe in the goddess of beauty, Venus, and are eager to know what their significant other looks like. They are handsome, beautiful, tall, short, fat, and thin. The illusion of love is one of the most romantic poetry themes among the poets.

Luo Lian was therefore very curious, whether my marriage line and my true love's other half were tied to Ye Lin, or whether it was someone else.

Or should I say, no one can match my beauty~ Oh heh heh heh heh...

But something unexpected happened. Venus smiled softly and shook her head, expressing her unwillingness to involve Luo Lian's marriage thread.

"Because sometimes, the two people who get married are not necessarily the right ones."

Uh... Luo Lian hummed, because there is a possibility of divorce in the future, so the concept of marriage must be narrowed and made concrete.

"I want to know who is true love, the one who can go on forever."

Unexpectedly, Venus still smiled and shook her head.

"Not even this?"

"It's not impossible... A love that lasts forever is affected by various factors, such as a chance encounter, an introduction from a friend, etc."

Acquaintance, familiarity, love... are the results that require the efforts of both parties.

If you know the other half in advance, there will be many unfavorable consequences.

For example, the third princess who was the first to be ruined not only has a husband, but also has a nanny for the child, which is not bad.

The most serious consequence may be that you knew it in advance but missed it.

If you tell a person who his significant other is, it is very likely that a situation will arise where the person just sits back and waits for fate to come, as if he has modified the future.

However, the real fate may be a chance encounter...

"So I rarely respond to requests to see my significant other, and sometimes the line of marriage is not in my hands, but in your own hands."

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